* In the comedic yet still excessively violent ''War of the Worlds'' pastiche ''Film/MarsAttacks'', when brain-headed Martians arrive to attack the Earth for either fun or an unexplained reason, naturally the U.S. Army attacks them with every strategy there is: air strikes, tanks, armed soldiers on the ground shooting at them. It's simply not practical to fire a $10,000 or $50,000 missile to shoot down a drone worth a tenth of the. Everyone who volunteers to serve tacitly recognizes that they may one day have to lay their lives down in defense of the country. Quite simply, the U.S. armed forces require all the smart and determined people they can get because the all-volunteer force is struggling to fill its ranks. military service age and obligation is 18 years of age (17 years of age with parental consent) for male and female voluntary service; no conscription; maximum enlistment age 42 (army), 27 (air force), 34 (navy), 28 (marines); service obligation 8 years, including 2-5 years active duty (army), 2 years active (navy), 4 years active (air force, May 26. He should appreciate that the Pentagon is belatedly looking for ways to treat its female service members better, not only because they deserve better treatment and recognition for the services they have already rendered, but also because the services need the skills they can contribute more than ever. Next thread. Contrast the six main characters, who, without [[VillainBeatingArtifact the Elements of Harmony]] or formal training, and being ''caught off guard'', take down hundreds before finally [[ZergRush being grossly outnumbered]] and surrendering. ** The Wonderbolts have a similarly bad track record. Ball caps are good for shading from the sun, and helmets are good in combat, but most others are useless. The U.S. military has become engaged in permanent combat operations in dozens of countries around the worldnone of which enhance Americas national security. A military can achieve great victories by swarming the enemy with disposable soldiers, or lose everything while keeping a low casualty record. So, just let Peacekeepers stand there and watch countless innocent people die? Israel isn't alone in this.
Why the World's Militaries Are Embracing 5G - Partyard In some shows, when a country is attacked by some enemy (alien, monster, evil overlord), their armed forces, which are probably made specifically to defend said country, show themselves rather bad at defending it: they use Hollywood Tactics instead of more efficient and logical ones, with a particular reliance on the Five Rounds Rapid, do evil stuff that just undermine their side for no reason, and refuse to cooperate with The Hero. And how important their labor is in development like in UNICEF, global health coordination in the WHO and to a lesser extent in the refugee crisis. And I can prove it. The best way to ensure the U.S. military is trained, ready and able to answer the call for its presence when it is genuinely required is to stop wasting its strength on things that dont contribute to U.S. security. Don't expect anything from them when Adults Are Useless, since (most) armies are made of adults. At one point, one of them is hit with a beam of light so powerful that it was actually capable of destroying, and the Black Mesa facility is ultimately. The UN is about diplomacy and not so much about militar intervention. The fact so many people are okay and complicit with the inaction of the UTTERLY USELESS UN and it's staff is . Usually, this trope is averted, with UNIT actually being capable of battling most aliens, often even without the Doctor's help. It is critically important that neither Iran nor North Korea obtain or expand nuclear arsenals. The across-the-ranks response demonstrated why Carlsons claims were insulting and pathetic. The Quisling arc has two cases of this. Image:A Marine with Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment scans the horizon at the start of a nine-hour night patrol in the Helmand province of Afghanistan. Nobody expect them to stand a chance against Tirek, but getting defeated by flying straight into a water tower that is nonchalantly held in their flight path by [[FanNickname Spikezilla]] certainly doesn't win them any points, and failing to save a ''single falling pony'' as well as ultimately needing to be rescued themselves after the attempt is just ''sad''. This is an egregious violation of what ought to be the purpose of the Armed Forces, which is to defend the American homeland, protect U.S. citizens abroad and to fight and win Americas wars when all other course of action have been exhausted. In some cases, a middle ground is reached: the military does help the characters, and thus aren't completely useless, but since they aren't the main part of the story they don't take actual initiatives, and let the protagonists do most of the job. "It's a mockery of the U.S. military. However, they hardly stand a chance against the invading Xen aliens, especially when they start showing up in larger numbers and with stronger units, and their directive to kill all Black Mesa personnel makes them an active hinderance to Gordon and his colleagues, who actually have a plan to stop the invasion.
You can't do it now, AND YOU DIDN'T DO IT TEN YEARS AGO!" In ridiculing flight suits for pregnant women, Carlson inadvertently highlighted the exact kind of situation where the military has huge incentives and opportunities to improve recruitment and retention of female personnel. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said the remarks inspired revulsion, while the Pentagons press secretary stated the institution wasnt going to take personnel advice from a talk-show host or the Chinese military. On social media, both serving and retired military women took aim at Carlsons message. Many aliens are at war with humanity for one religious reason or another, but their militaries are kinda useless. [[SarcasmMode Surprisingly]], they fail. Contrast the six main characters, who, without [[VillainBeatingArtifact the Elements of Harmony]] or formal training, and being ''caught off guard'', take down hundreds before finally [[ZergRush being grossly outnumbered]] and surrendering. * In ''WesternAnimation/JusticeLeague'', the US military folded almost immediately with the [[spoiler: Thanagarian invasion]], after offering only token resistance. When the order to cease resistance finally got through, the Danish losses were about 16 fallen soldiers, while the Germans could count around ''203'' casualties. What's the point of having a security council if the worst offenders have permanent seats and just do whatever they want? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Tucker Carlson's white supremacy theory is a dangerous lie. the real Superman arrives and uses a kryptonite bullet. They immediately decide that the 'new' zombies can't possibly be beaten (even though they're only on par with normal, unarmed, stupid humans at best), again, all because those two squads with no air, armor, or artillery support at all failed, and proceed to just firebomb Fortune City rather than send in a properly equipped force.
Russia's Deceptively Weak Military | The National Interest It's kind of worrying to think that the tripods -the scariest weapons H.G.
Has Military Might Become Useless in Modern World? - Democracy Chronicles Even their captain Shining Armor, despite being an allegedly powerful good leader, spends every major threat. The Australian Army was called in to cull an out of control Emu population in 1932.
Top 10 Utterly Useless Military Commanders - Listverse First cause of an Easily Conquered World, though some countries in Fiction Land can have the worst possible army without being conquered. Mainly offensively, defensively and in a supportive role. The "New Look" modernization effort Russia began in 2008 has created two militaries; an elite (or more professional) force capable of conducting rapid, complex operations with generally modern. NATO as an alliance is unique in that it does not expect or demand all. Pregnant women are going to fight our wars," he said on his Fox News program Tuesday, referring to new grooming standards in the Army and a program to develop a flight suit for pregnant military personnel. the Martian's brains explode when they are forced to listen to bad country-western music. America's investment in being the world's leading military force. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . Apparently, they didn't learn from the previous incident. They have all of the equipment but apparently don't take care of it nor train with it. Some genres are more prone to this trope than others, of course. Most soldiers/officers chose to leave the battlefield due to lack of supplies, "persuasion" from village/tribal elders to leave instead of facing the Taliban head on, corruption/incompetence from military/political leaders and the assassination of various Afghan military personnel by Taliban fighters in order to cripple the organization. The conventional military could, in theory, get rid of Nilbog, but no one knows how many aces he has hidden up his sleeves as contingency plans, and since he's content to stay in the area he's taken over, no one's bothering to go to the trouble of trying to uproot him. The Air Force has the highest percentage, hovering around 20 percent, whereas the Marine Corps has less than half that.
Many aliens are at war with humanity for one religious reason or The problem is that states don't want to give up their sovereignty and competencies in important matters like military, immigration policies etc, with is understandable, but it cripples the power of the UN to react to these crisis. When armed forces are particularly bad at their first purpose: dealing with menaces. They utterly refuse to actually, The Prequel Trilogy takes it a step further: the Republic doesn't even, For the roving bands of supervillains like the Slaughterhouse Nine, take the usual difficulty conventional militaries have with tracking down guerillas or insurgents, then add in the difficulty of taking them down. bust a cap in Hell's collective ass alone, they also refuse to send out scouts to confirm said information in the first place, even after the mutants start actively massacring towns, regularly communicate and trade with the Brotherhood, a college dropout, an IT analyst, a biker, and a Vietnam veteran, but considering the Bermans have kidnapped the Taranis Crew's friends and family, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, The JSDF is helpless to contain the spread of the zombie outbreak in. ** Ironically, the order to surrender to the German forces took a bit of time to pass down the commando lines, so around the German/Danish border, some Danish Army units temporary attempted to resist the invasion. Most Useless Inventions Ever 1 Bottled Clean Air Image Source This is a very interesting invention because it is something that those who came with the idea decided to package what they call green and clean air and ship it to other places that may need fresh and clean air. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Which militaries are useless in the NATO? the police and SWAT team were actively being sabotaged by both Umbrella and their own, (something they do to the point of outright treason), (granted, the instructors were a mix of elite veterans, an A-ranked Bracer and a Dominion of the Gralsritter, and the maid was secretly an off-duty Ouroboros Enforcer, but still), how could the protagonists be protagonists, swarming the enemy with disposable soldiers, the relatively efficacy of lone martial artists versus modern militaries, Moldrock is immensely powerful and can create a forcefield capable of shrugging off a nuclear strike with ease, he and his generals can survive headshots from a carronade, he wants them to join him in conquering the universe, the base was never well-protected to begin with.
Why the World's Militaries Are Embracing 5G - IEEE Spectrum This tends to be averted when the story follows at least one character in the military, especially when they're the one(s) giving orders, as it's not very interesting to follow the story of someone making bad decision after bad decision, while having the army make good decisions without being an important part of the narrative can take the tension away from the actual characters. Are military officers are useless. You can't do SHIT without 'orders'!
These Are The 35 Most Powerful Militaries In The World When the UN does its job there isnt a big story because no one wants to write about the time everything was fine. The PLA and other armed forces are motivated both by seeking to improve their image by imitating the United States increasing integration of the military, as well as by the human resources benefits. TOO LATE! Meanwhile, across the border in Iraq, American troops are also supporting Iraqi Security Forces for the benefit of the government in Baghdad. While the old guard bemoans the breaking up of the boys' club and the costs that sometimes accompany more fully integrating women for example, redesigning aircraft and submarines to accommodate female crew they thoughtlessly overlook the opportunities presented by literally doubling the pool of eligible personnel. * While the soldiers of ''VideoGame/HalfLife1'' are pretty tough and individually competent, the guy who gave them orders is probably very, very dumb. I guess that means I'm not completely worthless. That means, in battles with the military forces of an enemy.
Which are the most poorly trained militaries? - Quora Later episodes have apparently rolled with this, at least [[PlayedForLaughs acknowledging it for laughs]], such as having Spitfire do [[Series/SaturdayNightLive Matt Foley's]] (an abrasive loud-mouthed oaf who is ''terrible'' at his job) "Living in a van down by the river" bit nearly word-for-word. There have been no world wide conflicts in over half a century, how many diseases has the UN eradicated? That explains why the Army recently modified its grooming standards to allow a number of conservative hairstyles and adornments compatible with duties, such as wearing nail polish which is actually used by some male soldiers to protect against chemical exposure and wear and tear in the field. Often overlaps with Artistic License Military. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. It's useful to anyone who carries a weapon regularly where a long gun is impractical, inconvenient, or simply annoying. The most powerful force in the world is useless if you can't get it to the battlefield on time - and with things like Endbringers, if you don't repel them in a matter of hours, there likely won't be anything left of whatever you're ostensibly trying to protect, whether you 'win' the fight or not. Even if you, like Carlson, dont care that women in the armed forces have for decades had to put up with flight suits not designed for their bodies, you might still be interested in persuading more female pilots to re-enlist rather than pursue lucrative private-sector careers. The Fox News hosts wildly offensive comments received a well-deserved rebuke from the military. Women in the military are useless to Fox News' Tucker Carlson. Please submit a letter to the editor. While China's military becomes more masculine as it's assembled the world's largest navy, our military needs to become, as Joe Biden says, more feminine.".
Militaries Are Useless / YMMV - TV Tropes How do your militaries use magic? : r/worldbuilding Such reforms are merited purely on the basis of fairness and the protection the armed forces owes all of its troops, but the benefits should be clear even if you dont care about such things. Thats because the Air Force has suffered a shortage in pilots for years around 2,000 pilots at present, mostly due to inadequate retention. ALWAYS!
Are Military Members "The Lowest of Our Low?" - Psychology Today It was developed on the chassis of the Leopard 1 tank and is equipped with 2 35 mm Oerlikon GDF autocannon, each with 320 rounds of anti-air ammunition and 20 rounds of anti-tank, 2 quads 76mm smoke grenade dischargers. In addition, many of the above threats are highly mobile and strike with little advance warning. Besides, Carlsons favorable comparison of the "manly" Chinese military overlooks that the Peoples Liberation Army like U.S. allies in Asia including Japan, South Korea and Taiwan has deliberately sought to increase the visibility of women in its ranks, albeit not always adroitly. My SDNCO just lost the key to a motor pool and I found it after realizing he didn't look because he was lazy.
While it's largly PlayedForLaughs, they can't even handle [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking recovering Princess Celestia's pet bird]]. The service therefore needs to find ways to persuade these highly trained individuals to stay in the service. Look, we all know from the title how this is going to end. The British army trying to contain the infection in London didn't fare any better and also ended up with the military personal opening fire on everyone during the ill-fated operation. They don't shade eyes from the sun, don't keep your head warm, and are apt to blow off in a good wind. If you want to start a YMMV/MilitariesAreUseless page, just click the edit button above. Sbastien Roblin writes about the technical and historical aspects of international security and conflict for The National Interest, War is Boring and other publications. You idiots move like slugs! An out of control Emu population in 1932 their militaries are kinda useless leading military Force listen. 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