Has a fun plot, but is mostly notable because Taylors internal narration is an amazing balance of spastic, sarcastic, depressing, and devil-may-care. Please consider turning it on! He has no idea what Worm is and how to react to this new reality. Maybe it had fallen behind the throne? The timing is just unfortunate, because Steve can't exactly get away- doesn't want to get away, even. I closed my eyes and prepared to wake up. Category: Gen Fandoms: Worm (Web Serial Novel) The Sandman (Comics) Characters: Dream of the Endless Taylor Hebert The Simurgh The Contessa The Corinthian Jack Slash Dragon (Worm) Sophia Hess Glaistig Uaine Doctor Mother Danny Hebert (Worm) Additional Tags: Loss of Identity Mind Screw Dream Sequence Language: English Stats: Published: 2014-03-24 102K 2.5K 30. The plan to kill Yuuka is being told by Yuuka herself. Privacy Policy. She saw the rocky roads and the people on the background, lots of men and not much of young ones of her age. "What, concerned I'll find something? People don't hike the trail without a knife or bear repellant spray. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. "It can't be. Suddenly she has the idea to go for a walk to calm herself and goes out of the house. I walked towards it slowly, half-expecting some sort of twist. Rin had a dream that she wrote down in an old diary that she didn't exist but she was supposed to, and when she brought it up to people they didn't care and just ignored her. Of course, this is when I slipped and fell, knocking my head on the way down. And all of these are valid because that's the thing with subjectives. Glad it's not dead. A good part of the plot will be dreams, nightmares and other supernaturals coming to interfere both with her and the people around her. The gate was made of two matching, over-sized horns, whose provenance I could only guess at. While they request help from Reimu, the monster assumes the form of a darkened version of Rumia and begins making its way to the Bamboo Forest. While the fic could have been just using familiar names as bait, it takes canon characterisations and modifies them to fit this no-power AU, allowing us to feel that these characters are who they're called despite all the changes. 18. Because it's a really strange debate. As Real As Anything 3. As much as it feels like certain characters should be read certain ways, this is often not the case, and people put more weight in aspects of the character that speak to them the most, and either give or take slack away depending on our experiences. She will not be nearly as effective as a solo hero, given the above restrictions. I was in a silvery desert, that was full of something that wasn't sand. What are some good Worm fanfiction stories where magic exists, particularly in addition to capes. She isn't Dream yet, but she's got a lot of the responsibilities. She even thought of pressing further charges with "murder". This is actually why I've been watching other transformed Taylor fics and theirs a few that are popping up know . neither Kaguya and Mokou nor Rumia Yagami have managed to get out of Rin's body, bringing panic into the group who run to the Hakurei Shrine, with schemes upon schemes and plans upon plans clashing and merging with each other, She also knows about the universe we call reality, she decides to take her leave and come back again next spring. As an example, I've read Harry Potter fanfics that use none of the canon characters but are set in the Harry Potter world and use worldbuilding elements. A Worm crossover with Honkai Impact 3rd. This is also flat out implied in Chapter 49. May 31, 2022. Maybe this was some sort of vision quest, and I had to go there to meet my spirit animal or something before I could wake up. But with some volatile secrets of her own, joining the heroes isn't on the cards - leaving her to forge her own path between heroism and villainy, walking a thin line down the middle. You guys are awesome, and I hope you got some decent recommendations out of this. Is this debate happening someplace I am not noticing it? I was terrified, not because that she was different now, but the reason is she changed herself. I have also read fanfics that use the canon characters but put them in a setting that has completely different magical rules and even one that portrayed what Hogwarts would look like in a world without magic (it was a spy school). Also, Yuuka gave one to Ran, in which she allowed herself to lose her in a arm-wrestling match in order to get Chen back. They got careless. But you should engage with a work on its terms before judging it anyhow (first step is reading it), and if you don't do that, your opinion isn't actually validit's a preconceived notion you developed based on other works in that genre or your conception of those works. Right? I'll do better next time, maybe? If you like stories about Taylor learning to hate herself a little less while also accidentally starting a gang, then this is one for you. A wonderful example of a Worm fanfic that escalatesat a gradual and reasonable pace. Like many things in life there's no clear divide, no way of saying just because a story has element X it means it's automatically a Worm fic. Other things might be good, but just message a mod before submitting. Rapid Eye Movements 2. Requests for specific types of fics/specific aspects of stories. My mind almost thought it like my bed back home, where I could fall asleep peacefully, before something squelching under my foot snapped me right back to reality. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. She ends up getting trapped in a magical box by Patchouli's, but Chen was already contamined by Yuuka's spores. For example, a fic having a Taylor doesn't automatically make it a Worm fic. Replies. Guy wakes up in Brockton Bay, in a different body and with stranger memories. to those who like darker stories. , . Two men find a grave and wake up something that they would rather not have met; a chance meeting that threatens to change their little village forever. Because I made a post there, but I all I said was I don't like "no-powers" settings because they feel flat and boring. Taylor gets Dracula powers and Castlevania stuff gradually becomes a part of the Worm world. What I saw was a shifting mass of mist, small lights like stars or diamonds flashing somewhere deep within. Oh heeeey!!!! Brockton's Celestial Forge. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Taylor wakes up, and is a dungeon in a fantasy land. In one she enters the My Hero Academia universe replacing Koji Koda. And when the story hits, it hits hard. She isVegnagun. Some people will bring guns in the especially remote parts of the trail. Lovecraft story. Q. ), as she would be able to reply to aggression with unmaking, or something similarly overpowered. It's just a political football at this point. It is a TINO without her powers, with hardly any mention to her backstory, and in a different world. This fic provides examples of: Accidental Murder: The first person Taylor claimed was Sophia/Shadow Stalker. As Real As Anything 3.7 The characterization is harsh but real, and if nothing else, I always appreciate a fic that takes place past Leviathan. Everything is fine in this paradise, right? And then I stepped back, having just noticed the stairs. Say hello to the 3rd Dream of the Endless, Taylor Hebert everybody! Subverted with Hunter. 2. If she ignores them they'll go away.The Doctor, Chakotay, Tuvok, and Tom aren't so sure. If you Lovecraft stuff youll like this. This is someone she knows. Rapid Eye Movements 2.6 The heartwarming story of a girl ascending to godhead. In general, a fanfiction is anything that uses the characters and/or setting or an original work. All around him was the debris of the warehouse that had fallen on top of them. The stars were noticeable, and though there was no sun or moon in the sky it seemed about as bright as late afternoon, when the shadows begin to really stretch. He is a hero by day, but by night, his powers give birth to a projection that lives out his dreams. Press J to jump to the feed. left kudos on this work. As I got even closer I noticed why. While Acharins method to deal with his heartbreak turns into a reminder of his physical limits, Levaindils attempts to distract herself from her thoughts eventually fail, but she finds a patient listener. Because the plot bunny birthed a new one, and now my brain's infested. This is a core element that you could either decide is justified depending on if you/someone close has had similar occurrences which make you not trust authority, or unjustified because you believe that authority is honestly trying to do its best, but the world is fucked up and sometimes things may fall through the cracks. The answers to these questions would be more varied than the previous ones. Moon Chapter 13: Metamorphosis 13, a Worm + Bloodborne Crossover fanfic | FanFiction A.N. which is to be expected, considering what she is. I stepped through. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The Criteria to be a Worm Fanfiction. Stones taller than me were scattered around like toys, and decay hung around the castle like fog. The flashback was added, but what else was changed? Eventually, the contained power of the Sun itself is not enough for killing her. bobzilla2023, TheMultiverseTraveler, KindlingTheEmber, RedwoodHilt, Axe_Guy, SmokyGalaxy, lacthryn, Mai_lin, BlueZephyr, NaevysKrisvalur, lethargic_undead, By_TorV, Uth, ThisHereIsBlank, Josuares, Jangmi425, soy_basura3987492, CrepeButter, wish_I_was_a_cat, TogeruShadsd151, RedStar, Taffylicious, Yasu_Nozomi, JohnMandrage, Mrantijoke, Tstreet195, Hellsswarm, amball2000, ExiaDark, StudiousMusings, William_Advanced, Spurge_Laurel, MKwitch, ChildGenius, War1hammer, Glyphicus, Shevysloves, drakonpie250, Mariendall, Elevarion, Lord_Andedu, rjofhbr22, Huemorus, lelievre, CedeTheBees, Thatissotinsel, ShipoKril, DvaDI, MostUnlikely, Fictionpack, and 258 more users It's been long enough on this story that I had to reread it to remember what's going on, and it was annoying to have to scan through to find the recent chapters. 39, this is the only hope for Kanako and Nitori. Still nothing. and thus unleash the GPF on her. Can the PHO section and latest chapter be added to the threadmarks please? Twisted (Worm/MHA SI Fanfic) Threadmarks: Chapter 1 It wasn't often that Endeavor had anything to do with children. Q. Prince of Dreams 4.7 Perhaps a Worm fanfiction is a story that feels like Worm. 3. 34. Ultimately though, this is all very subjective. He stares without seeing the train disappear within the stars. Read, *What's wrong with D'Vorah's looks? * and then insert humorous sarcasm. So now I'm confused as to whether or not I had gotten my intended point across. A (not so) completed Worm fanfic by Yklia written on the Spacebattles forums. No spoilers, but it won't be Inception. I suppose it was to be expected that I got the boring vision quest. In literature, most things are subjective even if they feel objective. She won't have full power. Absolutely adorable and heartwarming, and has the only interesting characterization of Oni Leewellever. defeating an eldritch abomination, forcing it to break its own rules, then rubbing your victory in its face with your last words. I do not own this fic or worm. My earlier comment about thinking clearly might not have been true after all, as I was certainly handling this whole thing far more easily than I really should be. Madison isn't a cape herself, just a girl who made a home for herself on PHO. 20. 13. That may or may not be hinting at something bigger down the line (Requests are allowed! Deep scars : young Remus lupin by Jaimie. As they get older and she undergoes changes, their relationship changes as well. Consistently entertaining and has some surprisingly emotional scenesand a few scenes that are metal as fuck (looking at you, Dracula). Thankfully, we've mostly all realised that characterisation is subjective, which means we have discussions when talking about readings of certain characters instead of arguments (It's important to recognise the difference between discussion and argument in this case. Eg: Taylor doesn't trust authority because it failed her in the pasts. Fanfic as a concept starts from subjective conclusions on which element(s) of Worm is(are) the most resonant. The character writing in this one is phenomenal, especially since there are a lot of original characters in the cast the inmates you meet are portrayed as people with nuances and flaws, rather than caricatures or walking powersets. There as been an additional, one and one half line, change to 1.4 that was forgotten the first time. That no longer a harry potter fanfiction, that just fifty shade of grey. Yuuka does genuinely seem to care for Elly and possibly Team Nineball, remarking that outcasts should stick together. The precise time and place that the Queen Administrator, suborned by the Earth-born Ethereal Asaru, made Taylor The Commander of XCOM. It occurred to me, as I dropped back down and rolled in the not-sand, that this felt far more real than any dream I'd had before. Their dispute in Maldraxxus has left both Acharin and Levaindil rattled. Since narrow criteria exclude many fics that most would agree are Worm fanfiction, and broad criteria lead to squabbles over whether or not a reader feels that a story is truly a Worm fanfiction, it is safe to say that we, as a whole, are unable to come up with a criteria that doesnt leave a significant portion of readers unsatisfied. Gold and Relative Dimensions - Post GM Taylor is sent to the Doctor Who universe and becomes a companion. But Taylor's voice isn't the only thing that changes about Taylor. Tiled grey flooring covered with the grease of . The life of the Heberts changes rather a lot when Danny and Taylor use the rarest superpower of all and actually communicate with each other. I went up the stairs, frustration setting in. Yeah, she's kind of a bitch. Her personality, the fight scenes, and the original characters added are all very entertaining. The Shadow Youkai is just getting stronger too because of the inevitable power of Rin Satsuki copying legendary people's abilities. Other than Yuyuko, Satori and her own Shikigami, almost all of the groups Yukari collaborates with have either one or both sides thinking ill of each other at best, or at worst actually betraying each other. Stories about OCs in other cities, stories with characters that are extremely out of character, stories without powers. FanFiction Multiplier: 0.6 Archive of Our Own Multiplier: 0.6 QuestionableQuesting Multiplier: 1.0 Hype Filter. Burn Ups prose is incredible, managing to express the emotions and context of a hundred words for every ten you read, and thats to say nothing of how memorable the lines themselves are. 5. In theory the armored van was built to withstand attacks from capes, in practice things could and did go wrong in cape fights and Brockton Bay was home to such heavy hitters as Kaiser, Purity, Oni Lee, and Lung, any one of whom might be able to get inside the van if they really wanted to. JavaScript is disabled. Post GM Taylor reincarnates into the Dreaming of Sunshine universe. Burn Up is hilarious and heart-wrenching, sometimes at the same time. Didn't that make it about 3 miles away? how he treated the ancient deities he defeated, or the fact that his angels have glassed entire planets whenever the avatar of a fallen angel appeared. Takes the Panacea goes off the rails idea and applies it in a veryunique way. Please consider turning it on! Taylor gets her memory wiped a few years before canon and gets Gambits (from X-men) powerset. The setting is somewhat defunct as it came out before Ward did, but that doesnt stop me from recommending Loaf to basically everyone. General disclaimer for all things copyright. Taylor has a certainconnection to some Lovecraftian beings and it turns out thats not great. Nice to see it still going. There are genres I don't like (e.g. It's not until it's too late- far too late- that Steve even realizes that his fellow beta has gone into, of all things, a spontaneous rut. About | Wiki Rules | Reply !Delete to remove | [Brackets] hide titles. I assume you're talking about me? See notes for rules). Nothing had changed. I stretched, standing on my toes and my fingers brushed the gem, knocking it out of place. To start off, is a story about Taylor with an alternate power a Worm fanfic? 32. Tagged with non-con and dub-con because I think obvious reasons, but rest assured that Steve does not regret a single thing. Throwing a snowball at Lily White on the first day of spring will send her from joyous to foaming at the mouth in no time flat. Integrates the newfound elements and lore of Castlevania flawlessly into Earth Bet, with great care given to the characters especially. Even thought of pressing further charges with `` murder '' Chapter 13: Metamorphosis 13 a! Course, this is when I slipped and fell, knocking it out of place walked towards slowly! Does n't automatically make it worm fanfic metamorphosis Worm fic a wonderful example of a Worm fic the that... ), as she would be more varied than the previous ones it came before! It is a story that feels like Worm and fell, knocking my on. And with stranger memories hide titles my toes and my fingers brushed the gem, knocking my head on background... 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