If your boyfriend seems mature enough that he would be able to maintain a normal friendship with his ex, then you probably don't need to worry about it unless there are obvious signs that he's trying to get back with her. You should consider reaching out to friends and ask them what you should do. That kind of thing. When Lebby Eyres successfully rowed 3,000 miles across the ocean she discovered some surprising truths about her everyday life. 'You've just found an incriminating text and someone might be more than a friend or colleague. Also he basically lives in my flat rent-free. It's just my mind being mean. (1992) Sex differences in jealousy: Evolution, physiology and psychology. He lies and tells me they no longer text, until he gets caught red-handed again. If you don't know exactly who the girl is, it's possible that she could have some kind of family relationship with him. Examples include, but is not limited to: red/blue/black/purplepill, PUA, FDS, MGTOW, etc. Since technology is essentially to blame for this behavior, then technology is the first place you should go to rid yourself of them. And as we discussed before, if he has earned your distrust by being shady in the past, then you might consider dumping him and finding someone who won't betray you. You don't get a free pass. By curiosity, I mean that instead of arguing about your husbands texts, have you been able to step back and try to understand why this friendship is important to him; what hes getting from it that he may be missing in other parts of his life (perhaps feeling seen, understood, respected, enjoyed? Use Emojis. Neatspy is a top-rated phone monitoring app. "Some people try to control a relationship by inciting insecurity in their partners," Lamia says. No matter what you end up finding out, try not to explode at him or yell. Author and sex & relationships expert, Suzi Godson, takes a closer look at the power of touch and the benefits of physical contact, Can difficult people teach us anything? Still, try to keep things on topic if you can, no matter how much he tries to change the subject. I want the truth, the person asking says, but if you tell me the truth, I will shame or judge or abandon you. He constantly double books himself and chooses his brothers/drinking over me. 3. Have you discovered that your boyfriend is texting another girl? It depends on your relationship, but experts agree it's usually better to be up-front about it. They are unhappy and dont know how to solve it or they think they wont get a fair hearing if they tell you about it. The sooner he shows his true colors, the better. However, there IS good news for each confronting a cheater reaction. It is then up to you to decide if you believe the reasons he has given you and whether or not you want to forgive him. ALL advice given must be good, ethical advice. Worse still, you could start crying and they will try and appease (rather than be honest) or you could lose your temper and theyll walk away or shut down. Answer: There's no need to ask questions in a case like that. Okay sis, this means one of many things. I was counseling a troubled couple recently and he had been suspected of cheating. Or, as Lamia puts it, "does the possibility of intimacy trigger insecurity in you, based on your past history?". Learn how to get someone to tell you the truth with these top tips from three former CIA officers, Whats your mother type? I recently discovered that my husband and a female colleague of his have a texting streak going back as far as 2016. Do you look at the text messages on your partners phone? This comment does not necessarily mean your post violates any rules. Can you move on without that doubt always creeping around in the back of your mind? HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. An age gap in friendship can open you to the potential of new experiences and a fresh perspective. What are the effects of childhood trauma in adulthood, and is there a way to let go of that pain? To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories. Men don't normally have the intuition to clock on to things like this, and he might . Given that so many people admit to checking a partners phone, is it the case that men and women also respond differently to different types of messagesthose containing predominantly emotional content as opposed to those containing sexual content? Telling my(M38) ex-wife(F38) that my partner(F27) is My (30F) sister (27F) didnt tell me her girlfriend (33F) How to deal with women flirting and trying to get close Update: I (23f) introduced my brother in law (39m) to the [F30] [M33] husband thinks Im selfish for making him My (27m) gf (28f) cheated and then hid it from me because UPDATE: My (23F) ex (24M) tried to kill himself because i Press J to jump to the feed. Yes you need to confront him.. no one should be friends with an ex, especially when in a new relationship. Whether they're lying and cheating (or not), stirring up emotions like jealousy, suspicion, or shame may make you question your self-worth. Your feeling is correct, there is just that creepy belief in some places that, somehow, trusting your partner to no privacy is okay if you are a woman. As Andrew adds: In contrast to open questions, closed questions (like dont you agree that its wrong?) which are leading and can only be answered yes or no, will have them justifying their behaviour to you rather than thinking about the implications of it.. With both of your opinions on the table, you can start to negotiate a way forward. This conversation happened over a month ago, and I don't know what to do from here on out. If I thought you could put this behind you and move forward without snooping again, I might be tempted to say you should pretend it never happened and spare yourself the huge fight. So if him texting his ex is weighing on your mind, then talk about that with him. Snooping in romantic relationships. Even if she is trying to pursue him, he might not realize. So, voice your fears. Always seek the advice of your physician, mental-health professional, or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. I'm insecure about my relationship at times, though for most part I'm not given any reasons. Talk with your partner about what you feel and why you think you feel it, and note how they react to your worries." This is the most common generic response anyone asks a cheating partner. Try these tips. We're seriousso serious that my boyfriend decided to relocate due to my new job five hours away from his parents. Men typically become more jealous of sexual infidelity because this poses a risk to the paternity of their offspring. So, take a while to process everything, calm down and then pick a time when you can both talk, Andrew adds. Put your phone on flight mode and ask your partner to do the same. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, am I the asshole? So, texting him even if he is ignoring you multiple times, can not only affect your self-esteem but also his perceived value on you. Answer: You don't need anybody's permission to get mad; but there's no real point in being mad. Finding a clue about your partners potential infidelity is a horrible situation to be in. What could you do next time to avoid dating someone who will cheat? You could even propose a time you think might work. He also has two kids whom he never sees at all! On the last Monday of each month, Lori Gottlieb. Have you even wondered why a man of almost 40 is still playing the field with girls just out of their teens? Talk first. Just listen to what he has to say, and he's more likely to just come out with the truth. In doing so, you're spending the time needed to engage in a productive conversation and discover why he's acting cold and distant. Is anyone else tired of these stores with these big ass age gaps?! There's nothing inherently wrong with him having kids with another woman, as long as you're okay with it. You might have no idea who he's texting, but you just have a gut feeling that it's another girl. This might help you get closer to the truth, and you can also feel relief if it turns out to be his third cousin or something. I feel like theyre always troll posts or woman really are too vulnerable/gullible in that regard. So I kind of think you have to suck it up, confess, and have this major fight. Youve just found an incriminating text and someone might be more than a friend or colleague. PostedMay 17, 2016 This is a big one because it means he is not comfortable with you looking at his phone. Ummm your first ever relationship shouldnt be with someone that could be your father. You can't be in a relationship with someone that you don't trustat least not a relationship that is actually worth it. You are so right. So, if you're plagued by doubt, "you must take a look at your own expectations and hesitations, based on your personal history," Lamia says. He wants to meet up with her before he moves for good and I don't know what to think of it. It's a violation of trust, which I know you already know and feel bad about, so I won't harp on that point too much. You can yell and get excited later, but right now you just want to know the truth, so show him that he doesn't need to be defensive about it. What to do if you think your partner is texting someone else. It's used by millions across the globe. Lying to your significant other is a serious problem, and if your boyfriend has not been telling you the truth, there are some steps you have to take. If there's no way to do that and you would never be happy with him impregnating another woman, then maybe you need to think about breaking up. Either way, the damage is already done and needs to be fixed if you're going to continue the relationship. What we cannot give advice on: rants, unsolicited advice, medical conditions/advice, mental illness, letters to an ex, "body counts" or number of sexual partners, legal problems, financial problems, situations involving minors, and/or abuse (violence, sexual, emotional etc). Email me at smittenbloggers@gmail.com please! Decide not to get angry at him Breaking someone's trust is a major violation, and it is hard to repair that. On the other hand, if you know that your boyfriend still carries a torch for his old girlfriend, then you might want to have a serious discussion with him. Don't date someone old enough to be your dad. 4. Dump him. Uh-oh, our reader has a guilty AND suspicious mind. If you suspect your boyfriend is cheating on you, make him confess. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. A woman is constantly trying to text him. 1. www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2268169/Dial-I-infidelityChecking-pa (accessed May 17, 2016). You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Test: Where do you slip up when creating wellness goals. He is a creep/predator. For example: Why have you texted him/her so many times in the last week?, How many of your other friends have you texted that often? or What effect is this having on our relationship?., Be sure to stick to open questions, where your partner is able to respond freely. If you have any questions, please send us a modmail. "These conversations will, or should, help you learn something about yourself and ultimately make your bond stronger with your partner.". He says hes single and that he would love to take them out. It's only natural to want to seek revenge, to blame yourself, or even to just . Schedule a time to confront your husband. Do you angrily confront them with screenshots and witnesses to back you up? Apparently she wasnt allowed a white dress at her wedding. Similarly, theyre so wrapped up in anger and self-righteousness that they lack curiosity about themselves. If you notice your husband is always texting on his phone, you can find out what is happening by checking who he is texting. (Although in the text he didn't mention that; he said HE got the great job opportunity and I'm tagging along.). Here are two different ways to look at your situation: 1) Your husband is a no-good liar and you should leave him. Is that ok to you? 4. The eye tracker used by the researchers recorded two factors: Researchers also asked participants to indicate which message they would find most distressing if they were to discover it on their own partners phone, although this was not an essential part of the study. Please leave this guy immediately. Have you ever snooped and/or found anything suspicious? But ultimatums dont do muchthey might seem to resolve the dilemma, but often they simply drive the real issue underground. If he really feels the need to meet up with his ex for some kind of closure, he should at least be open with you about that. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Should you not say anything and hope that they realise their mistake on their own? We always tell each other just about everythingor at least I thought. 3. Dear Therapist, I recently discovered that my husband and a female colleague of his have a texting streak going back as far as 2016. If it's because of your own insecurities, discuss the problem with him and think about possibly seeking outside help so that you can get over that kind of toxic mindset. Discover 10 common factors that can contribute to low sex drive in women, plus some top tips on restoring your sexual desire, Reckon someone is feeding you lies? Mark Westmoquette investigates. Reader's Dilemma: Should I Confess to Snooping Through My Boyfriend's Texts? If he tightens up and gives you one-word answers when you ask him what he did last weekend or what his plans are for later in the week, that could mean he is hiding something from you. It can be hard to know how to set boundaries, let alone maintain a boundary with a friend, family member or colleague. He has lied to the counselor about his texting relationship with his colleague. Instead, try not to panic, things might not be as bad as you think. This doesn't mean that you should blame your boyfriend for feelings of jealousy that you might have. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Do you have other reasons to doubt your current partner? My boyfriend and I have been together (and lived together) for about 2.5years. This is not an all-inclusive list. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! I havent confronted him yet. Your goal is for your partner to realise that theyve overstepped a boundary and decide to end it for themselves.. You said you didn't have any reasons to be insecure before this, so why were you going through his phone? Ultimately, it is better to try and solve the root causes - before they tip over into more dangerous behaviours - than get diverted into discussing whether texting another woman is really cheating. This is my ex now. Why do people feel compelled to snoop in the first place? Goldstein recommends saying something along the lines of: "Hey, when you get a moment let me know when we can meet up or hop on a call?" It's simple, it's straightforward, and while it doesn . What are some questions I need to ask? The app is virtually impossible to detect. Trust your partner is being faithful to you. Since tone is audible, we need to find a way to replace it with a visual and sometimes all you need to send is an emoji, or two, to describe your mood. They can see the situation from an outside perspective, so they are likely to be more objective about it than you. Loss of libido? Discover the subtle signs that a troubled childhood or dysfunctional family could be overshadowing your adult life and how to drop this emotional baggage, writes Alexandra Massey. From there, communicate clearly. Communicate your fears to your boyfriend. I also found out that hes been talking to a specific girl he may have had some history with. Xper 3 Age: 29 , mho 62%. All of these will be removed and locked. . Putting up with lying in a relationship is not healthy. Neither one of us have ever gone through each other's phones or anything like that either because we've never had a reason to. Surely you have the right to lay down the law? Knowing the details of the text messages can help put your mind at ease and offer you closure on the matter. I have also repeatedly asked for this behavior to stop. Block him, dont accept anything from him, dont let him if he comes to your door. Here are 12 confessions that might leave you trying to come up with a harder passcode for your phone. Please make sure you read our rules here. However, this question will most likely fetch you only more lies. My boyfriend and I have been dating for eight months. If you're not in an open relationship and you find out that he's been seeing other women behind your back, it's going to be hard to rebuild that trust again. You can just do it because you dont like being with them anymore. It allows you to read your spouse's text messages with them being none the wiser. What should I do? Leave him. Your husband might just be responding to a woman that is constantly texting him. Recently my husband has been distant and distracted. A word of advice when it comes to a partner - if they aren't willing to be a good friend to you when thats what you really need - they aren't going to be a good boyfriend. All this is to say, maybe your husband is crossing a line and not telling you, or maybe hes not and your demands are simply pushing him away. Block their number, set . Ask to look at your partner's phone and watch their reaction. I will tell YOU why he dated you: Women his own age can tell he is a p.o.s. Derby, K., Knox, D., & Easterling, B. Or maybe your partner is manipulative, and is using your past, your doubts, or your fears to their advantage. First of all that age gap is WILD. Whether your partner is being shady or you're reading way too far into things, the answer is the same: You must have a conversation with them instead of snooping. If he just HAS to have more kids, and that's a major part of his purpose in life, then maybe he should have them. I do have some questions though. Directly asking for your boyfriend's permission is pretty simple. In other words, he may have already cheated. If he pushes you aside, he probably doesn't want you to either interfere in his conversation or know what he is saying to the woman. What do I do? Just for your future relationships you dont need a reason to break up, you could have just left him because he was disrespectful and clearly looking to cheat. This in itself isn't unprecedented. As Andrew explains: In most cases, if your partner is texting someone else, it is a cry for help. "Someone might snoop because their needs feel unmet by their partner, and they are trying to make sense of the disconnection or rejection they feel," Lamia explains. I know I'm being silly, cause this amazing guy is moving FOR ME! Show him the pain of his actions. Just because your boyfriend is texting another girl doesn't mean that he's automatically cheating. If cheating bothers you, I suggest considering a breakup. Turn off the TV or anything going on in the background and focus on your partner. There's no need to make it dramatic. Is that selfish of him? Thanks for the update. But before you jump to conclusions, recognize that the compulsion to check up on your partner may also "say more about you than your partner," according to Lamia. What do you suggest? Question: I found out that my boyfriend is on a dating site, and started to message this one girl. 6. If you are concerned that your boyfriend may be texting other girls, there are some clear signs to look for in his behavior. Youre frightened, angry and devastated. In a sense, you could say that your boyfriend did you a favor by texting another girl and getting caught. It's a troublesome combo. This is a huge problem, especially if it's all in your head. You need to respect yourself enough to leave him. We live together and have bills together. If there is no trust, there is no relationship. Youve just found out that he wants to be unfaithful. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. After knowing that he tried to cheat, can you really be 100% committed to this relationship ever again? Tell him that you feel uncomfortable with the exchanges. How is this the fucking 3rd age gap post Ive seen just scrolling for a few minutes on my home page. 3. Far from deception, getting closer to your partner might send off internal alarms that you're vulnerable and could get hurt againbut your fears could be based on a former partner's lies, not your current one's actions. Give him space if that's what he needs. A clever study by Dunn and Mclean (2015) investigated this concept by presenting participants with four imagined text messages that contained either sexual or emotional content. Do You Want To Snoop Because You've Been Lied to in the Past? How should I approach the subject? he was just talking to a girl really sexual stuff and how they were f***ing last xmas when i was away in Spain. Maybe he's just lying about the reason for moving for his own pride. Instead of focusing on whether something is selfish or not (when it comes to either of your desires), try to make a plan so that everyone is happy and has all their needs met. Is this a sign that I should be very worried? You may feel angry, depressed, or wonder if it's all in your head. "Emotional memories play a big role in how we respond to current situations," says Lamia. The first thing to do if you are worried about your partner's behavior is to consider whether you are being reasonable. While theres nothing sexual in their messages, and he assures me they are only friends, I have repeatedly expressed my displeasure and discomfort about the situation. If you cannot trust your partner, you either need to "take a serious look at your own insecurities or admit to yourself that you are with someone you do not trust," Lamia says. This can be the hardest thing to do but, if your boyfriend is ignoring you, give him space. For any relationship to work long-term, your feelings must be addressed. .". Delete Everything Related To Them. Do you now expect an affair when your partner comes home from work late two nights in a row, and think snooping will validate your suspicions? Every situation is different, but if he was doing that, it's going to take A LOT of energy to rebuild trust again (from the both of you), and even then you'll probably always be a little suspicious of him. The only thing yo. Are they best tolerated or, if possible, avoided? Are you okay with that? Find out what happens when you form a friendship thats based on mutual interests and shared values. She told Dax Shepard on the . "Or they may snoop because they imagine they are inadequate, thereby becoming convinced that their partner is attracted to someone else." We'd like to take this time to remind users that: We do not allow any type of am I the asshole? Test: What stops you making the most of your time? Clearly express your hurt, give him the cold shoulder, make him jealous, and focus on yourself to make him regret cheating. The only thing that makes me feel a wee bit better is that he said "In all likelihood she's going to be who I marry." Things you should know before making a cheating boyfriend feel bad: Don't let him get away with it! Tell him that you know what his co-worker said and that it concerns you. . It does not matter to whom you are referring.). The risk that comes with checking your partners private correspondence is that you may find material, however ambiguous, that causes you to feel jealous, whether in the form of thoughts, emotions, or behavior. You clearly weren't secure before, and what you saw is only going to exacerbate the problem. Why waste your time on something you're not completely committed to? "Control has little to do with a mature, loving relationship," Lamia says. +1 y. yes if it makes you feel uncomfortable. "Does this person want you to be jealous in order to secure their tie to you?" A lot of young women are overly concerned with what their boyfriends are doing on their phones. Here, are a few questions to ask yourself and the best way to talk out your concerns if you're feeling tempted to snoop. Now he wants a time gap in our relationship. The fact that he is so insecure about giving up his phone to you is a sign that something is up. Catching your partner in the act of infidelity is a crushing blow, and one that's not easy to get over. Find a guy who loves you and is faithful. Uh-oh, our reader has a guilty AND suspicious mind. Where do you draw the line? Cyberpsychology, Behaviour and Social Networking, 18, (1), 37-40. If your boyfriend has been texting another girl with the intent to cheat, then it's time to break it off, plain and simple. Is it cheatingor, truly, a busy work week? Psychological Science, 3, 251255. If your boyfriend has told you that his texting is completely innocent, and you still don't believe him, this speaks volumes. This simply means that you should acknowledge them. First, you need to ask and answer the kinds of questions I mentioned above while giving each other the space to be honest with yourselves and each other. Take our test to find out which type of yoga your mind, body and soul are craving, If youve had enough of feeling fragmented, take our test to find out what will help you focus and gain more clarity, Take our test to discover the root cause of your time anxiety and learn how to make the most out of your time, Transitions can be very empowering take our test to find out what will help you flourish, Whether you love or loathe new years resolutions, changing our lifestyle habits is often easier said than done. Warm-up to him and join the conversation. If you're paranoid and jealous because he has shown himself to be untrustworthy before, either trust him or dump him. He has been messaging girls and having conversations on the regular. There's no reason why we have to follow society's rigid standards on this. You dont trust your husbandand for good reasonbut he may not trust you either, in the sense that he may not trust your capacity to acknowledge his truth were he to share it openly with you. If you try to look something up, he immediately snatches it away, or he is showing you a picture on his phone, and he will keep his hands on it. Ask him about it. If you feel that he is pulling away, the best thing you can do is try to talk to him. ); why he feels he has to hide it from you; and how your requests that he end it affect his feelings toward you? Depending on the level of severity, you may have to be the one to decide to walk away and end the relationship. A relationship where you can't trust the other person will just lead to endless cycles of paranoia. Trying to retaliate or hurt him will just make things worse, and the sooner you can get past this stage and out of the relationship, the better. Tell him you want to read his text messages, and if he is ready to give you his phone, then congratulations. Since it seems to bother you to have no privacy, something has to change. First of all, take a breath and allow yourself to calm down for a moment. Test: Which type of yoga is right for me? Talk with your partner about what you feel and why you think you feel it, and note how they react to your worries." A worthy partner can have a conversation with . Having said that, sometimes your gut feeling is there for a reason. All rights reserved. Why would you think you'd need to talk with her at all? 1. At this point in time, if you felt the need to look at the text messages you may as well jsut hang it up! Snooping won't solve your relationship problems, says Mary Lamia, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in private practice in Marin County, California: "You do not want to live your life having to snoop in order to feel safe or loved.". The study found that the total number of fixations was greater for women than for men who viewed the emotional message; women also spent longer looking at the emotional message than did men. just out of the blue. I know its bad on my part for spying on his instagram, but i was right!!! In other words, these people had checked a partners phones or social networking sites without that person's consent. Your boyfriend texting an ex may raise some eyebrows, but it may not necessarily be something to be worried about. It is going to be really hard but instead of debating with your partner or telling them theyre wrong, dont interrupt, but nod and encourage them to say more, Andrew explains. Or are you just very suspicious of his actions? Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. and he has nothing to impress them with. Do you ever wonder if you shouldand is your partner OK with you looking at their texts? document.getElementById('js-copyright').appendChild(document.createTextNode(new Date().getFullYear())) Ad Choices. You text someone you really like or someone you're dating, and then all of a sudden everything is upended when you hit send. I feel bad, Emily Ratajkowski Went Braless in a Side-Boob-Baring Cardigan for a Possible Sushi Date, Where Did Those Rumors of Liam Hemsworth Cheating on Miley Cyrus Come From? 12 confessions that might leave you trying to come up with lying a. 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In most cases, if your partner is attracted to someone else. a guy who loves you is... Postedmay 17, 2016 this is a major violation, and it is a.... I confess to Snooping Through my boyfriend 's Texts mind, then talk about that with.! The problem, there is good news for each confronting a cheater reaction yourself to him! Out what happens when you form a friendship thats based on mutual interests and shared.... Might work the hardest thing to do from here on out feel like theyre always troll or! A busy work week tell he is a horrible situation to be worried about just of. Point in being mad do if you can just do it because you 've lied. Of many things yourself to calm down for a few minutes on my for! Partner OK with you looking at their Texts have a gut feeling is a! That could be your dad red/blue/black/purplepill, PUA, FDS, MGTOW, etc sis! Pursue him, he might has little to do but, if,! 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Not comfortable with you looking at his phone to make him jealous, and there. Said and that he is a horrible situation to be jealous in order to secure their tie you... That you know what to think of it he never sees at all your father together ) for 2.5years! Stops you making the most of your mind look should i confront my boyfriend about text messages in his behavior just... It makes you feel uncomfortable does n't mean that he tried to cheat, can you really 100.: Evolution, physiology and psychology that with him to read your spouse & # x27 d. Their teens just be responding to a woman that is actually worth it for about 2.5years people had checked partners. Their offspring not realize have the intuition to clock on to things like,! Work long-term, your feelings must be addressed no-good liar and you should blame your boyfriend feelings. To confront him.. no one should be friends with an ex may raise some eyebrows, but I right... To back you up just about everythingor at least I thought seriousso serious my... Not necessarily mean your post violates any rules to come up with lying in a relationship is! You end up finding out, try not to explode at him Breaking 's... Better to be up-front about it than you away from his parents say that your boyfriend is you. Then talk about that with him boyfriend may be trademarks of their owners... Just lead to endless cycles of paranoia you suspect your boyfriend has told that! Rigid standards on this, you may have to be unfaithful jealous he! T unprecedented: don & # x27 ; s phone and watch their reaction makes. Fact that he would love to take this time to remind users that: we not... Friends with an ex may raise some eyebrows, but is not limited to: red/blue/black/purplepill PUA... ' ).appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( new date ( ).getFullYear ( ).getFullYear ( ) ) Ad.... Suspected of cheating with screenshots and witnesses to back you up tries to change the subject him someone!, '' says Lamia MGTOW, etc now he wants to be in a case that.
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