WOULD IT BE PRUDENT TO CONTACT THE VSO HANDLING MY APPEAL INFO AND SUBMIT THESE LATEST FINDINGS OR WOULD IT JUST MUDDY THE WATERS SO TO SPEAK? My name is Edward J. Fuston, I was born on the 7th of March 1943 and by the Grace of God, I have served the US army from September 29 1979 to May 3rd 1992. To assist you, this Exhibit includes arrows marking the location of information confirming a disability compensation rating . Bruce, I am sorry to hear. So why are there laws and regulations if the RO dont abide by them? As of 2017 - out of a total of 4,552,224 veterans on claim for Compensation - 2,944,565 veterans were receiving benefits for hearing loss or tinnitus or both. As a VA claims processor, Veterans often ask me about Individual Unemployability (IU), also called Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU). On 2014 IBS, sinus and CFS10% eachbut for a total of 10% total % 70%Sleep Apnea was evaluated on 2014 with CFs..sinus and IBSbut no answer of it. Veterans who are eligible for Individual Unemployability Benefits often receive a lump-sum check from the Veterans Administration, known as back pay. 10% tinnitus, 20% chronic back pain and 50% for left ventricle dysfunction and bradycardia. them are Veterans themselves. Va addition 70% do I have a chance for IU, Thank you first of all for writing such a good article on this subject matter I come to you because my local VSO has no clue nor does her boss over at the regional office. On {date}, I received a letter from Veterans Affairs notifying me that I had been overpaid and was being charged {monetary amount}. 1 hours ago Individual Unemployability . Be sure to communicate your appreciation for the soldiers sacrifices and dedication to. Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD cannot be continued if you have multiple present stressors, like unemployment, pending homelessness and relationship issues. Pittsburgh, PA: 201 Penn Center Boulevard, Suite 400, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235 9 hours ago VA Form 21-4192. Kenneth, I cannot give you a time frame for when your claim will be processed but please know that we are working hard to provide decisions as quickly and accurately as we can. In November of 2014, I had another severe asthma attack and was treated in the emergency room at Bay Pines. I was told my a V.A. I am rated at 70% ptsd unemployable and 10% foot injury but I get paid at the 100% rate. The following is a more formal version of what I tell them. I suffer through flu season because I am allergic to the preservative in the flu shot and therefore unable to take it. Form name: Request for Employment Information in Connection with Claim for Disability Benefits Use VA Form 21-4192 if youre a Veteran and you need your most recent employer to send us information so you can apply for Individual Unemployability disability benefits. I was also told that no further respiratory testing would be done. Smiths diarrhea, while not caused directly by his Parkinsons, is secondary to the Sinemet he takes for his Parkinsons symptoms., Example: Mr. I am in an appeal for my service connection ptsd due to may, and legs, which were on my discharge. Been trying to get UI since 2010-. #1: Make sure they are timely with filing a claim. My name is Clarence, I am 80 percent combine and have file for IU do to PTSD, I file this claim in 2011 and still have not been approve as of yet. The examiner ruled the hospitalization was due to my back as it would be speculation .I was awarded 100% IU in June 2003 for my stomach but again denied on my back disability. And that although I cant work as an RVSR, there are other jobs I could work around my disabilities. Neither Hill and Ponton, PA, nor anyone acting on their behalf, will be liable under any circumstances. Is it just as long as an appeal? I never had asthma as a child. ), in what, I perceive, to be an effort to mislead claimants. I have been told by my mental health doctor at the VA that my TBI rating is low and I am currently appealing. It is important to be thorough here. I am confused. Please advise. I HAVE BEEN TREATED FOR THESE ILLNESSES AND GIVEN MEDICATION FOR THEM FOR MORE THAT 6 YEARS. What is Individual Unemployability? Except for the 7 types of protected VA disability ratings, the . Who can I talk to that can give me a more definite answer than my local VRO? ), claimants are misinformed and often abandon their claim for TDIU. His payments has since stopped. So as to not discuss personal information here, I have asked a VA representative to reach out to you directly to get more information. Explain your clinical relationship with the veteran. hello I was wondering if I can get a copy of my award letter showing I am 100% on e benefits. Example: A Veteran has a service-connected heart condition and a 60% disability rating. 3 hours ago Sample Letter for VA Unemployability AVlessons.com. AFTER WAITING 3 YEARS FOR MY CLAIM TO BE EVALUATED IT WAS DENIED. 111-19 _____ Printed for the . A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. However, I have asked a VA representative to reach out to you to get more information. In order to qualify for IU, you must have one of the following: 1) a 60-percent or more disability evaluation based on a single service-connected disability or. I am currently speaking with an attorney regarding suing for wrongful termination and possible discrimination. The scenerio you gave about trained truck driver applies to me. You cant hold down a steady job that supports you financially (known as substantially gainful employment) because of your service-connected disability. I have a question..Ive been on ssd for 9 yrsptsd/ mst..ovarian cancer..ibs..cholesrtol..stress fracturesmental dissabilitieshow do IT get the VAto compensate for original claim filed in 04? A Stressor Letter is used by Veterans Affairs (VA) raters to identify potential traumatic events that [] It took them 8 years to acknowledge that this damage existed even with a decade of documentation and medication proof that it is service related, but did not assign it a rating. i HAD AN ABDOMINAL AORTIC ANEURYSM RUPTURE which caused a lot of problems all over. When filing a VA disability claim, former military service members can fill out the VA Form 21-4138, also known as the Statement in Support of Claim.This is a multi-purpose form that has been used by the VA for many years, on which veterans are , See Also: Tdiu sample letters Show details. Listen to this blog by pressing the Play button below! Her doctor told her to retire as soon as possible. Hi, Please call for an appointment before visiting: Mail Processing Center: P.O. Lastly, if you believe someone is actively falsely keeping your husband from receiving care and benefits, please address the situation with VA OIG: http://www.va.gov/oig/contact/default.asp. Official websites use .gov The Judge awarded my Compensation and in his report scrutinized the regional office for ignoring their own Gathered evidence. I was getting this for me and my wife, in Nov.2010 she started getting SSI & SSD. Win Your Veterans Benefits Claim With this VA Nexus Letter Example! We reviewed her work and education history and agreed that she was individually unemployable because of her service-connected disability. Why does it take so long for the award letter and back pay, when I calculated it out in 2 hours? (a) marginal employment, for example, as a self-employed farmer or other person, while employed in his or her own business, or at odd jobs or while employed at less than half the usual remuneration will not be considered incompatible with a determination of unemployability, if the restriction, as to securing or retaining better employment, is due Ive had examiners threaten to and actually falsify my records Ive also had examiners ask me who Herbert Hoover is as my whole examination and Im really disappointed in the level of professionalism my claim has received over these years. Hi. 7 hours ago Two month later, for reasons that noeither I or the VA could explain , I received a letter from the VA telling me that I must appear for a stress test at the VA hosp[ital. Its coming up on 2 years since I filed a NOD/DRO review. THE ONLY OTHER ALTERNATIVE I SEE LEFT IS TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY AND SEE WHAT HE CAN GET DONE. Thank you. Guide to VA Disability Rates & Pay Schedules: 2023 Edition, Individual Unemployability Rating Calculator, List of Blue Water Navy Ships Exposed to Agent Orange (Interactive Vietnam Map), Social Security Disability Benefits Guide, VA Unemployability Letter Sample Template, 7 Critical Things Veterans Do to Win Their VA Disability Claims. To send an inquiry to IRIS, please click here: https://iris.custhelp.com/app/ask/session/L3RpbWUvMTQyNjE4Nzg3NS9zaWQvaEJTcEQ4aG0%3D. Odd jobs (marginal employment) dont count. Can I apply? Most VSOs Ive met often dont know what 38 CFR is, let alone 38 CFR 4.16(b.). I was approved for Social Security Disability in January 2014. Now I have bowel incontinence and urinary incontinence everyday. 38 C.F.R. In this post, we will explain our simple 4-step process to write a powerful VA permanent disability letter. Once again, this creates a paper trail and the VA can't claim they did not receive your VA Individual Unemployability form 21-8940. I never get more than 4 hours of sleep and nightmares caused by the trauma that caused my PTSD are frequent. I am rated 80% 70 PTSD 20 Diabetic,. The nexus, or a link between a veteran's current disability and an in-service event, is often the, Once the Department of Veterans Affairs determines that a veteran does have service connection on a disability that resulted from their military service, the VA considers the severity of that. We are not responsible for any result or action following the use of these letters on a real claim. Im a 90% SCd veteran. I also hope you are working with our medical centers or Vet Centers to receive medical treatment. As a VA claims processor, Veterans often ask me about Individual Unemployability (IU), also called Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU). Ive applied for service connect and was denied. THEY AGAING PUT THE DIAGNOSIS IN MY RECORDS. Any information you can provide me will be greatly appreciated. The following is a more formal version of what I tell them. 's criteria for this claim, I must be found "unable to maintain substantially gainful employment" as a result of my service-connected disability of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). the veterans C-file, medical records, clinical interview, etc.). AFTER 2 MONTHS OF DIGGING I FOUND 48 PAGES OF ORDERS SHOWING MY SERVICE IN VIET NAM. GAF and WHODAS scores are very important to the VA who rate the severity of the veterans mental health condition. Therefore, rating boards should submit to the Director, Compensation and Pension Service, for extra-schedular consideration all cases of veterans who are unemployable by reason of service-connected disabilities, but who fail to meet the percentage standards set forth in paragraph (a) of this section. She was treated for back problems following the attack. Combat Craig 116K subscribers Subscribe 45K views 10 months ago We believe that using our VA nexus letter template will. Learn why a VA Nexus Letter for PTSD can make the difference between winning and losing your VA Compensation claim. This form is involved in all TDIU claims and VA can deny a veteran's entitlement to TDIU if it is not submitted. They will help to pick up the pieces once you are homeless, but you must be homeless for more than 2 weeks. DOMINIQUE, I HAVE BEEN FIGHTING A CLAIM FOR OVER 7 YEARS. This form asks for information that VA uses to determine if a, 2 hours ago Aug 17, 2013 #1. And was recently denied IU in Florida due to an examiners interprtations of my neurologic damage post surgically. Since, based on the information you provided, it does not appear that you meet the eligibility requirements for IU based on your service-connected disability percentage of 40-percent. Her doctor told her to retire as soon as possible. In 2010 I decided to write to the FT. Gordon hospital asking if they had any records of my June 1963 hospitalization. An official website of the United States government. As most doctors arent familiar with what the VA is looking for, this is a short guide for you to download and/or print out and show your doctor, assuming he or she is willing to write a letter for you. Is out possible to be rated 100% Permanent and Total AND Individually Unemployable? I am 50% non-service connected due to depression (It is under review for an increase.) Read all the field labels carefully. We do not promise nor guarantee any sort of result on VA claims with the use of these letters. Between my social security and VA benefits, my wife and I are barely able to make ends meet. Example 1 A Veteran has a service-connected heart condition evaluated as 60% disabling. How do I apply for consideration of TDIU as my current claim is pending, but I can barely make ends meet. Example: "I am writing on behalf of veteran John Smith, who served in the U.S. Navy from April 1992 to April 1996. In July 2012 the V.A. Your use of these letters is at your own risk and understanding that every veterans service-connected claim is unique. To apply for TDIU you must include the following: VA Form 21-8940, Veteran's Application for Increased Compensation Based on Unemployability Past employment information Education information Earnings history How to Start the Application Process It's important to ensure your paperwork and process is carried out in the proper manner. Disclaimer: The content of these letters is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Employer also stated insurance liability as reason for job loss. Just Now Training Letter 07-01 Total Disability Ratings Based on Individual Unemployability (IU) Benefits granted under the VA rating schedule are intended to compensate veterans for the average impairment in earning capacity that results from service-connected disease or injury. Veterans that have trouble keeping or obtaining gainful employment may be eligible for Individual Unemployability benefits. I eventually was given a pulmonary function test- with only additional inhalers and albuterol for my nebulizer as the result. Another extremely effective tool is to also include references to medical and academic literature which support your opinion of the causal link. 4 hours ago Sample Letter for VA Unemployability. I lost my job because of my back issues causing me to miss work and that by law a driver with back problems cannot pass the DOT physical so therefore cannot drive a commercial vehicle. I really dont want to be unemployed broke and loose everything I own before qualifying for TDIU. Click here to read more: http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid=39c7e367a71c8efc570650851b266303&rgn=div5&view=text&node=38: Here is an example of how to write this section: "My name is John Doe, and I'm the husband of veteran [INSERT VETERAN'S NAME]. Eunorous, I am sorry you are frustrated. I have been waiting 13 years and still have not had my claim settled. DO YOU HAVE A BETTER SOLUTION? Is there a different amount or maybe no limitation for a Vet over 65? So many just give up and that just sets the tone for this type of treatment. Confused. I am sick about this whole nightmare. Soi fight the fight its not just for you but also for the Veterans after you. Mail to: Department of Veterans Affairs Evidence Intake Center. Lastly, what the email address to IRIS? You may be eligible for disability benefits if you meet both of these requirements. the criteria for a 100% evaluation for PTSD is that you have total occupational and social impairment. This means you cannot be gainfully employed. I understand why the suicide rate is so high among veterans. Two easy questions I hope, I thank you for putting the information about IU out on FB and here on the VA website it seems to clear the air on some questions that veterans and there families have about it. If you click a merchant link and buy a product or service on their website, we may be paid a fee by the merchant. Search. Especially my back. I had to Appeal even though the Compensation Doctor agreed 100% with my contentions. I receive disability retirement from my VA job every month. Back pay is the money you should have been receiving while you were waiting on the VA to approve or deny your claim. Camp Lejeune Lawsuit. I will be filing my paperwork for IU tomorrow but Im having trouble finding out what happens AFTER IU is approved. VA only considers service-connected disabilities when considering entitlement to IU, and those disabilities must be the reason the Veteran can no longer be gainfully employed. How can this be? Thanks for the article. i am a 90% disabled Veteran, and have an appeal for 100% disability. In order to meet the V.A.'s criteria for this claim, I must be found "unable to maintain substantially gainful employment" as a result of my service-connected disability of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Listen to this blog by pressing the Play button below! that deals w/ claims .. why am I being denied a claim that was knowingly evidence is there to support such? Since that time, we have provided compassionate I also was hospitalized twice and provided those records to show I am still unable to work. They say they are giving my wife 200.00 or so a month but where is it going. 2013-08-17T13:22. 3 hours ago VA Individual Unemployability if you can't work. I am 70% sc for PTSD, 30% migraines, 20% fibromyalgia, and 10% tinnitus. 10% 1 knee.20% lower back.20 % left shoulder. Im now in the appeal process as of last fall and feel that I am just still spinning my wheels and getting nowhere. Going to school on campus could be difficult since campus is a social environment, but you may be able to take classes online. Her physician recommended that she retire as soon as possible. Downloading these letters does not guarantee any result nor does it create an attorney-client relationship between you and Hill and Ponton, PA. She filed a claim for more disability compensation. If the veteran has a score that fluctuates, explain the reasons for the fluctuation and provide a range. For more on treatment, http://www.ptsd.va.gov/public/treatment/therapy-med/va-ptsd-treatment-programs.asp. I also receive SSD for a surgery that I had on my neck (that the doctor botched and no doctors can fix in 2003) and applied for IU in 2013. These combat related disabilities do not require medical evidence from service as long as the lay statement is consistent. Mr. Smith suffers from Parkinson's Disease." Identify yourself, including your credentials and your experience. If you cant work because of a disability related to your service in the military (a service-connected disability), you may qualify for whats called Individual Unemployability.. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. And if so, can you remove the IU, keep the 100%, and go back to work? Im 70% for PTSD, 30% for Keratoconus, a corneal disease that causes me to see poorly and not be able to drive at night or in low-light conditions, and 30% for migraine headaches. I am 90 % right now for: PTSD 50 %, INTER-VERTEBRAL DISC SYNDROME 40 %, INJURY OF THE BLADDER 40 % MIGRAINE HEADACHES 30 %, LIMITED MOTION OF ANKLE 20%, PARALYSIS OF SCIATIC NERVE I am dependent on breathing medications to function day to day. Facebook; . Describe the effect that the veterans symptoms have on the veterans function and daily life. Thank you for your time and your caring. I mean they already knew I was a disabled vet, 40% rated, and 10pt preference, when they called me in! Im on the edge, cause i cant kept living on what im, getting. Should I make the effort to file for IU? I am scheduled for 32 hours a week but usually only make 20 or so I am at 90% service connection. THEY SHOWED ME WHERE THEY HAD DIAGNOSED MY PREVIOUSLY AND THAT THE VA MUST HAVE JUST OVELOOKED IT. Matthew, in order to qualify for IU, you must have one of the following: See Also: Sample veterans unemployability letter Show details, Just Now Training Letter 07-01 Total Disability Ratings Based on Individual Unemployability (IU) Benefits granted under the VA rating schedule are intended to compensate veterans for the average impairment in earning capacity that results from service-connected disease or injury. Unemployability Unemployability means the inability of a veteran to secure or follow a substantially gainful occupation. So, what exactly is a Stressor Letter. I am receiving IU at 100% rating. If this is a mental health diagnosis, use DSM-V diagnostic codes and format. A separate notice letter for a TDIU evaluation is no longer required. She was still able to work until last year when she began to get chest pain when doing anything physical, like walking or lifting boxes. Hello, I am a veteran that is receiving compensation of 60% for a back fusion (40%), left shoulder separation (10%) and arthritis in my right ankle (10%). I spent over 20 years and retired in 1999. I had been employed continuously since I left service in 1996 and became unemployed in June of 2014 because of downsizing. I am sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. Ten Fantastic Letters from the Health Care for the Homeless Clinician's Network: Letter one: Stroke. THEIR EXPLANATION WAS THEY HAVE NO PROOF THAT I WAS EVER IN VIET NAM. He just doesnt seem to be up to date because my original VRO went on to bigger and better things (I guess). This program is also sometimes referred to as a Total Disability Rating. If anything, hes trying to keep him from getting it. A letter from your doctor to the VA in support of your claim can do wonders in regards to moving your case along. 1 hours ago Individual Unemployability . Therefore, obviously I should get unemployability benefits." Shouldn't I qualify for TDIU if I have a 60% or higher VA rating and am unemployable? Va form 21 8940 unemployability. This page is provided as is and does not represent any outcome or result. She was still able to work until last year when she began to get chest pain when doing anything physical, like walking or lifting boxes. Remember to bring your POA. 84 Comments. ..and of those 25.21 yrs Military Technician..I claimed various conditions. Smith was referred to me in June 2012 for his Parkinsons Disease, and has been under my care since that time. I have been appealing a claim for PTSD and MST since March of 2002. Be sure to note if you are affiliated with the VA. My name is Edward J. Fuston, I was born on the 7th of March 1943 and by the Grace of God, I have served the US army from September 29 1979 to May 3rd 1992. I have experienced years of promises from other service officers with no actual assistance. I have filed complaints with the Inspector General and have never heard back regarding these examinations. While more advanced cases may require an expert medical opinion from a doctor who has experience in dealing with the VA, for less complicated claims, a correctly worded, 3 hours ago VA Individual Unemployability if you can't work. I again filed with this information and was denied again. I have received the decision letter from the VLJ in DC that grants me TDIU, I have been waiting for almost 6 years for this decision. Since the appeal Im now 70% PTSD and the others have all stayed the same. February 12, 2002 Letter for va Benefits Sought. It concerns me that you only posted the info (which I believe to be a typical tactic used by the VA to give misinformation) on TDIU, covered by 38 CFR 4.16(a.) In your opinion, would this be an easy grant for IU once a DRO reviews my case??? Are there any other eligibility requirements? I know that were just a number and quota, but I pray that someone in the RO office will have compassion to do what is right. This means you may be able to get disability compensation or benefits at the same level as a Veteran who has. In these cases, VA will consider a Veterans eligibility for IU, if there is evidence showing he or she cannot work due to service-connected disabilities In both instances, VA reviews all the evidence of record and decides if a Veterans disability is, by law, severe enough to grant IU. we represent clients nationwide. Phoenix, AZ: One Renaissance Tower, Two North Center Avenue, 18th & 19th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85004 See Also: Sample letter for va unemployability Show details. My Dad is 100% disabled. This form is involved in all TDIU claims and VA can deny a veterans entitlement to TDIU if it is not submitted. Aloha I have 70% rating, 40% for chronic Back pain and remainder for chronic knee pain. Again thank you for this article it is very informative. AFTER ANOTHER ALMOST 3 YEARS MY CLAIM WAS AGAIN UP FOR EVALUATION. The VA will not accept my appeal because they already claim to have all the medical documentation. From personal experience, I believe that there are many programs to pick you up once you have lost everything but none for those in the process of losing it all and struggling to maintain. She filed a claim for more disability compensation. See . IT HAS GOTTEN TO THE POINT THAT I CAN BARELY DO MY JOB SINCE I DRIVE 60K TO 80K PER YEAR IN MY JOB AS A REGIONAL MANAGER. I am at a loss here since I have already filed an appeal that went nowhere. I have had worsening symptoms since I originally submitted my IU claim in March 2014, would it be wise to simply add on the other symptoms, and appeal with a more helpful VSO then I had pre-spinal cord biopsy? We are sorry that this post was not as useful for you! I am located just north of Sacramento and use Mather VA as my primary treatment facility. I really need a reliable service officer. . In November 2010, soon after my retirement and prior to receiving my first benefit payment, I was in a civilian hospital for two days for a severe asthma attack. In this section Download VA benefit letters To receive some benefits, Veterans need a letter proving their status. Is there anything in the provision for those that really suffer thru working. Will you please explain that to me. I received an award letter for 100% p&t but on the decision letter it states 80% and got a letter with commisionary bnefits and also chapter 35 benefits for family I get paid at 100% but still confused about the rating. Here is an example of a letter written about Nancy, a claimant who has applied for disability for depression. The VA Form 21-8940: Veteran's Application for Increased Compensation Based on Unemployability is the formal application for individual unemployability benefits. Example Buddy Statement for PTSD from Wife. Get your VA letters online Sorry, this is taking longer than expected. Thanks. Tips for Getting Your Disability Benefits Approved Fast. and I was awarded 30% on 3 claims within one claim that was done about 2 yrs. I am a 40% service-connected disabled and unemployed Veteran. Everyone of my claims has been filed through the American Legion and the Department of Veterans Affairs including the highest ranking employee of the Veterans Affairs in the State helping me with my claims and still to no avail I continue to get denied. What is Individual Unemployability? Dear Dr. Jones: I represent Ms. Smith in her claim for veteran disability benefits. I am really suffering thru work even though work. Thank you The display of third-party trademarks and trade names on this site does not necessarily indicate any affiliation or endorsement of daily-catalog.com. You can have a part-time job so long as your income does not exceed the poverty level. 7 hours ago And finally individual unemployability is a result of not being able to maintain gainful employment because of all of the other issues combined. Letter two: Bipolar Disorder. I AM CURRENTLY RATED 50% FOR A SHOULDER INJURY INCURRED WHILE ACTIVE DUTY. IU is meant to compensate Veterans unable to work because of service-connected disability or disabilities that do not meet the VA Rating Schedule requirements for a total evaluation at the 100-percent rate. The Department Veterans Affairs (DVA), still, continually, sends claimants information on 38 CFR 4.16(a. Individual Unemployability is a part of VA's disability compensation program that allows VA to pay certain Veterans disability compensation at the 100% rate, even though VA has not rated their service-connected disabilities at the total level. Roger, I am happy to assist. Medical evidence from service as long as the result uses to sample letter for va unemployability if,. Employment may be able to make ends meet be sure to communicate your appreciation for the soldiers and... Up and that just sets the tone for this article it is very informative speaking with an attorney suing. The soldiers sacrifices and dedication to & # x27 ; s Network: one. 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