I had just finished my latest novel, and on a lark of the highest order, I sent him an email asking if he might record the audiobook. Youve been so nice, but you didnt sign on for this. She stood in the kitchen, holding her cup of ginger tea. Sooki, who was light and life and color itself. A plane? That night I tried to explain it to Karl. In the titular essay, Patchett reflects on her serendipitous friendship with Sooki Raphael. This was eight hours of hard labor. Maybe not. Entranced by her velvet coat and kind demeanor, Patchett knew she wanted to be friends with Raphael. The reports were overwhelmingly positive: Psilocybin produces substantial and sustained decreases in depression and anxiety in patients with life-threatening cancer. The people around him arranged themselves into different configurations so that the assistant could take their pictures, each one handing over his or her cell phone. We wrote about painting because she painted. Id spent two hours on a stage talking to Tom Hanks, and now I wanted to talk to Sooki. Shed called me from outside the airport. I had missed my chance. feb. 15, 2020: I will try to keep this quick as I know you have many fish to fry. Doug Wendt also lost a loved one to cancer. If I knew nothing about Sooki before she arrived, I knew very little more three weeks later when we were spending all of our days together. Get help here. A minute later everyone was on the plane and gone. Raphael is Tom Hank's assistant and friend. Locked out of your account? We started looking up articles on the Johns Hopkins website. Did Tom even know that Sooki and I were friends? Karl spent a huge amount of time studying weather as part of his instrument-rating prep. It had been languishing in a pile by the dresser for a while, and Id left it there because of an unarticulated belief that actors should stick to acting. Such a beautiful coat, I said to her. The months shed lost not being in chemo while they struggled to locate the new tumor had put her perilously behind. It has to be one of the most extraordinary stories of lockdown how Tom Hanks's assistant Sooki Raphael, undergoing treatment for recurrent pancreatic cancer, came to be living in the basement of the novelist Ann Patchett and her husband Dr Karl VanDevender. Twenty-two sessions down and six to go. Go together. Its not too much. My friends who had tried it all had positive experiences, new books extolled the virtues of seeing the beauty and connectivity of all life, and there was a chance that this experience, coming so far out of left field, might be just the thing Sooki needed. I flew back to New York for two more events, the first one in Connecticut. Never. It was just me in the house. It was a minor footnote considering everything I got from Karl, but still, the warmth of it, the love: to walk in the door after a long two days and see that someone had imagined that I might be hungry knocked me sideways. I had put a notebook and a pen beside me on the floor before we started. How other people live is pretty much all I think about. Its HARD. There was a delicacy about her that was well-suited to baldness. An epilogue describes how before Sookis death they manage a day on the beach and a celebratory exhibition of her paintings. I like myself here, she said softly. She's allowed to live in the world, and not be one thing. The actor who starred in the romantic movie You've Got Mail sat down and wrote me a letter in his California office in Santa Monica. Ken would come later. In the basement apartment jokingly called the VanDevender Home for Wayward Girls Sooki does what shes wanted to do all her life: paint. Like, I really understand that I'm going to die, but I don't want the whole novel to be wiped out. I had a concrete reason to be careful about the germs I was bringing into the house. I dont take notes. Could we talk about it sometime? She hadnt seen it happen. Its not like youre stuck in one place. I would have given her a hug but for the pandemic. While I was in Virginia, a series of tornadoes hit Nashville. may 31, 2020: I had the most unusual dream last night. The treatments left her tired, but she was managing. Timeless stories from our 172-year archive handpicked to speak to the news of the day. We still had customers even if they couldnt come into the store, and they were fantastically loyal. I could see her doing it. Every childhood is strange in its own way. Small, flat islands of boiled wool were resolutely attached to her scalp by the 2percent of hair that had not fallen out. Who is she? Shed gone to an Indian restaurant and bought bread stuffed with apricots and dates. But of course the thing to do would be to go, wouldnt it? But I think Ann is the saint in the story. And there I was, going nowhere. What if there was some strange alchemy in the proportions that could never be exactly measured and, as a result, she lived, only to die at some later point from the thing no one saw coming: a pandemic, tornadoes, a straight-line wind. Back before she came, when she was still insisting on finding a hotel, I asked her if we could talk for just a minute on the phone. The grass was still brown and only a handful of the thousands of bulbs had opened. Now Sooki and I sorted through them like old baseball cards. Who is she? She told me that she had to put Sooki on a leash when she was little because she ran so much. I had come late to pandemic shopping, but fortunately the staples I relied onchickpeas, coconut milkwere still plentiful. She loved Dr.Bendell. She had their protection, and that knowledge had opened up so much time in the day. (These Precious Dayshas a portrait by her of Patchetts dog Sparky on the cover). No events scheduled for January 18, 2023. PET scans) were showing no sign of disease. Most recently, she had a solo exhibition of paintings at ROSEGALLERY called These Precious Days, just like Patchetts piece. No, Im fine. They were lucky and the fire skated past. The same trial she was part of in Nashville had finally commenced at UCLA, twenty minutes from her house. Two words I kept trying to bring up as I convulsed on the bathroom floor. She kept saying she wanted to be the one to help me for a change. And then pancreatic cancer. I dont know why I didnt have the sense to worry, but I didnt. We would all proceed with our lives except that now we would be together. "How other people live is pretty much all I think about. We can go up and back the same day.. The waiter came out and told us to get back inside. Would it even work? Sooki was the kind of person who could do anything, and did just about everything. When she gave us the painting she had done of Sparky on the back of the couch, I felt as if Matisse had painted our dog.. . Everything was tremendously present tense for Sooki. She lugged her suitcase out to the car without my knowing it. I was starting to understand that what she needed might have been color rather than conversation, breath rather than words. I sat at my desk for a long time, trying to make sense of this: time when there was no time, and talent all out of proportion to the task. FOLFIRINOX had also given her a profound aversion to cold. How Does the Story End? These are the precious days of the title. Come on, Sooki, he said, his voice gone grand. Blind Boys of Alabama with Special Guest TBA. KELLY: The title essay, "These Precious Days," is about a remarkable friendship that you formed with the personal assistant of Tom Hanks, who - long story short - you got to know. You must have Mary Poppinss suitcase.. To say that Patchett was impressed is an understatement. But my eye keeps going to her. Having lost his mom to breast cancer in 2018, he knew he wanted to be extra careful during the pandemic. And so I couldn't call my mom. What will happen? Everything looks so logical going backwardYes, of course, thats what we didbut going forward its something else entirely. I think I know what Im doing when in truth I have no idea. Tell me how you know her again? he asked. Sooki Raphael 12 Titles Is this you? She told me that at home she had become impatient and angry. Ann had only briefly met Sooki Raphael, Tom Hanks' personal assistant for over two decades, at an author event, but after learning Sooki was in treatment for advanced pancreatic cancer and hoping to be included in a proposed Los Angeles clinical trial, the author devised a plan. Everything was lined upexcept Sooki didnt want to go. The clothes are small, she said. He wasnt listening. My childhood best friend was staying with us while this discussion was going on. We filled up the bird feeders twice a day, scrubbed out the birdbath every morning, tracked the relationship of a couple of lizards who lived in the planter on the deck. Precision seemed like a good decision here. I really could call once, and I wanted to call her after dinner. She painted and slept and did her work; she had her Zoom meetings and her Zoom gatherings with friends. Still, I wanted to double-check. It was just that we had piled up so much junk to keep from hearing it. Can you imagine Tom sitting at home saying, I cant believe Sooki used my connections to get into a clinical trial in Nashville?, No, of course not, Im just telling you. Then came the moment one feels on a roller coaster just as the bar locks into place and the car starts to pull up, the body pressing back into the seat, knees out ahead, and you think, Wait a minute, was this the best. Afterward we sat up at the hotel and talked about this new coronavirus and whether the rest of her tour would be canceled. Marriage meant that he would hear out what on the surface may have appeared to be a spectacularly stupid idea. We talked about art. My doctor paired up some words I never thought I would hear together: pancreatic cancer and youre in remission! It seems like an early declaration, but Ill take it! She told me she had gained back the twenty pounds shed lost after the last chemo but she couldnt have weighed a hundred pounds now. What a good idea. Things can get very confused. My whole life Ive wanted this time. There was no money or freedom or wherewithal to buy another ticket and see him sooner. I didnt say, This thing you live with every minute, this heaving horses skull, I held it for you today so that you could talk it out with the people who love you. That was how I saw the coronavirusas something that could kill Sooki. Did my character want to be a nun? I dont have any questions, I whispered in the darkness. Implicit in the idea of everyone getting together was the reality that this could be the last time it would happen. I floated upstairs in a world that would not stop changing. Copyright 2022 Topanga New Times, Published by Design Like It Matters, Inc. Login to add posts to your read later list. Surely we would take off the Wednesday mornings when she had to be at the hospital at seven oclock. Wait and see. The authoritative record of NPRs programming is the audio record. She made the time, stitching days together. Shed been a location scout, made wedding cakes, started a childrens clothing company, taught ceramics. About a quarter of the trees were down. In the press release for the exhibition, ROSEGALLERY said her works used her colorful palette as an expression of a renewal of spirit and life as she healed alongside the scorched landscape of the Malibu and Topanga hills.. He was in Nashville. On Thursday morning I started to cry while walking Sparky. Karls friend Dr.Bendell knew Sookis oncologist at UCLA and her oncologist at Stanford and her surgeon at Duke. You always feel this way on Friday., Thats what Im here for, I said. But any story that starts will also end. Gingerly we picked our way forward. Now I look like an improvised elementary school art project, and in addition to owning my permanent tattoos, I have to nurture my three little stickers and hand-drawn sharpie marks so they last six weeks. Save me. The trick wasnt getting the mushrooms. Sooki had gone to work for the New York City Department of Healths Bureau of Animal Affairs right out of college. I did kundalini yoga in the morning, a practice that was built around a great deal of rapid breathing, and then I went on to other things. And we had the most amazing time. Sometimes I had to get right in front of her to hear what she was saying. Farley trained for the NFL draft instead of playing for Virginia Tech, and his efforts paid off. I couldnt stay upright, a hangover from the last eight hours in which I had been quite memorably deboned. She walked to the hospital for chemo and then walked home. We could all be boring together.. You all did a book event. We had been together for the duration of this new world. feb. 14, 2020: PSJust to be clear, I ran all this by Karl first, who said, I favor having her here. (Very Karl.). How other people live is pretty much all I think about, she says. Sooki exuded such an air of self-sufficiency that I scarcely thought to worry about her. Dionne Warwick came in with her son. She shook her head, scrolling. He was tall and slim, happily at ease, answering questions, signing books. He describes her as "someone who is all that is good in the world." A neighbor of Patchett's described Sooki as a saint. Sitting there in her shaggy pink rock-star coat, Sooki told me how much shed come to hate the cold. How it happened is told in the title story of These Precious Days, [] ROSEGALLERY is presenting These Precious Days, a solo exhibition of paintings by Sooki Raphael, on view from 10 April until 10 May, 2021. He recommends books and asks for recommendations. Its too weird., There is no weirdness left between us, I said. I studied what did not come naturally, she told me. She was checking email or trying to make notes. We had finally found a completely comfortable way of being together. When youre young youre getting high, and when youre old youre using plant medicine, like herbal insect repellent. I wanted to know what her worst fear about staying here was, and after a pause she told me she was a vegetarian. It turned out to be more or less the truth. The ones who stayed turned out to be the ones I was interested in. Her best friends lost everything in that fire. How did she have twenty-eight vials of blood in her? He thanks me for it. I could already see her tumbling down the street. I reminded him that in choosing to work, he ran the risk of killing our houseguest. She was welcome. Facedown on a bath mat, I forced myself to take a breath. Because if I didnt know that Sooki had a husband, how much did she know about me, about us? She made wedding cakes that tasted as good as they looked. It was our place, what Sister Nena called vacation. She ordered the house merlot and I had a seltzer with cranberry juice. Were just reading. One thing led to another chief among them, finding out about Raphaels illness and soon, the movie stars longtime assistant had moved into her house. That night as my husband and I walked our dog around the block in the cold dark, I told him about Sooki. And then I found out that she had had pancreatic cancer, that she had had a Whipple, that she had gone through chemo and radiation, that she had been pronounced cancer free, that her cancer came back. Ive written plenty of jacket quotes in my day, mostly for first-time writers of fiction whom I believed could benefit from the assistance. Ive had a happy life because of her.. We were early, they were late. Look at this.. I could see what the cancers given me. He already knew. I laughed. Didnt he know? No one will bother you there. The station happened to be next door to the airport, so everyone picked up their coolers and walked over. It looks like Ill have chemo and maybe a clinical trial ahead. The phone sat beside her on the table quietlythe prodigal returnedwhile we asked the kind of questions people ask on first dates: Do you have siblings? Most days I went to work at Parnassus for several hours, filling boxes. We were in the middle of a pandemic. To say that Patchett was impressed is an understatement. Then youd have to park. A hundred thousand people in this country had already died of the coronavirus. She said we could expect to be in the thick of things for an hour and a half, maybe two hours, with some residual effects for another three or four hours after that. Its like a Nol Coward play but not as witty. I was no longer sick or well. Would you just paint us a picture of her? I worried about her dying. Sooki Raphael, Mesa Tree, Topanga, from 'Vivid Series' 16 x 20 inches. We breathed deeply and flexed our spines. In the story, Patchett writes, "Pay attention, I told myself. There had been a meeting of some sort. There are days of the distant past that remain so vivid to me that I could walk back into them and pick up the conversation mid-sentence, while there are other days (weeks, months, people, places) I couldnt recall to save my life. And certainly, I have made some close friendships as an adult, but there is a quality of youthful friendship that is based on wasting time together, having just whole days where you're not making plans, you're not entertaining one another. You two go and Ill have dinner ready by the time you get back. It was the practical solution, and so they left. Born to Burton and Miriam Raphael, Sooki grew up in Port Chester, NY and graduated from Hampshire College. I told him about Sooki that night, but it was equally possible that I wouldnt have. assistant: Tom Hanks - as Sookie Raphael: Cloud Atlas: 2012: assistant: Mr. Hanks - as Susan 'Sooki' Raphael: Game Change: 2012: TV Movie assistant: Mr. Hanks: Larry Crowne: 2011: assistant: Mr. Hanks: Big Love: 2006-2011: TV Series assistant - 48 episodes: The Pacific: 2010: TV Mini-Series assistant - 7 episodes: Where the Wild Things Are: 2009: assistant: Tom Hanks: Angels & Demons: 2009: assistant: Mr. Hanks: City of Ember: 2008: assistant: Mr. Hanks Somehow I imagined that she had mentioned she was in a clinical trial in Nashville but not that she was living with us, which didnt feel like too much of an evasion, seeing as how she managed to live with us in the quietest way imaginable. Rita Wilson recently posted a tribute to her friend, Sooki Raphael, who painted throughout her treatment for pancreatic cancer. All the messages were about Tom and Rita. Going forward, the lights may as well be off. We had been in some scrapes before. Copyright 2023 SurvivorNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved. She was disappointed. apr. Travel while staying at home! We said our goodbyes and Adrian and I walked downtown to see what had happened. How had I not asked her all these things before? 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You yourself are heartfelt, and all the love in the world has been expressed. Rene Fleming spent two years in Germany studying voice while she was in her twenties. Primarily and in her soul she was an artist.. Karl is a doctor, but Sooki had been treated at UCLA, Stanford, Duke, and Memorial Sloan Kettering. I want to meet Tom Hanks, she said. There arent a lot of boundaries. My friend tilted her head. How had she known something was wrong? I kept up with a great number of people, and I didnt know to what extent Id told Sookis story to Karl before, and if I had told him, I didnt know whether hed been listening, but now I had his full attention. As it turned out, Sooki and I needed the same thing: to find someone who could see us as our best and most complete selves. But everyone showed up, all four hundred of them packed in side by side, every last chair in the ballroom occupied. I couldnt. There was no hesitation on the canvases, no timidity. Would he think to tell me if something had happened? Susan Joan Sooki Raphael of Topanga, CA passed peacefully on April 25th surrounded by friends, family, color, light, joy, and love. She had moved in before the pandemic. I thought some nights my back would snap. Lucy said she didnt have time for this. She had set up her life in the basement of our house, a place we never went. Just a guess. There was no other reason for me to be going on the cancer patients journey. Id be grateful if youd pray for her, I said, because while I was uncertain about prayer in general, I believed unequivocally in the power of Sister Nenas prayers. We were ready. And he did. There are no words here, I thought. Sooki had two young grandchildren in San Diego and made plans to bring them to an event I was doing there, but they didnt show. Once I start writing things down, I feel like Im nailing the story in place. Sparky had crawled onto my chest and gone to sleep. But now shes memorialized in author Ann Patchetts latest book. The trip came together quickly. Patchett is refreshingly frank, thought-provoking and joyously American. She painted as fast as she could get her canvases prepped, berating herself for falling asleep in the afternoons. I dont even know how to respond to such generosity. They arent going to give you her wallet, I said. Simply put, Karl makes rain. This whole time Ive gotten it wrong. Read More The Circle (2017) Assistant Sully (2016) . What about the children who were left behind in that house she hated? Except it was Sooki, and I liked her very much. I could see Ken and how hes always been there for me, how he steps back to let me shine. They had recovered. One morning Sooki had coffee with Sister Nena and me before she went to a yoga class across the street from the restaurant we went to for breakfast. It must have fallen off my shoulder when I got in the car. Sooki was a tiny thing, with thick brown hair and olive skin. "Primarily and in her soul she was an artist." Our interactions stayed in the present: Do you want to go for a walk? While they were gone I tried to imagine it: the cancer back, the wallet gone, strangers. He has me repeat my name, birth date and area of radiation each time before I enter the room. Sooki was married? I keep throwing things out. Please sign in to save videos. Ann Patchett and Tom Hanks' assistant? Every day Sooki came upstairs looking spectacularembroidered jeans, velvet tops, a different coat, a perfect scarf. And this led to you meeting Sooki. All the people who love me and how hard this has been for them, the cancer. You should have planned for the financial fallout of having pancreatic cancer twice?. They cant do the Stanford biopsy here? And who wouldnt be so blown away given the fact that Raphael didnt really emerge as an artist until her pancreatic cancer diagnosis in November 2018. She and Ken put what mattered most in the car and started driving, waiting to see which way the wind would shift the wall of flame. Everything was lit up bright, the table set. My intention was to help Sooki. In Tan-Tan there was no electricity at night, either. I had to listen to what she was telling me. Don't have an account? I met Sooki Raphael for a few minutes in Washington, D.C., around three years ago, and maybe even more than that now. A week later, Tom Hanks started recording The Dutch House at a studio in Los Angeles. My friend Sister Nena had just called. He would bring us with his own two small girls, and the four of us would sit in the coils of snaking power cords backstage and fall asleep in dressing rooms, in this very dressing room. It was just the three of us now, Sooki and Karl and me. The bookstore was closed to the public, but we were still shipping orders. RoseGallery is pleased to present These Precious Days, a solo exhibition of paintings by Sooki Raphael, on view from 10 April until 10 May, 2021. Thats like the building blocks of my, of my life, Farley told SurvivorNet. I would tell you we were idiots, but thats true only in retrospect. She was right here, Karl said. Yoga was Sookis necessary social hour, and what I got in return was time with Sooki. Suffice to say the car I was strapped into followed a tunnel down into dark and darker colors, narrower spaces. Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive disease that is difficult to detect because symptoms - including jaundice and weight loss - typically present at a later stage in the cancer's development. I think well be back tomorrow. The phone hadnt been run over, nothing in the wallet was missing. We had just passed Stuyvesant Park when the first tower fell. PATCHETT: So I first met Sooki Raphael backstage when I was interviewing Tom for his collection of short stories. Absolutely. We hadnt paid the check. She gave us a giant furry blanket that I loved. Three blue tattoos on the same plane as my prominent abdominal scar, it would hardly matter. Sometimes Sooki would leave money on the kitchen counter, For groceries, she would say, for gas, for the books., I would shake my head. Given her a hug but for the NFL draft instead of playing for Virginia Tech and! Think about, wouldnt it Wilson recently posted a tribute to her scalp by the time you get inside... Of hair that had not fallen out I have no idea the bathroom floor aversion... Called These Precious Days, just like Patchetts piece beach and a celebratory exhibition of her hear. Sooki was a vegetarian in patients with life-threatening cancer timeless stories from our 172-year handpicked. Forward, the cancer back, the first tower fell looks like have... Ny and graduated from Hampshire college had become impatient and angry was managing,! 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