make believe sentence about a frog

(430) The Cricket Frog LRB Fejervarya LRB Rana RRB limnocharis RRB is a species of frog found in South Asia. i lost it. This frog features larger back legs and fins along the top of his head. Several ways exist to make the leaping frog. It is known that the male. (336) A red - eyed tree frog will change its skin color to blend in with its surroundings. From the Cambridge English Corpus The frogs were maintained in plastic tanks (23 cm x 16 cm x 11 cm) with water and food (mealworms) available ad libitum. "frog" sentence (31) Like a frog in a mill pond. The arboreal life of the tropical forests has developed the treeclimbing habit among snakes as well as among frogs and toads, and also the habit of mimicry, their colour being in harmony with the foliage or bark of the trees which form their " hunting-grounds.". Frogs are found all over the world, and in every climate, except Antarctica. (125) A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. Tree frogs are not large, so the tattoo shouldn't be overly large either. - The Word "frog" in Example Sentences. Bow Wow: Let's Make a Sentence! For example, if you know you want to make a frog cake for a child's birthday, search for "frog birthday cake" and look at image results as well as web hits to find others' cake designs that you might be able to emulate. In biology class we had to dissect a frog. (296) 1The gavel has a frog's head as frogs symbolize change in Japanese culture. Hunters tipped their darts with a potent plant poison called curare or with poison from certain species of frogs. 28. Leap Frog is a line of electronic educational toys to stimulate your child's mind. (131) From the kettle in a frog kick out to. Which means, when it comes to perception, we're all like this, Here's a picture of that ancient, newly discovered, In a recent science lab, we observed the tadpoles metamorphosis into a, And I said,Yeah. boiling frog syndrome. (193) The frog darted out its tongue to catch a mosquito. Bush could no more turn himself into a man of the people than he could turn Karl rove into a frog. Trevor, Neville Longbottom's frog, isn't a frog in all Harry Potter incarnations. (149) nobody is much interested, and the frog dies. Frog Tiana Wedding Doll - This plush doll depicts Tiana as a frog in her wedding veil before her transformation. The newt tadpole looks more like the adult form, unlike frog or toad juveniles which do not. (167) The frog in well knows nothing of the great ocean. For many people, the tree frog represents a journey in life. (632) Within a quarter of an hour after a quantity of cinnabar has been injected into the blood of the frog nearly every particle will be found engulfed by the protoplasm of the leucocytes of the circulating blood. making a frog and returning home. (155) I'll use magic on him and turn him into a frog. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. (488) Now and then the net is too quick, the lance pierces, the gun flicks and that frog is gone, but it is all fair and in the framework. The frog shoots balls out from its mouth, and if you complete a string of three (or more) of the same coloured balls, they disappear and the game continues. (82) She soon forgot about the poor frog. (548) If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. The frog's eggs are surrounded by a coating of jelly-like mucus. (687) What is the best definition of "frog"? (519) Now appearing in the lobby of Stony Brook University Medical Center: a frog that lived in the era of the dinosaurs and is as big as a beach ball. How public, like a frog To tell your name the livelong day To an admiring bog! And I felt good because I have you as a friend. They are similar in some ways, but they are definitely not the same. (402) Blue-grey spike grass rustles amid swamp box and bush banksias, a frog, perhaps, or even a wallaby. Luckily bathrooms are no longer done in only shocking pink, frog green and white. (463) And these were all novices, and they built something that was really quite ugly -- nothing like a frog or a crane. Organic sprays tend to do the job more quickly and are more humane. (603) Earlier, actor Warwick Davis, who plays Griphook in the Deathly Hollows movie, led the Hogwarts Frog Choir, a musical group made up of Hogwarts students and six singing frog puppets. (421) Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. finer than frog hair. You can use a piece of paper of this size, but the weight of the index card allows the frog to jump better. An origami frog is one of the most popular origami figures. (217) Kajang slender litter frog is only known from Mount Kajang. (389) Extensive use of side dishes of rice, with meat, oysters, cuttlefish, frog, mushrooms and so on. (96) unless we get that frog's blood in (97) Both the toad and frog are amphibian. (447) Then Corith's frog gave a croak and shot up pink gas from its purple spots that smelled faintly of cherry coke. He made her feel as though the world belonged to them - as though it lay before thm like an opened, And I said,Mike, by any chance -- This was 30 or 40 years ago. (244) But the young princess would not listen to the frog's croaking. (601) Mother Goose!I have never much cared for flippant remarks, especially when others make them, and in particular, I don't give a frog's fundament for them when they come from an adult. The adults prey on small animals such as frogs and will also enter water to catch tadpoles, newts and even small fish. (291) Crickets sang in stereo and a distant croak of a frog interrupted the hum. Give your tree frog lots of bright color and rich detail; many tree frogs are vivid in color with red or orange toes and lush, green bodies. The frogs, you see, are under pressure, and not just from the weight of central diktats. (276) A frog will hop from pad to pad, jumping in search of flies to eat. Make a Zebra Striped Sentence. Learn about the difference between frogs and toads. The cause is this, the great, the big bull frog, grasps all. "Let us agree, we will be friends for all eternity.". (473) They are waterplants, represented in Britain by frog-bit (Hydrocharis Morsusranae) and water-soldier (Stratiotes aloides). (593) This reminds me of the moral from an Aesop fable about a scorpion that gets a ride across a river on the back of a frog, but stings the frog to death before they get to the other side. Start by keeping things simple with a frog cake pan or a flat sheet cake design, and exercise more creativity as you gain skills with stand-up cakes or custom toppers. From Mountain Pose, crouch down on the floor as though you're about to play leap frog, spreading your knees out to the sides just beyond your shoulders. (235) A brown earthenware mug with a little green frog at the bottom. The verb is the action the person or thing takes or the description of the person or thing. When the other frogs crowded around the pit and saw how deep it was, they told the two frogs that there was no hope left for them. (108) i haven't become a frog or anything. On the floor, tabletop, or other hard surface have each person make his frog jump as far as possible from a starting point marked by point. (508) Watch out for the rare broad-tooth rat, northern corroboree frog and river blackfish in the sedge fens in the valleys and bogs on the peaks. Fruit flies can be used to feed many smaller frog species such as dart frogs. I believe in frogs. Although this article advises staying away from trendy items, sometimes you have a child who is crazy about lions or frogs and you want an item to reflect and encourage that individuality. (419) A big frog plunged into the river agilely , swam in its life space stretching their legs heartily. (290) The other species examined was the European common frog, Rana temporaria. (344) A small bullfrog that doesn't watch its step can easily become food for a bigger frog. With system changes you would update these in a " leap frog " manner. (527) In very thin angle irons, in which the wastage in the heating is greater in proportion to the whole body of metal, the width of the frog at a in Fig. Frogs are symbols of good luck, especially for travelers. 27. i can see that you're a sucker for the Make-believe too. Zukal has considered that the lichen acids protect the lichen from the attacks of animals; the experiments of Zopf, however, have cast doubt on this; certainly lichens containing very bitter acids are eaten by mites though some of the acids appear to be poisonous to frogs. I try desperately not to cringe when offered tongue, After a fade to black, our heroes awake to find they are only two, as Pete seems to have been turned into a, The dispute was focused on the dusky gopher, Even though he let out a warning croak, the, the story was that when the kgb learned about nina kulagina's ability, they performed a test with a living, There are four species of lizard and three snakes, none of which is venomous; a land tortoise, a turtle and a, Substitute willow tree with white rhinoceros, harlequin, And these were all novices, and they built something that was really quite ugly -- nothing like a, No matter whether I'm facing a giant elephant or a tiny tree, Frogs proper are typified by the common British species, Rana temporaria, and its allies, such as the edible, An Italian chemist read this and said,I'm not really interested in the theological aspects of the green monkey, In addition, both agencies have joined forces to rehabilitate a nearby pond as a future breeding site for the rare, But at any rate, we finally did have a device that would reproduceably put a, And then we took the dead nucleus from the dead tissue of the extinct, They are waterplants, represented in Britain by, Within a species not all populations may be migratory; this is known as partial migration . (395) In fact, it probably dawns on one of them that they just might have a talking frog on their hands. (587) He jumps around like a demented frog, returning to the same subjects in different chapters and dropping derivative sketches of Greek and Roman historians into the middle of the book. Pipe a mouth on the round cake, position the cupcakes above the round cake, and your frog cake is ready to serve.For a full frog's body, cut legs from an additional baked layer of round cake. (206) Amolops himalayanus is a species of frog found in Asia. (502) In rain you must be feeling to go outdance aroundsing songsmeet friendsjump aroundno worry!Every frog feels the same.Happy rainy-day. (182) The frog reached the stream and jumped in with a plop. (650) In almost all climes the tortoise and the frog are among the precursors and heralds of this season, and birds fly with song and glancing plumage, and plants spring and bloom, and winds blow, to correct this slight oscillation of the poles and preserve the equilibrium of nature. The first sentence that Simon Wheeler utters is a lengthy run-on, as are many subsequent ones, and they are peppered with humorous, nonstandard words like "feller," and "curiosest." (621) The most famous is the electric eel, which a colleague of Markham's termed a frog with a cattle prod attached[sentence dictionary], but most animals use the electrical signals in more subtle ways. (306) In this capacity he is sometimes accompanied by the frog-headed goddess Heket. Relax and improve your outlook on life by perusing some truly relatable Kermit the Frog quotes. (342) 2His frog-like face grew calmer, and even took on a slightly sanctimonious expression. Second, let's see its role in the sentence: It comes after a verb, showing that it must be either an object of a predicate. Like circuses, cockfighting , and greyhound racing, Upon arriving at the bistro, guests can dine on appetizers such as, In some places it is primeval and wet, where streaky barked eucalyptus strive upwards through dripping mists alive with, Now and then the net is too quick, the lance pierces, the gun flicks and that, The bat, along with an orange spider and a yellow-spotted, Fish and Wildlife Service may evenly divide the court and produce a stalemate that buys the little, Phyllobates terribilis the Golden Poison Frog or the Golden Dart Frog is a poison dart, Objective To observe the effects of the external fixation of, He is not,said Avery. (363) A small bullfrog that doesn't watch its step can easily become food for a bigger frog. A short walk brings us to Red frog Beach to see the tiny poisonous red frogs. (522) In 1850 German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz attached wires to a frog's leg muscle so that when the muscle contracted it broke a circuit. (303) 1. (116) A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. (91) A tadpole is transformed into a frog. (675) What is definition of "frog" by Merriam-Webster. (636) Now, this is an Italian chemist who's working on a new treatment for high blood pressure based on peptides in the skin of the green monkey frog, and other scientists are looking at a cure for drug-resistant Staph aureus. (298) i know the frog doesn't think of it as decoration, but that's how it works. (410) Life in Color: Green A green frog sits atop a large lily pad in the waters of Atchafalaya Delta. Someone likened his voice to the croaking of a bull-frog. (319) A frog may sit in water or completely submerge to replenish moisture in its body. (562) Other featured creatures include a fangless snake, a frog that chirps like a cricket, and a pitcher plant that traps insects and grows to a height of over seven metres. The other one is the Lazarus Project, and that's focused on the gastric-brooding, Three coecilians, three batrachians (including a mountain-frequenting, It was opened by another footman in livery, with a round face, and large eyes like a, He'd always bring a jar of the stuff in and we'd have lessons where we'd document the life of the, They live for some time in water or mud, occasionally entering the bodies of water snails, but undergo no change until they reach the lung of a, These may be various transferred applications of the name of the animal, but the, I have a thing about bug zappers because they forever changed the sound of sweet summer evenings filled with, Wind turbines turn lazily in a waft of air, a. (162) the frog in the well drifts into the great ocean. (454) The dispute was focused on the dusky gopher frog, an amphibian protected under the federal Endangered Species Act. (521) Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the pure scientific mind. Tree frogs in nature use their slightly sticky toes to gently adhere themselves to the trees they inhabit. Detailed Definition and Meaning. (34) The snake swallowed a frog. (355) The bull-frog of the eastern United States and Canada, reaching a length of nearly 8 in. Place him in a pot and turn it up a little at a time, and he will stay until he is boiled to death. (451) I try desperately not to cringe when offered tongue, frog's legs and pig's trotters , and I eat them, every time. (624) Delicacies such as frog legs and escargot are served as appetizers and the elegantly designed restaurant serves a variety of main entrees, including roast rack of lamb, New York sirloin steak and veal. (246) But the young princess would not listen to the frog's croaking. (534) Beside me, Philippe and Meg hold hands. (585) Methods:We used the character identification, the micro-distinction, the thin-layer chromatography and the turgidity experiments to identify oviductus ranae, frog oil and toad oil. (647) ANGLER, also sometimes called fishing-frog, frog-fish, seadevil (Lophius piscatorius), a fish well known off the coasts of Great Britain and Europe generally, the grotesque shape of its body and its singular habits having attracted the attention of naturalists of all ages. Stand-up frog cakes are a challenge, but experienced decorators may want to give them a try. As the pair escaped, they almost flew into the frog ogres. Just in time for the movie release, this doll comes with a frog, and her dress lights up with firefly lights and special sounds. Amidst the riot of color and images, hide the body of the tree frog. (394) This frog is the most athletic of all the frogs and has a broad background in physical endeavours. (614) 1But it turns out that about 8percent of the genes known to cause diseases in humans have counterparts in the genome of Xenopus tropicalisthe western clawed frog native to sub-Saharan Africa. The menu features traditional standards, such as red beans and rice, jambalaya and crawfish, mixed in with more exotic choices, such as alligator, U.K.-based David Maitland observed from midnight to a.m. as a rare Morelet's tree. (664) How to Use "frog" with Example Sentences. (325) Ranarum is found in the alimentary canal of the frog and growing on its excrement. (353) His frog - like face grew calmer, and even took on a slightly sanctimonious expression. One of the interesting recent discoveries is that of the "hairy" frog (Trichobatrachus), in which the sides of the body and limbs are covered with long villosities, the function of which is still unknown (36). The swarms of flies and insects, which next appear, are the natural outcome of the decaying masses of frogs, and these, in turn, would form a natural medium for the spread of cattle disease. (220) Soon, it develops into a two-chambered heart, like a frog's. Machine preparation: loading machine, tip lorry, 8T road roller, Perched on a high-elevation cloud forest leaf the arboreal Hispaniolan crowned, This visual representation of a mathematical model shows the impact of asymmetrical chemical energy on the cell division of an African clawed, 2New species include a camouflaged gecko, a fanged, New species include a camouflaged gecko, a fanged, Danny had to jump out of the way of one car that spun out of the road and into someone's garden, knocking over a gnome and squashing a. (697) Define "frog" in one sentence, define "frog" in one word. Among these may be mentioned the hairy frog of West Africa, Trichobatrachus robustus, some specimens of which have the sides of the body and of the hind limbs covered with long villosities, the function of which is unknown, and its ally Gampsosteonyx batesi, in which the last phalanx of the fingers and toes is sharp, claw-like and perforates the skin. One of the easiest and quickest frog designs you can make has the base of a sheet cake. (178) Are there any species of frog indigenous to the area? A short walk brings us to Red frog Beach to see the tiny poisonous red frogs. (305) Peter : Tedhere are freestyle, backstroke, butterfly frog stroke and etc. Silence again.". If you would like to display your frogs in a natural setting, create a pond with aluminum foil wrapped around a round or oval cardboard form. So, where I'd give FROG Prince 4 stars, this one is more like 4. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as English meaning of the word "frog"; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, theres a better way for you to learn meaning of "frog" through sentence examples. (137) The prince was turned by magic into a frog. Of Reptilia Chile is singularly free, there being recorded only eleven species - five saurians, four ophidians, one frog and one toad - but a more thorough survey of the uninhabited territories of the south may increase this list. (555) The species is the only known modern frog species with lower teeth, though certain other species with upper teeth do have toothlike structures on the lower jaw. (406) Tony answers jocularly that it's his nature - you know, as in the tale of the frog and the scorpion. I am very happy. I was literally frozen in the headlights by FATCA and had been like the frog or lobster being so slowly heated up in the pot that the water was boiling before I realized my peril. (110) He opened the box and out jumped a frog. Long-legged frogs use quick, powerful jumps to escape from predators. (553) Under a presupposition of that its frog wasn't worn, a simple formula for calculating the abrasion limitation of DZ(DSZ)plowshare was brought forward in the paper. white said, analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. - 20 examples of simple sentences "frog". (504) but the very same frog, if it jumps into a pot of lukewarm water that is slowly brought to a boil, will just sit there and it won't move. (361) An Xenopus, for example, is a puffy, South African frog that comes in a variety of colors. (592) So I kind of said,Oh, it's this extra ingredient, you know, that you need to create a new frog from the mom and dad frog. (304) Near the frog is the grip which is made of leather or sometimes snakeskin. antonyms. Worksheet. Its up against the crazy frog again! (427) We also give the computer simulation method of notochord development in the African frog Xenopus Laevis. (579) The amphibian Rana sevosa is popularly known as the dusky gopher frog dusky because of its dark coloring and gopher because it lives underground, the chief justice wrote. (286) I must apologize for this frog in my throat, a BBC newsreader said. (255) Where the willow meets the water, a frog was sitting on a lily pad. Perhaps she had to kiss quite a few frogs before finding her true prince, or maybe he searched far and wide to find the princess of his dreams. Under the weed suppression fabric by the entrance to the drive at the edge of the heather bed, three frogs are huddling together. The chief diet of frog tadpoles, in the early part of their life is filamentous algae. - How to use "frog" in a sentence. (312) In the case of the gastric-brooding frog, we may have fungicided it to death. Display your tree frog in full color for all to see and enjoy the "good luck" it brings to your life. Don't forget that the little princess may have to kiss a frog to find her prince, and put in a cute stuffed frog toy. (397) A big frog plunged into the river agilely, swam in its life space stretching their legs heartily. The methods of research are essentially those employed by physiologists, the action of substances being studied in the usual way on bacteria, leucocytes, frogs, rabbits and other animals. (412) A rare tree frog, a mudfish and lizards are among the thousands of species threatened by extinction. They are lightly fitted, usually A-line cuts and double breasted, fastening either with large buttons, frogs or toggles. From the Cambridge English Corpus English For example, there is French Chinese food, where they serve salt . Origami frogs can be green, but they are also attractive in a variety of earth tones and in bright colors, as well as in prints. (637) Of Reptilia Chile is singularly free, there being recorded only eleven species - five saurians, four ophidians, one frog and one toad - but a more thorough survey of the uninhabited territories of the south may increase this list. Distribute a frog design for each person and guide the group through the folding process, or use a video lesson to take each person through the process of making a jumping frog. (405) Homoptera This sub-order includes the cicads, lantern-flies, frog-hoppers, aphids and scale-insects. (320) In a recent science lab, we observed the tadpoles metamorphosis into a frog. Privacy Policy. Among the inoffensive species are counted the graceful green " tree snake," which pursues frogs, birds and lizards to the topmost branches of the forest; also several species of pythons, the commonest of which is known as the carpet snake. 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With system changes you would update these in a sentence talking frog on their hands croaking of frog. Riot of color and images, hide the body of the easiest and quickest frog designs can. The frog in my throat, a mudfish and lizards are among the thousands species. Sucker for the Make-believe too Harry Potter incarnations Tiana Wedding Doll - this Doll... Are found all over the world, and even small fish ( )... The adults prey on small animals such as dart frogs ( 116 ) a toad a., the tree frog the frog-headed goddess Heket friendsjump aroundno worry! every frog feels same.Happy. I must apologize for this frog in all Harry Potter incarnations you would update in! Shocking pink, frog green and white many smaller frog species such as frogs and also... Define `` frog '' by Merriam-Webster and lizards are among the thousands of species threatened by extinction 182 ) Prince! Gastric-Brooding frog, perhaps, or even a wallaby and not just from the weight of the most popular figures.