Here is some of what she said in December: "2021 is a. I wonder what others think? The comments on Oprah Winfrey Ive not seen before. You want to know if Meghan will get her karma. There is a story being played out that Meghan copies Diana, from wardrobe to life story (the suicide attempt and rejection by the palace, the charity work, the outfits) to ensure Harrys love. I feel sorry for Prince William, too. Is it? Astrology does not show delusions or paranoia. As it happens, I also had a very bad feeling about this right from the start, and I am also pretty intuitive, my mum was a gifted psychic, so I have inherited some of her sensitivity. Thanks for all you do and keep on shining a light It turns out, it isnt. Hi Jessica The rest we may never find out. I strongly felt too that despite Meghan being semi famous prior to Harry that her ego couldnt resist that woo-ing of Oprah. Lurid press accounts of the time, stated that she wore a figure of a blackamoor with ill intent. For poor William, its intensely personal. She is born under the sign of special, Leo, and all Leos are kings and queens in their own realms. I read most of the comments here, but couldnt find the answer so I have to ask- will Harry ever have an eye opening moment? There are a lot of questions. This could have run at any time. James Hewitt has wide apart brown eyes and a weak chin, nothing like Harry at all. Brace yourself for another bumpy year. Meghans astrology chart shows some of the story. Lots of love, light and blessings to you. ACN 644668431. Neptune distorts the picture. Legendary astrologer Nostradamus has predicted that the Royal family will be finished once the Queen dies. If rumours are to be believed, can I ask (a) if the truth about Meghans unkind behaviour whilst on tour in Australia, towards her staff in the Palace, I also wonder if that is partly what attracted Harry to her? Its amazing how many people have not watched the Winfrey show. That is something else I need to research thank you. Harry has always had a very protective side and demonstrated this when he had a strong message for reporters and paparazzi. In New York, in Hobart (where I am) and everywhere. Im talking pre royal engagement. Tourism revenue is one of the ways The Firm stays firm, and as the pair seem determined to smear that firm, it will affect tourist income within the United Kingdom and particularly from the regions into London. Do not post personal information or anything that should not be made public. Youll remember Princess Margaret was one of the original 1970s jetsetters, more at home island-hopping and cruising the world, than staying in rainy Britain. Actually she is the elephant in a jail cell at the moment. Just a quick note on protocol which we rather like here in the UK. However, they are approaching this extremely carefully. I have had to defend the Royal Family & GB on all my social feeds as it angered me that we were being portrayed this way. As narcissists are wont to do, she has now isolated Harry too from anybody who could support him and made him completely dependent on her. I believe that Harry is desperate to protect his family and Meghan in a way he never could his mother. I have found and read the Meghan Markle article you mentioned. And Oprah Winfrey will become centre stage in a very different way to her usual TV role.. Well see praise as well as criticism then, it will work both ways. The astrologer, Debbie Frank, told OK! You dont envy Parker his role, do you? Kate Jackson from The Sun UK has said: Thats it. Archies sister will be known as Lady..Mountbatten Windsor. According to the guide, Prince Edward, currently Earl of Wessex, will be styled Duke of Edinburgh on the death of Prince Philip. From the psychic point of view, you feel sea sick. The astrology has always said that Charles will never be king. I am no fan of any royal family but Harry turned out to be a traitor to his country, his family and his people. Meghan played her hand with 2 of the biggest issues in society at the moment, race and mental health. Her half sister wrote a book , pushy princess, and her father sold pictures of himself to a newspaper for money. This is what you read on this website back in 2018. You are right about Neptune. I was bemused by Meghans claim that there was nobody to help her with mental health issues when both William and Harry have been so involved with mental health charities. The facial expressions spoke volumes. I agree with Tara there has always been something not quite right with Meghans persona. Psychic reveals shocking details about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's royal feud British psychic Roxanne Furnival, who said she knew the COVID-19 pandemic is about to hit the world, revealed some shocking details she saw on the cards for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. Thank you. Just my commonwealth residents two cents. Hi Jessica, That, to me, is war without the clash of swords, but war, nevertheless. Meghan will be tempted to sign a lucrative book deal to write her autobiography. Yes, Harry and Meghan made sure the show went out on a day when the Commonwealth was being celebrated. He has just been with his grandfather in hospital, recovering from heart surgery, during the worst global crisis for the family since Diana passed. She also believes the pair are acting out karma from The Abdication. One thing that then struck me in another readers comments was how the dates of their announcements coincided with royal family birthdays etc and I was struck by that level of vindictiveness. And this one also has her North Node in Leo, so she is moving away from being a commoner (South Node in Aquarius) towards being regal. Caroline. PRINCESS Diana has said from beyond the grave that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have "turbulent" times ahead in their marriage, according to two psychics. One of the most famous in the world. It will suit the narrative that they very publicly seek a baby who is not white. The Winfrey show was broadcast with a racist accusation against the House of Windsor, when the Duke of Edinburgh, in the final years of his life, was admitted to hospital for heart surgery with William in attendance and Her Majesty the Queen in crisis. You would expect this to take place by Christmas 2021, according to the astrology. Meghan is less fortunate. However, f Continue Reading Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. Yet, the House of Windsor has a funny way of getting what it wants and he may turn out to be an asset for the United Kingdom in the end. I am just shaking my head at this. That is the really interesting part. Also, both Princes have inherited their fathers unfortunate family trait of balding in the same familiar pattern, just like Prince Philip. Its Prince Philips hospital stay that has drawn more comments than anything else on my Twitter account. Good riddance, I will save my compassion and prayers for those really suffering, who really need it, and my positive thoughts are with the Firm, and especially William and Kate and their children. It is amazing that the former MI5 Director-General, Andrew Parker, is to work for the Royal family. No, I didnt lose weight either! We now have a 130-way conversation about the Winfrey show, from all over the world. No, not at all. The special child was baby Archie and the future will reveal if Meghan helps Harry clean up his financial act, following her investment in Clevr latte drinks, promoted by Oprah Winfrey. Harry has chosen sides and thats that. Its seemed even for a double Pisces so hard to get a fix on what was true, authentic and evolved and what was purely presentation and why Appreciate your insights. How amazing that you have spotted that. So many saying that Harry and Meghan are victims but I dont think we will ever see them queuing up to use the food bank. Two things though that really interest and confuse me however is Princess Michael of Kents tasteless blackamoor brooch that she wore to a Christmas function that Meghan was attending, its a weird image of her driving in with that brooch on and really was in very poor taste and a very insulting choice of brooch was Princess Michael of Kent deliberately wearing this brooch to insight racial divisions? The suggestion that we are going to see more from the Winfrey show of course makes millions wonder if the next episode will cover Diana, Princess of Wales and the tragedy in France. My psychic colleague and friend Tara Buffington, in Texas, wrote: I didnt watch the interview. Here's Prince William. Meghan Markle was still a Hollywood actress. As with any good mystery or detective story, you ask why. Now however, when you google Hewitt & Harry a lot of side by side photos come up, mostly posts from the past 6 months, and the resemblance now that he has matured is unmistakeable. If its all true, Harry is the failure in this case, not the Firm. Hi Jessica Thanks to you and all the readers for all these fascinating insights. As the more senior members of the family, the Cambridge car drew up first and William and Kate emerged. William has a degree in geography what a joke. You can see the video here; fast-forward to the end of the program. But its certainly a bizarre situation: where Joe Public knows very clearly that Epstein didnt commit suicide, yet we will also never have answers. We had our first eclipse with a Full Moon opposite the Sun in Leo (which rules the royal family) on August 7th and a New Moon eclipse on August 21st in the year 2017. Why listen to Oprah?. The bigger question is The Firm. I lost count the number of times I quoted your wars of the roses statement before and after it was actually written in the press. We HAVE the techonology! Winfrey, Meghan and Harry, and CBS could have delayed broadcast of their attack on the family and did not. I expect that outcome very much depends on Ghislaine Maxwell, now, in jail. And of course Prince Andrew. But personally I have watched many Leos play very bad ego card obviously giving it some other colour. Financial, psychological, spiritual, emotional, legal. This makes him a practical Virgo sun with a grounded Taurus moon. Your thoughtfulness reminded us of who & what is really important. The money/inheritance aspects (very Uranus in Taurus) would be done with. There is a part of me that thinks, the smart thing to do in this new life within the House of Windsor would have been to take a low profile and bypass so much discussion about what should be a private life, online. In a few years time, all this will die down to a greater extent, perhaps? You want to know about the American attitude towards Markle, any regrets by the pair about America and the response to Markle, should she return to Britain. I dont see peace. I find it interesting that you are saying all this and come from a mixed race family too! thats an odd thing to say. Why go to air when Ghislaine Maxwells brother is speaking out on her behalf, behind bars? And the royal family news shockers don't end there: Prince Harry reportedly headed back to the United States after the funeral of Prince Philip without ever talking to his father Prince Charles OR his brother Prince William! Maybe give this info to your friends from yellow press as well. When this transit ends, it will be in about five years time 2026. On a side note, James Hewitt today looks awful and so much older than his 62 years. Harry piqued my interest on two points. The data comes from a business search in California. I agree with you. I didnt watch the interview but I have read about it and I, for one, do not believe a word Meghan said. Clevr is the alternative drink, to coffee and chocolate, that I predicted on October 19th, 2020. and the royals etc, will ever be made known to the general public; and (b) will the fallout from this interview change Britains constitution for ever? Royal astrologers have come up with predictions about how their family is likely to turn out. As far as I know nobody has picked it up. The comments are pretty interesting, arent they! It's Megxit! One thing I will say about eclipses: the truth is hidden in plain sight at the time but nobody sees it. Especially a man who has served his country as the Duke of Edinburgh has! A lot of people are saying the same thing, according to the Daily Mail survey. As someone already mentioned there seem to have been a number of very sensitive issues such as racism. Tara Buffington is an excellent psychic who predicted the Capitol mob attack risk. As predicted in the Daily Mail interview with me on October 19th, 2020. Surely they were involved throughout her pregnancy and would have given her good counsel in every aspect of her health. I completely agree with you. It is possible that we might see new rules, or even laws, come to pass, which prevent another undignified scenario like this coming to pass in future. Also, do you think the Palace knows that she is a narcissist? It is unfortunately not going to be quiet over the next two years, because transit Uranus conjoins his IC and Moon in 2021 and 2022, suggesting perhaps he will move again in this period, or that there is an even more radical break with his home country. But I still cant understand how Harry can say that he respects his grandmother in the same interview in which he attacks everything she has spent a lifetime building. I had my tongue in my cheek when I wrote that prediction about Oprah Winfrey.,,,,,,, I would love him to celebrate his 100th birthday and to receive an official centenarian message from the missus. How will they respond to lack of titles (which seem to mean so much to them!). Those two years are a reckoning that can only happen every 19 years, and of course the North Node is also in Taurus, then. 2022 Predictions, Predictions for world 2022. His Rising Capricorn makes him ambitious and very much a 'hands-on' kind of person. I was watching the (Oprah) H/M interview like every one. I have felt all along that they are reincarnations of Edward and Mrs Simpson, even Harrys previous wearing of Nazi garb is an interesting bleed through. Meet Roger Coppola and Hannah Mendoza from Clevr. Hi Jessica the article and all the posts are fascinating. If she is innocent and they torture her and keeping her in jail she could pass to Heaven if they brake her.. And of course, the issue of depression which would likely best have been treated by the professionals at the hospital where the baby was born and they took such great care of the family if not the other experts who serve the House of Windsor and are presumably a telephone call away. Thank you. What a man, what a life ! Never in a million years. That is a *lot* of karma. This follows the predictions you read here at the time of their wedding, that there would be major questions about the couples finances. I think she has studied Diana for a long time and I think people will come forward who was in her childhood /life and share that. Nobody dislikes Meghan because of race. I expect well hear from him, or the people close to him, next. I believe it was. If you want to cut through the confusion, look to see who gains what, and when, and why. Even after William married Kate, Harry was close to both of them. It just has been so strange, seeing her on all front pages of newspapers, and she wasnt pregnantWhat is the connection between her, Maxwell and Epstein? 1. will the Americans get to see the real Meghan and will their feelings of her change? Dear Jessica, i must say, that I am oretty shocked and very much disgusted by your mean spirited choice to make MM the guilty Monster in this Situation. Her interviewer, Oprah Winfrey, assuming the role of journalist, was also promoting her share investment in a startup drinks company a few months earlier. Thanks again. What was Harry doing? (Swimming did it, in the end) Thanks so much. Expect William and Kate to redefine their boundaries in 2021, and know that this comes from a place of self-protection. I still question why these top Democrats Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton have felt motivated to make public statements about what should be a private, domestic, British matter. Just wanted to make a further point. Amazing info thank you for sharing your insights here as always x. Harry and William's rift sparked by Meghan argument, claims royal author Sarah is known for her accuracy, having predicted Prince Harry's exit from the Royal family, the Sussexes' move. Or if Meghan and Harry eventually divorce after their mission in America has finished and she does, in fact, take him to the cleaners. I tried to see her as others did, a great hope and a barrier breaker, but all I saw was lies. Thank you. Am I right to think like this, or is she compassionate and kind as she promotes? My question to you is, will Meghan get what she deserves? Royal biographer Duncan Larcombe suspected that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could be having problems in their marriage. This went beyond the absence of the brides father. I love the fact, that she decided to not abide these rules. It is often said that the Covid situation in economic terms is a little like the war years in its effects. Maybe he feels that by protecting Meghan he can relive and put right his hurt and pain from the past. Thank you so much. Its certainly in these two charts, timed in a fated way, at 19 degrees. As some media have commented, a free promotion from Ms. Winfrey is worth millions by itself. She has always been political, that was clear prior to her marriage to Harry. Feel free to ask me about Harry, Meghan and Oprah. But now it seems that even to equivocate is enough to demonstrate disloyalty and allegiance the the opposition. Thank you. The story was never actually part one. Lastly, you also read comments about Prince Andrew in the same story. I feel proud that Piers Morgan had the courage to come out to voice his opinion . This will make life difficult for the two of them and they are not destined to stay together for the rest of their lives. Money? The suicidal ideation is horrendous however. I wonder what will happen if their investments (Clevr, etc.) HOWEVER, Harrys actions could be explained, in part, by a belief that Dianas death was not an accident. There is another story that the Winfrey show was really about Meghans investment in Clevr. At the time of the front-page interview with The Daily Mail, nobody knew that the Oprah endorsement of Meghans investment was coming. I think more than anything ego got the best of both of them. What Saturn Means in Astrology Saturn is changing signs on March 8th 2023 and I have had hundreds of questions about this, so its time. Then there is the half-sister who was also shut out by Meghan, she says. They are not treating the family as humans. I thought then that you probably knew he was going to pass soon. And I will have an image search on the bike claim. Prince Harry has clearly inherited Prince Charles close-set eyes who got it form his father, Prince Phillip. At present the couple are though still Royal Highnesses but have agreed not to use this designation. After divorce or widowhood she will be styled Meghan, Duchess of Sussex to distinguish her from a second wife of Harry or a wife of Archie. In the same week that various astrological charts for Oprah, Meghan, Harry and the Clevr company were all triggered, we also saw more triggers. Back in 2020 the astrologer gained a bit of traction within her community for her correct predictions, however, she was equally discredited by major news outlets and mass media giants for. Can you look into that option. Another reader has also raised this question about Prince Harry. You do work for them. Whilst Meghan was supposedly feeling suicidal, where was Harry? Long after this is over, the one thing people will remember about Meghan, Oprah, Harry and CBS is that they chose to air this show, when Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, was in his third week in hospital, following a heart condition emergency. Sometimes it feels like we are being sucked into a very surreal world. Or he will stay trapped by the alternative firm of Megans creation? Thank you. I also used to get really confused with midday or midnight ephemerides, so that didnt help, being 12 hours out sometimes! Also unsure about your claim that Prince William and Kate Middleton married on Hitlers wedding date. He and Meghan currently reside in California. Police report says the driver was speeding in crash that killed UGA football player and staffer. So many questions. This goes beyond money, although money is part of it. During an expansive interview with Oprah, Meghan Markle revealed that she and Prince Harry had a secret wedding ceremony on May 16, 2018, three days prior to their public one, which was viewed by over two billion people globally. The stars have aligned for an astonishing mystery. Id not planned to watch the interview as Meghan particularly just feels icky.. energetically. (Which is Prince Philip, only today released from three weeks in hospital following heart surgery). Thank you so much Jessica. The press leads and the people follow their narrative. Why is it everyone elses fault? I dealt with a very bad pluto figure in 2020 but thanks to you, the capricorn effect predictions and pluto lessons- with immense self control and will power, watched the dynamic become fair. Firstly, a video from 2018 Dianas psychic saying that Diana did not approve of Harry marrying Meghan: Is that possible??? There is a lot of noise. This is an International Young Royal for a Global Duet. If Meghan really was suffering as she claims, perhaps she should be thankful of her luxury. sexism and bullying which have been thrown in here in an incendiary fashion. For as much as Her Majesty is a traditionalist, the divorces (and also the new arrival of wives who will not follow orders) suggest the 21st century monarchy can no longer pretend its the 1950s. Later on, though, that date will become significant. He may be easier to anger than usual. The date choices are just extraordinary; I will pass this on to some friends I know who work in the British media. Think more than anything else on my Twitter account up first and William and to! Out karma from the psychic point of view, you feel sea sick the truth is in! Didnt watch the interview but i have watched many Leos play very bad ego obviously... But personally i have watched many Leos play very bad ego card obviously it! Kings and queens in their marriage friend Tara Buffington is an International Young Royal for a Global.. 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