advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy

("Sensible" decisions like going to war and committing genocide). But then you cannot know with any degree of certainty that those changes would have any benefit whatsoever. If I fine you, it will economically disadvantage the children. Patriarchy thinks in another way. One judge in Florida estimated that 80% of temporary restraining orders handed to women during divorce and custody cases were either completely unfounded, or maliciously false. To keep on repeating what I have previously said. Patriarchy and matriarchal societies both have male heads of state or religious leaders. According to you, when the Spartan woman told her husband, "come back with your shield or on it", she bore no responsibility for the deaths he caused. That's not what we were talking about. Males often die to protect their offspring. Among animal species, the only female kin of a given offspring who will actually die to protect that offspring is a post-reproductive age grandmother. What is a pity is that Lucy83 and me both want the same thing, and that is the empowerment of women. Individual women cannot solve the problems of the world it can only be done with a large number of women in positions of power. It is also weird that people don't see the total insanity of this. And i certainly cannot see patrairchy ever solving problems like warfare and poverty. This is exactly the same thing as racism or antisemitism or any other hate filled bigotry. Here are some of the disadvantages of insurance: 1. This structure makes it easier to share resources in different divisions. The whole of history shows us so clearly that men do a really terrible job in ruling our world. Yes, I agree invention can be difficult for men, but it is even far harder for women. Now that the U.S. is pulling out of Afghanistan to pursue more covert options, I'd like to believe there's a shift in the way we approach war. I never said "patriarchal politicans only pretend to be caring people". I am speaking about men and women's basic instincts. 4. There are far more male killers than female killers. I've found another mistake in your reasoning though: You make a correlation where there might not be one and sell it as fact. So just trying something else because the old system is so bad, is not in the least persuasive. Females do not have the same pressures in that regard, because men's criteria for a sexual partner have always been different, and over human history, women evolved to express those traits, and men to express others. Unlike men, women are very unlikely to get into power through a bloody revolution or by conquest. Advantages of Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) : A portion of the key advantages that will be gotten from utilizing a MRP framework are the following. There are other men committing mass rapes on women in the Congo. And they always say, 'it is the woman's fault'. It would also depend on somehow mitigating the social problems that arise when matriarchy extends to the base unit of society--the 2-32 times greater risk fatherless children have of a whole host of social maladies that lead them to be burdens on, rather than productive members of, society. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something. It would be far better if men stop looking for scapegoats for the world's problems and blame each other and look at themselves and men in general. The practice of polyandry is very rare these days; it is thought to be practiced among the Bahama of Africa, Marquesan Islanders of Polynesia and The Tibetans. The leadership is also passed on to the female lineage for appointing the new leading woman of the group. Who is more diverse anyway? If we have a matriarchal system based on the nurturing feminine ideals then people will vote for politicans who are not great military leader or successful con men but geniuine caring and loving people. The governance of a social group, community, and state is patriarchy. Sure, I can't force you to respond and if you wish to continue preaching the same lines over and over again, I'm not here to stop you. Don't you think that's crazy? You could make an enormous list of things that are virtually or exactly the same with both men and women. Chimpanzee males will choose trucks over dolls, and chimpanzee females will choose the opposite. A matriarchal government will not have the same interest in competition for wealth and power as their main focus of attention will be on the children of the countries they rule. However, women are more risk-averse than men are. And again, you seem to blame men for all the bad things that have ever happened, without once realizing that the competitive push of men is what carried us from hunter-gatherer to agrarian to industrial to post industrial. Men are not permitted to be fathers to their children, and strong pair-bonding is forbidden in the serf class. I never said. It is because their basic instincts pushes them in that direction. Patriarchy, on the other hand, is a social system, wherein males enjoy all the powers, control, and authority, and women are given subordinate roles. It gives glossy and attractive appearances to the building, making it a very useful material for aesthetic purposes. Because THAT is how women perpetrate violence in the public sphere. You go on and on about maternal instinct, but mothers are the number one demographic of child abusers--both in numbers and in rates. It was she who done all the research into DNA, but then one of her male assistants, secretly gave her data, to Crick and Watson who published it before she did. And I'm sorry to have to tell you that one reason the gap between the rich and poor is growing all the time is because of government interference in the free market. Are you merely here to fight and shove your views down people's throats simply because you damn well feel like it? Why would any women want to get pregnant, carry a baby in their belly for nine mouths, go through all the difficulty and pain of childbirth, and then have to look after the child she gave birth until it is an adult? What I find is that people dont reguard humans as animals - they think we are something completely different, coz when you look in the animal world at how male animals and female animals are so different its easy to see how the males are so aggressive and competitive - its there natural instinct, its perfectly natural for a male animal to go and fight and kill fellow animals and what people dont seem to realise is that male humans have the same natural instinct. But according to you, it is as much as women's fault as it is men's fault. Something to think about maybe. William Bond (author) from England on August 12, 2011: There are men out there murdering defenceless protestors on the streets Syria. Put women in power in a matriarchal government and they will want to nurture the people they rule. Men have been ruling our world for the last five thousand years, and have successfully kept women away from all form of political and financial power. Patriarchy presents the opposite picture. Therefore, you get full custody, the house, the car, half the assets, and generous maintenance.". Your racist tones are pretty damn offensive, must be Western pride and arrogance for being in possession of technology that is currently responsible for destroying the planet and everything we depend on for survival. The only reason people ascribe it to maleness is because they want to illustrated supposed female inferiority or they want excuses not to have to adopt it themselves and want an easy backdoor in through methods like women only parties or affirmative action. I think the problem is this feminist dogma that says men and women are the same. What can you expect of a male supremacist world culture that has a history of oppressing women and having them remain subservient not only in society but in religion as well, obviously in such a culture women are not going to unleash their full potential, and when a woman has ever dared to the consequences have often been grewsome, a female intellectual was always at risk of life threatening violence. (10) A male-only priesthood gives men the sense that they have something unique to contribute, and encourages them to serve others. I think among those who do, you probably won't find more men than women. Now it is very clear through five thousand years of history that patrairchy has gone as far as it can go. They do not feel the same compulsion to innovate and invent, to distinguish themselves through rigorous and difficult accomplishments, because they do not have the same motivation and competitiveness as men. The same thing thats wrong with making it easier for blue-eyed people to get into power. The point about matriarchy based on women's matneral and nurturing instincts, we have a chance of getting caring and loving people into positions of power. They are objects, merely reacting to things that are done to them, with no volition or free will to choose a better way? It can be initiated at will and ended in the same manner. Are you saying that people are intentionally voting for uncaring politicians? She was the first female mathematician, she was also an astronomer, and a NeoPlatonist philosopher, she was a woman of science. The fact is that when men rule our world, we have a world of violence, war and injustice. So what is wrong in making it easier for women to get into power?. The two parents have closely related genetics and may capitalize on their superior traits. advantages and disadvantages but may improve a group of animals. In this case, there are negligible chances of growth and development for all. We are far more likely to have caring people rule our world, if we have women only matriarchal political parties, who get into power.. Tesla lived and died a pauper. It's reactionary fanaticism. Believe it or not, that is a PATRIARCHAL image of women you're painting. Throughout history it has been men who have ruled our world. The oligopoly market will have less competition, but the behavior of the firms can even be highly competitive. You say that warfare comes from competing cultures and I agree with this, but who are the people competing with each other? Some of it is indeed attributable to men's agency. If youre not willing to use force to defend your country, then someone else will push you away and that will be someone who IS willing to use force. Search my user name when you have a revelation that women are actual persons capable of personal agency and sovereignty, and who are fully capable of being held responsible for their own actions. However, their history is feudal, and the ruling class engages in pair-bonding and paternal investment. The police come and remove the man from his home and family. What they have shown is that they are more risk-averse than men are, and that men are easily manipulated by female gender enforcement to perpetrate violence on behalf of women. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a patriarchal family? It is true for both men and women, that if you brutalise them they become violent. This is because if there is any individual a male of any species is going to invest in, it will be that male's offspring. If we look into the pros and cons of each system of governance, many factors need deep thinking. Are you saying that any criticism of men is not allowed?". Copyright @2022 All Right Reserved Designed and Developed by Maven Logix, Patriarchy Vs Matriarchy: Understanding the Difference, Pros and Cons of Patriarchy vs Matriarchy, Superwomen breaking the myths and handed-down opinions, The desi dad syndrome that every middle-class kid can relate to, 20 Things That Pakistani Millennials Miss From Their Childhood. "Patrairchal rulers treat people as if they are numbers, or pawns in a chess game. We are not going to get a Amazon army take over any government by force. So it means, because of mens powerful competitive instincts we will always have wars and very unfair societies, while men continue to rule our world. Matrifocality and Women's Power: The Peril of Fixed Opinions "Obviously, you would give your life for your children, or give them the last biscuit on the plate. I think what needs to be done is more infromation such as the articles you have written to be more widley avaliable and for more people to be able to read and be educated about this to get more people thinking about it. Just as women would not feel motivated to feed the bloated, multi-billion dollar beauty industry if men had not evolved a preference for youth and beauty, men would not compete with other men for riches if women had not evolved a preference for a partner with the power, social status and the wealth to adequately provide for and protect her. If a man and a women go to a businessman with a new invention, which one do you think will get more respect? In a broader sense it can also extend to moral authority, social privilege and control of property. Monopoly companies enjoy a supernormal profit. With DBMS, data can be exchanged between users more effectively, and access to the data can be restricted so that only authorized users are permitted to view it, as opposed to earlier systems when everyone with access to the system could access the data. Absolutely nothing, and how come you claim to not be interested in speaking with others who do not agree with you when by reading Wabond's article above this should have been obvious and you should have avoided this in advance? So, in matriarchies, mothering - which originates as a biological fact - is . They do this with rape, in places like Pakistan, if a woman was to complain she was raped, she is the one more likely to be sent to jail, and not the rapist. This seems to be an overall trend of socio-historical development, which stems from few very basic aspects of human nature. Women then have the choice of either giving away their power, or to learn to be as assertive and competitive as men. And I can't see how anyone in their right mind can expect women to surpass the advances of men in such little time when men have had centuries of accomplishment over women, I find that absolutely unrealistic, women need time to broaden their horizens and free themselves from the contraints of their traditonal gender roles and I will acknowledge the same for men as well, and this will not be accomplished over night. When do you people ever tire of bashing men as little more than violent primitive animals best kept in a zoo? What exactly is a patriarchal political party? Perhaps this is what is happening. like you say you only need to look at male animals how aggressive they can be and after all humans are animals, its perfectly natural! Although I am a man, I can appreciated the problems women have in having children. In 1980 Ethnogrpahic Atlas listed total of 1,231 societies where 588 were found polygyny, 453 . It's pathetic and small minded for a man, such as myself to think he is above a woman, the same goes for women who think they are superior. Your infantile dogmatic generalization is a slap in the face to those whom we have so much to thank for, who have often risked or even given their lives to advance democracy and equality. Related: Superwomen breaking the myths and handed-down opinions. It is nearly always men, and this is to do with the male competitive instinct. ". Man has reaped what he has sown. That is complete bullshit, and it disrespects and dishonors the real daughters of mother's who were raised in Matriarchal households! Yes, I agree the ordinary man doesn't want violence but patriarchal rule tends to put the worse possible leaders in power. The accomplishments of men are not the result of men being better. You're just using this to justify an idealized image you have of women. I just do not understand how women can dismiss it so lightly. And most of those who are violent, are so because they were victims of violence themselves. I certainly wouldn't call the African-American culture a matriarchy. Repeating the same fallacy over and over again does not make it any more convincing. Women have had equal access to education for the last half century. You insist this is true, whereas it is obvious to me that men and women are very different. This so called typical division of labor among Neolitic and Paleolithic peoples are the biases of early archeological men. However, I see violence against women as much more common and it most likely was the case for the majority of domestic violence, centuries before we had women's shelters. They do not feel the same compulsion to innovate and invent, to distinguish themselves through rigorous and difficult accomplishments, because they do not have the same motivation and competitiveness as men. Why is so much money spent on an incredibly destructive military machine and its very dangerous testing? Then I'm happy to change my position. Who was it that invented everything, from the block and tackle to the birth control pill? Advantages And Disadvantages Of MRI: MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. Yes, violent men always make this excuse. Women who are not dominated by oppressive patriarchal societies are more able to express their nurturing and loving natures. Everyone is accountable for their deeds, no one is ever excused from them perhaps they are legally dismissed unfortunately, but in the end everyone will be forced to face the evil of their deeds, NDE's are proof of that fact. Where women can behave like women and not have to act like competitive and ruthless men. This is why in democracy they have to have fiercely competing political parties to make it work. Why would I? Yes, you can always find individual women who are not very materialistic but you have to see the big picture. In human females this instinct has to be stronger than most other mammals because the human child is far more helpless than any other mammal, and takes far longer to mature. The point is that as history shows us, we don't want ruthless, aggressive, violent and competitive people rule our world.. You are incapable of seeing women as human beings, who are fallible, who make mistakes, who make shitty decisions of their own free will, and who own their own lives and the decisions they make. As mentioned, this system is the descendant of female governance. This is a personality trait issue that is encouraged by some and dispised by others. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Being aware of the advantages and disadvantages of a business partnership is a crucial step to take before venturing into a partnership. "the women already in politics tend to have to go about it in a very male way to fit in". To be fair, this is the situation in our world today, and has always been the case throughout recorded history. Are you going to say that is also a sexist remark? Youd have to assume the sexes are identical in order to arrive at that conclusion and you just said about 6 times that theyre not equal. People expect women at home to beget and nurture children, ignoring the world. Wars have nothing to do with the sex of the people in power. I'm not interested in discussing gender issues with someone who cannot see women as human beings. This was harmful to your children. But to me, the trick in life is to take that sense of generosity between kin, make it apply to the extended family and to your neighbor, your village, and beyond." -Tom Stoppard Choice of either giving away their power, or find something competition, the! Is even far harder for women for women to get into power speaking men... 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