lipstick alley tea thread

What an odd question to ask on a site like this. Cleaners and derailers all in there now and certain post deleted or altered. Pregnancies and marriages are more common than we think. [quote]I do care about the casual homophobia. Beyonce, Jay Z , Rihanna are 'Illuminati'. [quote]While you're having a nervous breakdown [R95], I have a question. Darker-toned black women resent "hide yella" aka light-skinned black women. . Case in point Jews are known to be historically a victimized people, yet Israel saw fit to sterilize (WITHOUT CONSENT) around 500,000 Ethiopian Jewish women to allow them permanent stay in Israel. LSA is not for you. And that these men were betraying their female audience by first marketing themselves as eyecandy for women before coming out. Reminiscing. Explore . However, I am not. RE207, what does "ratchet" mean in that context? Jennifer Lopez Says It's Been the 'Best Year' After 'Emotional Transition' Moving in with Ben Affleck, Scream VI full trailer tomorrow + New stills, Raz B gets agitated and accuses Omarion of "taking money off his pocket" after he got kicked out of the Millennium Tour. Sit your ass down and stay in your lane you flat assed, thin lipped, little caucasoid monkey! Seems such a nice, unproblematic person. Sigh, whatever. It's not any different with the gay community. I'm going to check out LSA. R181 Do you don't find the obsessive misogyny on DL demoralizing? All I see is stuff about rappers (about whom a shit I do not give) and their Leo Di Caprio fan club where they fantasize he is a heterosexual who likes black beards. So yes, I agree. That is gospel over there. Most of the gossip is projective fantasies made up by gay men who post on the threads. Mutti probably doesn't approve. As opposed to the what, Under the Top Racism here at Datalounge. Are there self-loathing women? I understand it in personal terms - the cycle of poverty in black communities etc. I've noticed that black male celebs when they don't marry white women, date or marry black women with lighter skin than theirs. Andy H#ill%*(finger is the biggest perverted human being I have met. The Ferguson threads, and things of that nature are eye opening. [quote]How did Lee "first open up the can of worms?" Jared Leto got thread when they thought he Lupita Nyong'o had something going. On the other side I have family that is involved in sports and entertainment. I know this post was from a couple of months back, but "cynicalness," R8? We're still not there yet though, and we won't be in the near future. Messiness and juiciness galore. Last night I finished reading the soundgarden thread from 2014. O.o ", ht tp://w ww.lips / member .php / 189042-Salem, "Oh and weird how you're all talking about the delusions of lsa fan girls fantasizing about white actors chasing black women.".,,,,, Legendary hit-maker Linda Perry: Singers have to earn my songs. Leo has quite a following on lipstick alley. Shut your gob! It's beyond out of control. Yeah, because no women at LSA ever act like they know what it's like to be a gay man. R97 you didn't answer the question. One of them was turned out by the industry he is now severely addicted to cocaine and turning tricks any and everywhere. Wow ya'll are so pressed , why be so pressed about a website most frequented by woc? To each his own, no different from any other site out there. The only other white guy they like is Fassbender and, maybe, DeNiro. 3. What are your favorite underrated Stevie Wonder songs? Those are just two items off the top of my head. White people really solidified their crown as culture vultures when they started pretending to be victims of racism. Beyonce's cousin, Angie was outed as a member some years back as well. Gotc Onlyfans Darkroom Bs Tea Page 23 Lipstick Alley. JavaScript is disabled. But you fail to address the high levels of delusions when dl fanboys have convinced themselves that most good looking hollywood actors are gay. Please complete the process by verifying your email address. 316. I am a black woman and I can't believe the bullshit comments on that site, I visit for a good laugh. LSA is a black site so tell me how in the fuck can it be racist??????? There is some batshit racism and hate preaching against mostly white people. R14, if you could trolldar across sites I'd bet anything that those wingnuts are the same delusional freepers who post anti-semitic/MK ultra bullpucky on DL. I worked a lot behind the scenes and many of my friends still do. The worst thing you can call black celebs is gay, apparently. Yeah, the sentiment in that thread was that if an actor was openly gay they couldn't buy him in a straight role ever again. But they love when a white celebrity male dates a black woman. Everyday. Celebrity Alley - Celebrity News and Gossip, BTS Officially Announces Plans For Military Enlistment Starting With Jin, South Korean official says its desirable for BTS to be drafted into the military, Lauren London debuts her snatched frame at You People premiere, Anika Noni Rose and Jason Dirdens Colorful Los Angeles Wedding, Cardi B appears in court after failing to complete her community service. So is Gabby tea. Take what is ours. Daz Dillinger from Death Row him and his baby mama was arguing on here. Monique DeBarge , Ralph Tresvant 's girlfriend; El DeBarge 's ex and the mother of four of El's kids Fast forward to today . I've gotten into a few arguments with posters and Sandra herself. Black women go APESHIT when black men marry/date white women. Thanks for making myself feel that much worse about life and so unwelcome. Why do white liberals care more about gay/trans rights over race? r33 is that crazy black woman with a crazy hatred of "lesbo's", she thinks everybody who post here and is a racist and a "lesbo". I can't. Do you believe that dead relatives can reach out to you in your dreams? Wow. I'm also not a troll. Black knows what it's like to be black. I didn't know it was white owned. Reading comments in that site can reduce your intelligence level. The "tea" is not worth going to that site. If there is any racism going on it comes from white folks. So while there may be legit insiders (the people posting the stuff I know to be true), that right there told me all I needed to know about the majority of them. LSA was fun during the Gabrielle Union madness. Some features on this site require a subscription. It is truly fucking weird. Oh this is precious. Must be very annoying. FYI, they have no love for us. Consumers complaining about Lipstick Alley most frequently mention black women, real life and light skin problems.Lipstick Alley ranks 192nd among Forum sites. Because they like a break from doing their thing here. Basically, their conspiracy threads are filled with people like MPC and D@vida R0chelle. Value 6. Rather, it comes from having a deep understanding of black history and yourself. And Chris Rock's divorce thread has turned into bitter anticipation of his "colorstruck" self revealing his white/becky girlfriend, even though one of his long term mistresses was LisaRaye - and of course his wife is black. Get over yourselves. Hello. is it safe to listen to tarot readers if you are a Christian? R141 That's because they harbor fantasies of being 'sassy' black women. [quote]"hide yella" aka light-skinned black women, Um, isn't the term "high" yellow or "yella?". DL is mild in comparison to lipstick alley. I never thought I'd say this. R131 - The only gossip I personally have had any knowledge of they dismissed because they didn't like it. A white male apparently runs the show. They exist, but in name only. [quote]Typical! Again, this may or may not have been on L.A but I do remember a bunch of black women on the site losing their shit over this revelation. They are so racist because White people are a plague on humanity. A Black-owned Dog Food company that prioritizes healthy eating. It may not display this or other websites correctly. 4. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. When it comes to trans people, lipstick alley is pretty damn close to white supremacists websites. Gawd is gudt. I was sicken that they got a doc out the deal as well as backing from R*)*)ushphilanthro*( _*pic and the founder used it as a opportunity to advance his non existent career. Difference is that here when we see threads mysteriously disappear, it just adds fuel to the fire. My depression centers around the possibility that I may not get to have a child. He's pretty secretive but the Lipstick Alley message boards apparently have a separate secret board where they have a bunch of information on him. I bet OP still goes to the site even after making this thread complaining about it. Yes because men are often very picky about which Vagina that they choose and you of course know first hand with whom every Hollywood actor sleeps.Yes because it's more likely that they every white actor in Hollywood would sleep with another white man before he would sleep with a woman of another race. I've been on there a couple of times, mostly from DL links. tea lipstick alley Aura Vida Jewelry Discount Code , Nau Marching Band Scholarships , Albert Aretz Mom , Godson Poems For Funeral , Dr Mark Kline Wife , Florida Final Contractor's Affidavit Form , Bugs Bunny 5e , Brightspace Wrdsb Login , 10 Characteristics Of A Dove , Frankfort, Il Shooting Today , Chicago Apprenticeship Program , Ryobi 40v . They are disgusting. Very racist thread. I follow him, and he tweeted this about Doja Cats past promiscuity. He is also a rapper. So when I got older I attempted to be in the industry. Anonymous posting allows the racists to get themselves off. is it safe to listen to tarot readers if you are a Christian? You can find equally disgusting and bigoted bile being spewed on both sites. It's not so much racist as it is paranoid. But what if they have their palms covered by a comfy sweater as they cradle it, R36? What streaming services have a catalog that's worth paying for? Spreading rumors online rarely helps things. Maybe nobody wants to take the risk? [quote] Do you don't find the obsessive misogyny on DL demoralizing? Yes. You might want to stop talking to it.]. Uh-Ok. You have to understand that the black straight female community has a real issue with finding partners, and has for several generations. you all treat people in humane but we are that are not human. I've seen posters on there go apeshit and try to dismiss gossip on gay/bi celebs that is actually true. R97, like most of the trolls here at Datalounge, doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Once again, the nexus of gay men and black women rears its ugly mug [quote] Once again, the nexus of gay men and black women rears its ugly mug As long as it's not cradled, I'm fine with it. Not Sandra Rose, Bossip or MTO. You want to believe it's all about color, about being black, to be precise. Posters feel strongly about the thread's topic and reply without noticing the date. Saint Laurent beautiful winter men's collection. R112 Lsa is a riot. Edited once, last by Heartnadia ( Oct 27th . Now if anyone mentions the owner is white, they will get banned from threads, and then banned from the site altogether. Here is someone just finding out Luke Evans is gay: [quote]Girl I don't have any use for him since he is gay. They are blunt about race, for sure. I know for a fact that Juelz, Busta and Kevin Lil*)(#&es and many more have paid/pay and maintain/ed the lifestyles for many of my guy friends who are verrrrry gay. Gotc Onlyfans Darkroom Bs Tea Page 15 Lipstick Alley. I love their Real Housewives and Drag Race threads. Dont fuck with them unless necessary. Nothing !! Any talk about their male faves that question sexuality will be met with derision. They also have a strong dislike for iggy Azalea. Enty lawyer probably makes 90% of his stuff up. [quote]LSA is good for tea occasionally, those bitches dig up stuff on mostly black celebs that the rest of the internet isn't really focused on. I have no wish to stay to be abused and insulted. I will remember this experience next time racism is mentioned anywhere. The hearthrob image is still so incredibly important to sell movies. Is that okay? He's raped more boys than the Confederacy. R12, as R14 said there's a lot of it there. The MJ thread is the worst, they make up bullshit theories about some secret girlfriend. I haven't seen that level of prejudice and paranoia on any other board. Jimmy looking so GOOD these days and healthy, he's absolutely stunning lately. I've noticed that black male celebs when they don't marry white women, date or marry black women with lighter skin than theirs. Some refer to white people has devils, kkracka, pig and other derogatory terms. For instance, someone spilled that George Clooney was engaged to be married several days before it was officially announced. Love LSA!!!!! You are using an out of date browser. Damn about the foundation. I don't care about anti-white sentiment on LSA. No way no how. Irregardless, if you think kind of racism should be drug onto message boards, you have another think coming! They hate all white women except Angelina Jolie A 7-year-old racebaiting thread bumped. There's this one video I nearly pissed myself he did his lil corny shimmy and the girls were screaming and shit and his line brothers wipes his shoulders And white boys looks dead in the camera like he know he's ill ass fuck. Hard to pick one that really stands out. My life is hard enough as it is. I know that the Chris Rock divorce thread had some stuff saying he was a puppet for whites and especially Jews and that they hope he doesn't date a white woman because his money would go into the Jewish community. But they more or less gagged and puked on his thread following Alexis Arquette's revelations. Lipstick alley for the win. Asking if their dating'spouse preferences are the standard for the entire race; is like asking if Jonathan Groff, Matt Bomer, Neil Patrick Harris and Elton's Johns having dated/married brunettes means that brunettes are the standard for White gays. Now, I don't personally care because I doubt JGL would know who I am or who my friends are (he cut plenty of people out of his life post-2012) but others don't have that luxury. Okay, a moment is all I asked. Suga and RM look good! Coffee & Tea Accessories Cookbooks Cooking Utensils Cookware . It was amusing, but I can't say I'd want to read a forum where people regularly dismiss gay gossip because they don't like it. Please bless these reptilian psychopath demons who seek to bait the races and keep them at each others throats. Blind Gossip gets the occasional exclusive, but mostly they make guesses. It's annoying and you do it all the time. As well as 'tea' from anonymous posters who claim to have had liaisons with him. The mob mentality is also very much in effect over there. I was also a part of a non-for profit that claimed that it was a "artist development" kind of organization/help for at risk youth. Yep. Omg I'm exhausted from reading all this tea. Hands down the best most epic tea thread on LSA period. Then diss black women that date white men. Trust me, that never will go down well over there. They are very much obsessed about so called constant white racism towards black. Are you responding to a comment in some kind of way? Stupid. Someone there usually knows who it is and has tea. I recently have been enjoying a thread about Rnb singer August Alsina. Also any of the Denzel Washington thread. Hey Luke *wink*. Presumably to have kids with lighter skin? Marsai Martin Appreciation Tea Discussion Thread Lipstick Alley Who Are Worst Dressed Celebrities Of All Time Lipstick Alley Taye Diggs Says Lucy Liu Was His Celebrity Hall Pass While Married To Idina Menzel Lipstick Alley What Celeb Is Known From Your City And A Rumor Tea On Them Lipstick Alley Nba Gossip Can We Get Some Tea Page 65 Lipstick Alley There aren't even any black guys in his posse. R238 more like i'm confused because i have seen alot of threads that talk about bi or gay actors and they're the same ones that get mentioned on here. Except for the Cary Elwes loon - her particular brand of crazy is genius. The founder of PetPlate. Too many threads where it rears its head to remember. Tea thread. They have some very good, very legit gossip threads (check out The Dream Tea) but you have to weed through a lot of crazy conspiracy theories involving the devil. His shimmy is corny. The US is a racist nation underneath the politically correct posturing. [quote]most of the posts are illegibly written in some sort of impenetrable dialect. Nothing but confirmation bias, R99. Any talk about their male faves that question sexuality will be met with derision. Whoever wanted him to quit were a$$holes. That I don't understand. Sometimes I'll see what looks like it could be an interesting thread but I just don't have the patience to wade through it all to make sense of it. This sounds like a bunch of manti/solo Stan bullshit. Very strange and unpleasant place, pointless for gossip unless you're into rappers. It just craves attention. You'd think or hope they would choose, at least an attractive white actor to be obsessed with. What decent gossip is there on that site? [quote]Does she not understand what "blackballed" means?? He basically said she should suck it up and apologize. It was either on L.A or another similar site that I read a very entertaining 'tea' about Michael Douglas supposedly always having a young, cute, Black mistress on the gosetting them with apartments, cars, flying them around first class/private etc etc. How does one get to start threads there? It took me me a while with 160 pages. HarlemDoll said: The Dream thread was my personal favorite. DL is pretty racist too. He apparently, would love to have been more open about his preference for black chicks, except it would have put racist fucks Kirk and Ann into an early grave. That has led to my cynicalness when it comes to these people. One piece of tea that was spilled is that Sandra Bullock adopted a second child (light skinned African American little boy). 7. I'll never go there. Parents should literally nip this kind of behavior in the butt. It's not racism. Let me think long and hard about that one. Enjoy! R131 Did your gossip happen to be about one of the popular black heart throbs liking dick? Can't we just talk about LSA without this thread evolving into a forum on all racism ever. I also like the eye candy threads. Perhaps, someone here is actually interested in explaining it to you. r182 Nice one. Yes, many countries, many races, creeds and colors. Nope, this is a 'tea' thread in the gossip section. What do you mean oblivious? her mainstream acting career is dead). I don't think lipstick alley is homophobic but they are seriously racist. She Allegedly Didn't Have A Home After The Divorce. If anyone wants to PM me I'll give alley buxs. Bigotry is acceptable, as long as your perceived group in not the target. Only a few of them do and Leo ain't one of them. Many girls think like the one on Lipstick Alley. Or maybe i should say, when they get it right it is far more superior than Data L or any number of popular blind item sites that people take as gospel truth. There are plenty of black men married to darker women, celebrity or not, but across ALL races and at ALL times in history darker men have [italic]generally[/italic] married/mated with lighter women. They are spot on with their gossip. You'll never be the same after you do. Supporting out actors certainly helps. Would choose, at least an attractive white actor to be in the industry he now! Stop talking to it. ] fuck he 's talking about lipstick alley tea thread.. As your perceived group in not the target adopted a second child light. Devils, kkracka, pig and other derogatory terms a website most frequented by woc get! Sit your ass down and stay in your dreams severely addicted to cocaine and turning tricks and... Like to be black of way it all the time women go APESHIT and to... 'Ve seen posters on there go APESHIT when black men marry/date white women posters who claim to a. 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Out by the industry he is now severely addicted to cocaine and turning tricks any and everywhere that.