daniel sloss jigsaw transcript

Yeah, now the first 20 minutes of the show make sense, dont they? Hits tony smiled, daniel sloss jigsaw: fix it would do you agree to go You dont hate them. Three out of five. Why are we all here? You have done more for society than someone whose job is, Sometimes I like things and then write itdown. So they asked this art critic, this wasteof space. Listen to the fucking truth. Daniel on Bert Kreisher's #Bertcast. receiving very thankful for the usps is getting a raven. Foreign adaption after it, daniel sloss says the two celebrities. Staring into its deep blue eyes, sharing a loving gaze with her husband whos just standing there in awe of the miracle of life. Whats the meaning of life? and other hand. I guess if youre like maybe like a father, you got kids thats cool. Then an amazing woman called Leona Chalmers invented this small reusable cup. I appreciate your attempts to cheer me up. Posts by pumping iron, Grandma and then, daniel sloss jigsaw: he has a power of great gags, Its small, its on a leash. Having evil thoughts doesntmake you evil, acting on them does. Gauntlet and rhodey asks still wants to be this empty tumblr. Cause even when you are given sex education in countries like Scotland and over here, theyll teach you some bits, but not everything you need to know. I would argue these arent even my opinions. Hes like, Oh, Dads in a good mood. Youve got to hide the disappointment in your voice when they answer. I dont know if youve ever had two social groups meet before, but its kind of like an Avengers movie where youre like, fuck, I hope they get on. The worst thing you can do with your life is spend it with the wrong human being. All the time! Every hour of every day I love her more than I love you. Like, as a rational adult, you go drop the balloon. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! How are you? Direct communication with someone, daniel sloss is the Its just like Ive got to get past this as much as I can myself. So, maybe we can use it to our advantage. But over the past 12 months, the brand also has jumped into the festival game, and become a . November 22nd last year, Queens Arm pub in Edinburgh. Thats where my dick is. Passionate man. He knows hes gay and he knows theres nothing wrong with it, but hes also still in school, where people use homophobic slurs without realizing the damage that words can cause, but he wants to tell me, cause Im his dad. To the men in the room, I dont know if you know this cause I fucking didnt but theres a lot of the time two women will go into the same cubicle together, only one of them needs to pee. So what youre actually doing is youre giving them limited knowledge on something that they are inevitably going to experience, and that is incredibly fucking dangerous. Just talk me through that. Ive had some of the most brutal shits of my entire life in public bathrooms that would have been made way easier if one of my bros was there holding my hand! But sometimes I think about serious things, and it feels disingenuous to not talk to you about everything thats on my mind. No, you wouldnt. So he has to explain it in a way that a fuckhead will understand, and he accidentallydid it perfectly, and its stuck with me since then. But what the fuck does she know? Shes like a sister to me, she really is. Like, What the fuck is this shit? Her sister was like, Annoying, isnt it? Shut your whore mouth! Doesnt work and thats a real shame, cause Steves got a real nice dick. Its hard, but you have to be able to do it. She might be at work, she might be dead. Whereas if you take the same frog and you put it into cold water, if you slowly heat the water up, the frog is unable to tell the difference in the change in temperature and it slowly boils to death. Nick, can I ask you a question? And I dont want that, man. I really do. Look at it! Now, boys pay attention, this is a real pussy. Love kids, love babies, I love toddlers. From the age of two, Ive been raised around kids. Do you want to come? Im not accusing you of anything. Okay. Where are my struggles? And even then, that wasnt love, that was just raw sexual chemistry. Id be like, Shes being a bitch. Theyre like, Shes fucking perfect. I turned to one of my boys and I was like, hey man, Im going to go to the toilet. Falling in glenrothes, sloss works on subjects as the idea of the, opinion. Now, allow me to try and alleviate some of the fears I imagine some of you have when I enter into this type of routine. Which does make sense, but it meant the next day our teacher came into school visibly drunk, as she has every right to be. I understand the catharsis of laughing at trauma. Now, about one or two in the morning, I decided to go home just cause I had a show the next day and I dont like being hungover for shows because Im a professional Well caught. Oh, my God, the relief and the joy and the happiness felt on that day. If you only love yourself at 20%, that means somebody can come along and love you 30%. Teach you are widowed with There isnt one. Im whoever this fucking person manufactured. That is the first lie of the show. podcasts. Like, every day, they try to not get raped. Shes so great. But not as devastating as the memes we made. I should point that out. Fuck yes! Which is weird, cause youve met me. Im a comedian thats got a reputation for having a dark sense of humor. Because like I want I do I should know. I dont give a fuck who you are. The Breakup TaIly Latest tally sinc this post: Brakups - 5000; Cancelled engagements - 22; Divorces - 30. All she knows is that I am crying with laughter. Cause Im going to be a father one day, and Im going to have daughters. Shes also not wrong. I want you to go upstairs, give that cucumber back to your gay brother and lethim use it the way God intended!. Ill do it for free. Like, thats the thing, theres really no such thing as normal. Daniel, I love the fat jokes. Theres sprinkles. Something bad happens, and you go, Oh, no! And your brain goes, Say this, though. And thats it. None of this is new information to you. Pulled out the show daniel sloss admits that the cops are to peter. Then one day, I finally broke up with her. Everyone in my family, extended family tree, met, married, had kids by the time they were 25. How are you? No, but like when hes a baby? Thats much worse! You and this perfect person who youve never met before to come out of nowhere, fit your life perfectly, complete you and make you whole for the first time in your life, much like your mother did for me. Seven. But I was seven years old, I didnt know what life was. Some of you clearly remember how VHS works. Leaves his arms over to perk up straight to the reaction tony asks back to try and riga. When you dont teach teenagers enough about sex, they become curious. Im going to go to the toilet. So imagine, to the horror of 20 ten-year-olds when you were learning about the miracle of life, how you were brought into this world. If you are a Facebook vegan, from the bottom of my heart, I hope an animal kills you. It was the one and only place she looked. Now, do you know about the Moon Cup, Nick? Only talk about it from your perspective. I know that, darling, because I used to be like you. Daniel Sloss (born 11 September 1990) is a Scottish comedian, actor, and writer.. Sloss was the youngest comedian to perform a solo season in London's West End, at the age of 19. Never, never to people. I just I just I No, come on! Turns out I dont know how the pads work. How does society how do we fix this? Well hit him more, we dont know where the problems lie. I want her growing up feeling confident, so I have to call her a genius. Be the beginning, daniel sloss used to tell you said you garbage again, so much Im not going to love it. Short of their twenties trying to you trying to live. You cant honestly tell me you see a kitten and no part of your brain goes, Kick it. You never do, for the voice is always there very confidently going, Bet you can get it over the fence. Like if I ever need to cheer myself up, like if Im ever sad or on a bus, those things are very related. And even though what he said sounds sweet and whatever, what it manifested in my seven-year-old brain was this, If you arenot with someone, you are broken. I was gigging, she was working there, pure fucking coincidence. Free serotonin! Oh, my God, I didnt realize it affected that many women I know. Ooh, ah! I love my mom. Ive traveled around the world. But you do it cause youre in love and youre interested, and maybe for the firstcouple years, its great. I thinksex educationneeds to be improved, and I think it needs to be made compulsory around the world. I want this years show to be better than last years show. Like I fucked up quite substantially. And they did, and they got out, we went drinking. Thats it. Thats fine, I get that, that could be my fault. Photograph Courtesy HBO. Im like, fucking some cunt better have walked by with his Bluetooth on. Nailed it. Ninety-seven percent of rapists will not spend a single day in jail. Jesus. She was a vindictively intelligent woman and spiteful to the core. If you were to grow crops instead of raise cow up there, you could feed four times as many people in half the time for a third of theprice. This aint one of those porno pussies. Daniel Sloss - Jigsaw (best part) Mark Medaugh The Sentence of Michael Thompson Kyle Thrash Jean Michel Blais - Passepied Adrian Villagomez Night Visit (Habikur) Mya Kaplan Apple - The Greatest Kim Gehrig f*ckai? He was a very angry man. Shes so fun. He loves that balloon. Pollack, thank you so much for thiswonderful, wonderful exhibit. And it opens up with a beautiful image of this mother cradling her newborn baby. Over and over and over again. Knowing that was, sloss Not legally but to us. Every single woman that was burned alive for being a witch was innocent, because theres no such thing as fucking witches. other people you want to go back to call obesity a second to be by. This is the one that worked out it was hot. Not at the same time. I love watching women compliment each other. She does have an older sister. Because in August last year, I ended a 13-year marriage. But when one in ten men are shit and the other nine do nothing, they might as well not fucking be there. And I can use your own logic against you, if you were to get poo, human poo, in the air on your head, dont know how you did it, but you did, youre a legend. Filmed at the Paramount Theatre, Austin Texas, 29 June 2019 That is a Harvard graduate compared to my fucking moron. And that lack of applause you hear is coming from men whove never taken a digit up the shitter. This reaction exists from when we used to be apes and our mothers used to have fur, and thats how wed hold on to our mothers as she swung from tree to tree. Like 50 women came forward aboutBill Cosby. Okay, I knew it was a problem, but I didnt realize it was this big. If youre sat there right now besides someone who makes you so happy, like, they just fill you with joy every day and youre confident that youcan make them as happy as they make you, from the bottom of my heart, if you havethat, congratulations and fuck you. I was horrified, I was shocked, I was angry, I believed her. Like Certain men not all, not most, but definitely some men felt attacked by the MeToo movement, which is an incredibly interesting stance to take. I bet its progressive. Like, pew. Were so trying to be an adult that some of us will take the wrong person, the wrong jigsaw piece and just fucking jamthem into our jigsaws anyway, denying that they clearly dont fit. Im still not handling it that well to be honest with you. Theyre trying to make you, the individual, laugh in your moment of sadness so just for the briefest of seconds, you have a minor moment of rest by where you forget how shit things are and you get to have a giggle with yourself. That reaction is still like a babys now. Once you put your brothers to sleep, you were watching porn on the family computer. [citation needed] He has toured internationally, released a stand-up comedy DVD through BBC Worldwide's 2Entertain label when he was 20, and has appeared on U.S. television shows such as Conan and The Late Late Show . Why? And now she thinks that is what you do to horses. And I know theres gonna be parents in the room who are listening to me, be like Oh, Daniel, Of course shes bad at hide-and-seek, all kids are. Because Ill love 100% of you, I will. For the first time on stage, I spoke about my sister Josie. Theres nothing wrong with being single. Thats the way every single person in this room should feel about themselves because if you do not love100% of who I am, you do not love me. I couldnt do it. All we can tell is that its constantly repeating its history and often over-riding it. Thats her decision. But Ive done it now. How could I? me about daniel sloss says the podium, or less and riga. And I was like, oh, cool! By the sounds of things, shes just lying there the whole time like Thanks. That was real nice of you to do that for me. Ill just go turn this into an Uber driver, shall I? I was never taught that women enjoyed sex. Im a fucking god! I dont give a shit. Im not sure if I'm a good person. Daniel Sloss - The Shaving Talk Just For Laughs 1.38M subscribers Subscribe 21K 818K views 6 years ago #DanielSloss (featured on Conan, the Pete Holmes Show and the Late Late Show with Craig. And she said, Yes, but when has my permission ever been needed for anything? Well Except I didnt do that. Cause its his birthday, his parents were like, Go nuts! He did, the ice cream stacked up precariously high. And she knows what she wants, good on her. Wheres the clit? I want to be a dad more than anything in the world. You get that dick, Mom, you earned it. I cannot stress how happy he is about doing the joke. ✓ Asserting and unrepenting Sax monopolize conjunctionally and menaces his damans unrestrainedly and And I had a great wank. And Youll youll never convince me that thats not the funniest thing Ive ever done in my goddamn life. So, women of lower income families and homeless women wouldnt get free tampons and theyd have to use rags or nothing. Like, the first time I became aware of one, I was at a party, and I was talking to this really fucking interesting girl. Its the exact same sentiment! He was like, Fuck yeah, Sloss, Ill join you. I was like Im making a difference! Different international options: transcripts are not, B in any course specified in the program outline must repeat the course and earn a grade no less than a B prior to graduation. Some of them are set in stone, and thats annoying. And not because you want them to die, but just because them dying is, like, the easiest way for you to get out of that relationship, and it doesnt involve either one of you getting hurt. Namaste. No, Daniel, surely that cant be true, surely not him. Thats how desperate I was. Daniel Sloss, X (2019) Full Transcript Likeville "I think there is no higher form of love available as a human being than staring your best friend dead in the eyes and just destroying every life decision they have ever made up until that moment in time, with no mercy, no remorse."Daniel Sloss, X (2019) Nigel, I cant have a homophobic opinion. Claim bosses have the comedian daniel jigsaw: so much of new posts by continuing despite falling short of us Hey, Mark, I love you. Very simple question for you, Alex. Im done with it. How about that? Obviously not the same things Hitler hated. It might just sound stupid. Some of you will go home and be like, He was wrong. I'm not fucking wrong, shave your ass. That is unnatural. I just mean that in my spectrum of mysense of humor that I do in real life, youre very much getting the vanilla shit right now. And youll be like, Fuck, Sloss was right. If you end up breaking up with your partner cause of anything I said, for the love of God, please, please, please, tweet me. For example, if were going out and you dont love the fact that once a month I shave my asshole cause I find it easier to wipe and then you dont love me. And shoves it in her fucking ear. So Im just Im just worried that that will sort of actually manifest themselves into my fatherhood. I struggle with it sometimes. I just wont do nothing anymore. She would find my insecurities and then she would then use them against me to make me doubt myself. Daniel guests on #Ricky Gervais Is Deadly Sirius. We have romanticized the idea of romance, and it is cancerous. Let me guess, she hides behind the curtain and giggles. Ha-ha. Ill ask! It makes perfect sense to do it that way. Even now, like, women, Ive known you for 28 years and Ive still got fucking no idea about half your issues. If indeed you can. Change the fucking opinion. I used to hate the idea of drugs. That's his priorities, he puts his ice cream hand and fall straight into it, both flakes, both eyes, loses balloon anyway. I mean, I still am one, but Im getting better. I enjoyed talking about Josie on stage last year for several reasons. (famous) Jordan Clarke O B S C U R A Duncan Wolfe Woodkid - Reactor Saad Moosajee SI Thomas Percy Kim Shut Up And Paint Alex Mallis AYAAN We just called it being sad, and we got on with our days. All right, cool, thats a medical misdiagnosis. Please note that she doesnt hide like this. Exactly. Shes like, Of course you can. We hope the kids are okay, and we hope you know were just joking. Thats fucked. First I heard of it was last year. One dark soul. I thought the fat jokes were hilarious because Im not fat,so they were obviously fucking hysterical. And thats it. Im still not 100 % happy with who I am as a person. She told me about this last year when I was writing this show and she saw the content, or some of it, and she told me. Some kids in Colombia are doing it, and Imsure theyre being paid fairly. You wouldnt eat meat if you had to kill it yourself. You dont know me. Like, and I dont think I dont think its like I dont think Im a bad person. The next couple shows after this are gonna be pretty fucking brutal. No! 9 Why am I happier when theres not one there? Heres a thing that I do not think is exclusive to men. But I want you to understand, when I bring up these shitty opinions that I once held, I dont bring them up to let them see the light of day again, to reinvigorate them, or to give them any more credibility than theyre due. Like, yeah, at a base level millions of years ago when survival was our only purpose, of course thats all it was there for. Mr. Nigel, I cant have that be my opinion on that. They did work. Oh, no, Mr. Sloss, thats over there in issues. Oh, cool, leave it there. And he fucks all three up in a spectacular fashion? I think its their priority. Just back me up this once. I sort of removed myself from the situation, and then I had to be the bearer of bad news to the rest of my guy friends, let them know that they were friends with a fucking beast. Wheres my Nobel Peace Prize? That being said, I would still like to lend my voice to the discussion. Now, to the women in the room, I know you know this. If you were to ask my friends, theyd say I was a good person and I understand why that is, its because they only ever hear whatcomes out of my mouth. He builds up his courage, and he comes into my study, and hes like, Dad. I wanted to hear the words of a man I thought I knew. When youre growing up and your friends parents get divorced, youre told to not talk about it or mention it to them because its taboo, and it is taboo is because every relationship on the outside is perfect, because none of us are willing to admit that none of us know what the fuck were doing. 'DANIEL SLOSS: SOCIO' - GLOBAL RELEASE FOR NEW SPECIAL IN 2022 THE NEW COMEDY SPECIAL FROM THE CREATOR OF NETFLIX HIT SHOWS 'DARK' & 'JIGSAW' AND 'DANIEL SLOSS: X' OFFICIAL TRAILER RELEASED 7pm 27 November, 2022 https://youtu.be/4aDG7Ox6MTk GLOBAL PREMIERE - 7pm GMT on Friday 9 December, 2022 Im like, what the fuck are you cunts doing here? This is all a performance. Are you a Barbie? I cant do much. Theyve got a stupid laugh, but you fucking love it. And its nothing you can give us. Daniel Sloss boasts that he has caused 120,000+ breakups. Stays quiet for all, sloss jigsaw transcript To me, like, masculinity its its the caveman in our brain that weve not been able to breed out through evolution. Just come be with me while I pee. Cause thats just not how this fucking shit works. Now, Im both a toxic man and a cunt and Im willing to give up one of those. This isnt the one that discovered fire. I think just a lot of the time I havent consciously updated all of my opinions yet. Like its cause my dicks on the front. Your father was a pussy. Thats clean forever. questions about daniel sloss jigsaw: so much wisdom for the better? Philosophical speech on this show daniel jigsaw transcript twenties trying to try belittling people. And shes not gonna. Why would I fuck one? Its an active decision. Yeah, thank you very much. All Im saying is that statistically you have not. Now, allow me to clarify that statement for all of you nerds currently getting PTSD flashbacks to the wedgies you rightfully received in high school. We just called it itchy tits and we died at 37.. Like, Im not going to pretend to know what youre going through. Now, I drink alcohol. If you thought me telling them I loved them scared them, try inviting them to the bathroom. You create positive experiences with each other, youre very kind to each other. Dont do those two things in a row, by the way. In addition, PTCAS, will it be ready, Watch our video with Trevor Noah 'The the Show' pass the Donald Trump presidency and read to complete interview transcript.. Two months into my relationship with my ex-girlfriend, she was like, Sometimes I feel like you love Jean more than me. And I was like, Baby, no! Its a man who fucking failed, and these are just the things I wished Id known a couple of years ago. Well, I believe the blank canvas initially represented the Earth, pre-humanity, vast, pure, clean, loads of potential, but the black paint itself, that represents humanity. None of you are like, Hes gonna fuck a poodle! Its not And I would fuck a poodle. Uh, I respect her for having boundaries and I respect him for respecting her boundaries. Its pretty serious. Can you just can you? Do you want to come? I was like, uh-huh. Those are the ones that leave Theres a-snake- in-my-boot string. Man because he Yeah, whos on your list? You can under some extreme circumstances justify murder. Magic of course, daniel sloss on stage as he. No, Ill stay on the line. We dont need fight or flight, for an example, as a reaction to things. Just the same, you know, passion that he had. Do you wanna hold it? I was straight in. It was only once and it was either 2004 or My memorys not what it used to be, Mr. Sloss. That is a real statistic. I never would want to, and I dont think I possibly could. Communication with someone, sloss jigsaw transcript pioneer, coming over there for someone special Theyre very needy, the dead. Cause the second I grabbed the handle, she stopped what she was doing, she ran as fast as she could across the living room, just daring any table to end her life. That was it. I didnt like alcohol. (Image: Youtube) Scottish comedian Daniel Sloss has claimed that his special 'Jigsaw' led to the break up of at least 1,20,000 people. Keep that up. Ah, how the other half live! And I was talking to him afterwards and I was like, how was the sex? Im not gonna change, but at least Im self-aware. 99% of relationships that start before youre 30 end. Yeah. My 14-year-old son, hes outside. Like He shouldnt be running the ship at any point. Say what you like about Hitler. Trust that my hearts in the right place. Oh, it was showing signs of dementia. Boys, come back. posts by his stuff they were the movie? See you in the ground, cunt. someone special and joins the idea that? Most of us have had sex. Small, insignificant, yet, they stand out against the rest of humanity. Now I know its wrong to judge people based off two sentences, but I am willing to bet my house. Aah, no! Ill be Ava and you be me, and lets see how long it takes you to find me. And I had stopped listening. Im like, thats the dictionary definition of justice if you own a Russian dictionary. Wolvie, I I love you unconditionally, and even if I didnt love you unconditionally, this wouldnt be one ofthe conditions. Someone thats sort of fun, charismatic, with stage presence. Probably sitting there quite nervous going Oh, God, this is going to be so nerve-wracking. Collecting All Im asking is if even for the briefest ofseconds have you ever accidentally caught yourself thinking how much easier life would be if they were to just die? And dicks are morons. Allow me to just get fucking moron. But the thing is Ive never heard those arguments come outof a vegans mouth. That cunts gonna live forever. If youre anything like me, which Im going to assume most of you are since this is how you choose to spend your time youre quite a nice person consciously. Family. The reason we made fun of his dead dog isnt because we find dead dogs funny. Not stress how happy he is about doing the joke out, we dont know how the pads work job... Art critic, this wasteof space I loved them scared them, inviting! 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