what was the outcome of chief sweetgrass signing treaty 6

On the afternoon of July 27, 1876, the Honourable Alexander Morris and his treaty party left Fort Garry (present day Winnipeg) and headed northwest along Carlton trail to the Hudsons Bay Company trading post Fort Carlton (Stonechild and Waiser 10). Chief Sweetgrass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians but was killed about six months later. [3] Sweet Grass and Big Bear had formed a war party for this exact purpose as stated previously. The iconography on the commemorative medals for Treaty 6 symbolizes: A.Two sovereign nations making peace and sharing the land forever B.The equality of all peoples under God C.The transfer of land and resources for material goods D.The dominance of the British Crown in negotiations and afterward A The government had two interpreters; Reverend McKay, who knew Swampy Cree and Saulteaux, and Peter Ballenden, who was a good interpreter in small groups but did not do so well in large group settings. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Wandering Spirit stayed in power for the duration of the uprising while Big Bear counselled for peace and protecting the white prisoners. It is ours and we will take what we want.. Prime Minister John A. Macdonald wantedto expand the new Dominion west to the Pacific Ocean (Dodson 17). These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. [4] Warriors consistently taunted him due to his stature within the village. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Indigenous people relinquishing titles and privileges to land. How Canada fulfilled its obligations was critical and it appeared to the First Nations that they made a mistake in surrendering their lands and way of life to become farmers. On 31 March 1958, the Department of Indian Affairs enfranchised the entire Michel Callihoo band, meaning that they lost their legal rights as status Indians in exchange for other rights, such as voting (see Indian; Indigenous Suffrage). [56] The tactic of withholding food from reserves will be used by the Canadian government to force cooperation. What was the Indigenous perspective of treaty 6. agreement between sovereign nations. Website Development Studio. Mtis observer and translator, Peter Erasmus noted that Morris was shaken by the incident. Treaty 6 included terms that had not been incorporated into Treaties 1 to 5, including a medicine chest at the house of the Indian agent on the reserve, protection from famine and pestilence, more agricultural implements, and on-reserve education. We had a great starvation the past winter, and the smallpox took away many of our people, the old, young, and children. If you cant come yourself, send someone in your place. On 9 September, Weekaskookwasayin addressed the people, arguing that the treaty terms would help preserve and protect their livelihood. [33] This land was not the HBC's to sell which is a problem that would occur several times to indigenous groups all over Canada. Before negotiations began, the Cree performed a sacred pipe ceremony, in which the commissioners participated. Even more important, the Chiefs felt that the Treaties would impose European values on the Cree. He was succeeded by his son, Apseenes (Young Sweet Grass). These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Later that year, Sweet Grass was converted to Roman Catholicism by Father Albert Lacombe and was baptized with the Christian name Abraham. From here the group made income from farming and lumber sale, supplemented with traditional methods as much as possible. After the raid, they moved back to the reserve with the captured supplies without another incident. Created in 1993, the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations represents the various band governments of Treaty 6. On August 22, 1921, Chief Monfwi, representing all Tlicho, signed Treaty 11 with Canada. Morris promised the tools and animals needed to engage in farming, cash payments, ammunition, twine, schools, and presents to the Chiefs and Headmen. Please have a look around. A few months after the Pitt meeting, Chief Sweetgrass was shot and killed by accident with the gun presented to him as a treaty gift, at the hands of his best friend. For example, one of the first recorded treaties between First Nations involved the Onodowohgah (Seneca), Kanien'Kehaka (Mohawk), Onundagaono (Onondaga), Onayotekaono (Oneida), and Guyohkohnyoh (Cayuga). Linguistic and cultural differences likely resulted in a misinterpretation of the treaty terms. We invite you to come and see us and to speak with us. Rather than promising schools on reserve, the only guarantee was that the government would pay the salary of teachers. Treaties were signed with First Nations in Canada between 1871 and 1921. Treaty 7 lands (courtesy Victor Temprano/Native-Land.ca). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Some of the Chiefs and their people were hunting on the prairies and the ones that were present wanted to wait for the others while a message was sent for them to attend the meeting. Treaty 6 was signed by Crown representatives and Cree, Assiniboine and Ojibwe leaders on 23 August 1876 at Fort Carlton, Saskatchewan, and on 9 September 1876 at Fort Pitt, Saskatchewan. Website Development Studio. The Indigenous leaders then held council for the rest of the day. Treaty 7 was signed in 1877. The Michel Callihoo band continues to lobby the federal government for these rights (see Rights of Indigenous Peoples). In Canada, Aboriginal title describes the rights of Indigenous peoples to land based on long-standing land use and occupancy. When Sweet Grass died in 1877 his son was left to hold together the Band who followed his father. Edmonton was founded in Treaty No 6 territory and Treaty No 6 Recognition Day recognizes Edmonton's connection with the First peoples of this land. During this time Lacombe would become familiar with the Cree language and the culture, even writing a Cree dictionary in 1874. The Crown also promised Treaty 6 signatories the establishment of schools on reserve land and a medicine chest, which is interpreted to mean universal health care. The Crees were advised by members of Yellowquills band to prevent the treaty party from crossing the river as they were unhappy about the terms of Treaty 4. [21], Sweet Grass often worked closely with the fellow Cree chief Big Bear. What benefits did the newcomers receive through treaty six? Treaty 6 was signed by the commissioners and the head chiefs of the Carlton bands on 23 August 1876. Mistawasis further said, The prairies have not been darkened by the blood of our white brothers in our time, let this always be so. For the first three years after the signing of the treaty, Indigenous peoples farming on reserves were entitled to $1,000 in agricultural provisions. Chief Vernon Watchmaker 3 What happened when Chief Sweetgrass signed Treaty 6? However, this likely happened because he was born in a Cree Camp. They were also concerned about starvation due to the diminishing supply of bison and other large game on which their economy depended. Website Development Studio. Interpreter, Peter Erasmus, now employed with the government and travelling with the Treaty party translated the terms of the Treaty signed. The last day of the Treaty negotiations at Fort Carlton took place on August 23, 1876. 6 Recognition Day to commemorate the signing of the treaty in 1876. Chief Sweetgrass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians but was killed about six months later. In the face of survival, the Cree started to assemble and meet with one another to discuss their approach to the government. It was due to both Lacombe's understanding of Cree culture and the growing desperation of the Cree, he would be able to convert many of the Cree to the Roman Catholic faith. It belonged to no one man and could not be sold (Christensen 146). [24] Additionally, as the Hudson's Bay Company moved into the prairies, the fur trade offered an extremely important source of income and goods for the Cree. Treaty 6 peoples also actively participate in the Idle No More movement. Treaty 6, between the Queen and bands of Cree and Stoney First Nations, was negotiated and signed at Fort Carlton and Duck Lake in August, and at Fort Pitt in September, 1876. These agents were assigned to Indian reserves and bands and attempted to act as a liaison between the Government and First Nation communities. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Chiefs hired Peter Erasmus, a Mtis, to interpret for them during the proceedings and his role became integral to both sides. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT3EjLPW2uw. While the following is not a definitive list, adhesions were signed by Indigenous bands at: Fort Edmonton (August 1877); Blackfoot Crossing (September 1877); Carlton and Battleford (AugustSeptember 1878); Fort Walsh (July 1879 and December 1882) and Montreal Lake (1889). The impact of the signing of the treaty had a significant effect on Cree life for both those who signed the treaty and those who did not. Sweet Grass very kind to the priest, and often wanted to discuss religion. These issues, coupled with the opinion of lieutenant governor of Manitoba and the North-West Territories, Alexander Morris that treaties were effective ways to gain access to, and develop, lands in the West the government finally agreed to negotiate a treaty with the Plains Cree and neighbouring Indigenous peoples. For almost two centuries the Cree, Assiniboine, and Saulteaux held a monopoly over European trade goods and weaponry in the western interior. While the convention was initially held to modify the existing Articles of Confederation, the eventual consensus was the drafting of a new constitution. To cede land (the act of cession) is to give up or surrender the authority to control and own that land. [3] Both Chiefs would work together in multiple raids on the Blackfoot. The bearer of the sacred stem Wah-wee-kah-nich-ka-oh-tah-mah-hote (the man you strike on the back) carried the decorated pipe stem, and walked slowly along the semi circle of people to the front. Other Nations held them in fear(Stonechild and Waiser 5). Make provision for us against years of starvation. Big Bear resisted signing of the treaty, hoping that he could hold out for a better deal with the Canadian government. We want you to be aware of the benefits, credits and requirements that apply to you. His brother believed that they had given too much to the government in the treaty. They needed to know what the government planned to do to help the people suffering due to the decimation of the buffalo and disease that had killed many. John A. Macdonald had to protect the west from American expansion after they bought Alaska in 1867 (Natural Resources Canada). The raid of horses on the Blackfoot may have been an attempt to prove his worth to the tribe and seek their acceptance. Beardys main concern was the rapid loss of the buffalo and he could not see how the treaty provisions would be able to compensate for such a loss and way of life for the Plains First Nations. What was the European perspective of treaty 6. [8] Children did not wear much clothing and boys wore nothing until the age of five. The Treaty of Waitangi Claudia Orange Google Books. After resisting sending children into the Canadian school system, the Cree living on the reserve received no food rations, until they capitulated. In exchange for Indigenous title to their land (, ), Treaty 6 provided: an annual cash payment of $25 per chief; $15 per headman and $5 for all other band members; a one-time cash payment of $12 for each band member; and reserve lands in the amount of one mile. ) He also agreed to give agricultural implements. [2] Due to this, Sweet Grass was not Cree and was Crow. Fearing starvation and unrest, many of the initially hesitant chiefs signed adhesions to the treaty in the years to come, including Minahikosis (who signed in July 1879) and Mistahimaskwa (who signed on 8 December 1882 at Fort Walsh). Thirteen years later in 1889, the Lac La Ronge and Montreal Lake Bands adhered to Treaty Six which expanded the territory of Treaty Six. In 1862, Sweet Grass accompanied Broken Arm, who was known for his ability to broker peace, along with fifty escorts to finally make peace with the Blackfoot. When Sweet Grass became Chief, his tribe had already been in an uneasy peace with the Blackfoot (Milloy 1988, 111). At this point Erasmus was asked to translate for both sides, with the Chiefs supporting him. The group would then move to capture Fort Pit. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". [6], Due to the fact that Sweet Grass' Mother was captured by a Cree tribe, it is unknown if she partook in the established birthing and naming traditions. Some were away, including Cree chief Mistahimaskwa (Big Bear). The treaty boundaries extend across central portions of present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan. What happened when Chief Sweetgrass signed Treaty 6? The written treaty ceded roughly 130,000 km of land from the Rocky Mountains to the west, the Cypress Hills to the east, the Red Deer River to the north, and the US border to the south. "Biography WIKASKOKISEYIN, ABRAHAM Volume X (1871-1880) Dictionary of Canadian Biography", "History from a Different Angle: Narrative Strategies in The Temptations of Big Bear", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sweet_Grass_(Cree_chief)&oldid=1091635942, This page was last edited on 5 June 2022, at 12:56. There typically was a large number of warriors within a band and these men held extremely high prestige. [3] The Cree believe that the creator spirit was in every living thing around them. The amount of power wielded by Cree chiefs varied from person to person. The two messengers, Rev. There were also village elders and warriors. Kehewin Cree Nation Chief Vernon Watchmaker is the Grand Chief for Confederacy of Treaty No. Draft that endured throughout its provisions requiring domestic legal obligations on us law on behalf, led russia to executive to a window. Morris addressed the crowd reassuring them that the Queen would look after them and the next two days were spent considering the words of Morris speaking on behalf of the Crown. In another significant difference from Treaty 6, Treaty 7 states that the Crown would pay for teachers salaries instead of the maintenance of school buildings. A reserve was surveyed west of Battleford in 1884 for the melded band members, who sold hay and wood, and maintained gardens and livestock. Why are but was the of treaty waitangi written out. [7] There is no record of whether Sweet Grass and his mother took part in this ceremony. He recounted the important points the Chiefs expressed regarding their physical and cultural survival, recounted the moving speeches of Ahtahkakoop and Mistawasis, and the special provisions that they negotiated to be included. Big Bear stands tall in the memory of the Cree Nation as a proud and truly visionary leader who fought against the forces of Canadian colonialism and ultimately suffered for his Nation. In 1882, Young Sweet Grass and seventeen followers joined Wah-wee-kah-oo-tah-mah-hote (Strikes him on the back), who had signed Treaty 6 at Fort Carlton on August 28, 1876. He was succeeded by his son, Apseenes (Young Sweet Grass). At that time, they as well were facing low fur prices, and poor hunting and fishing. Sweet Grass was born with the name Okimasis, which translates to He-who-has-no-name, and Little Chief, which was related to his small size. He worked with other chiefs and bands to participate in raids with enemy tribes. "The Blackfoot and the Cree were fighting to gain control of the Cypress Hills boundaries and in the fall of 1870 there was a battle between them called the Battle of Belly River. Big Bear and Little Pine led the Crees and attacked a Blood First Nations camp. It is considered in present day that the medicine chest led to the concept of free health care. On arrival at Fort Carlton on 15 August, Morris met with the head chiefs of the Carlton Cree: Mistawasis (Big Child) and Ahtahkakoop (Star Blanket). It is the unique collective right to use of, and jurisdiction over, ancestral territory and is separate from the rights of non-Aboriginal Canadian citizens under common law. He reminded them that the buffalo were disappearing and that they would have to learn to farm to feed themselves. Morris said little to ease the concerns of Beardy and promised that they too would receive the same as the other bands including agricultural assistance for a new way of life. By 1870 chief Sweet Grass would begin to become more integrated into Canadian society. The manager of the HBC post at Fort Carlton, Lawrence Clarke, wrote to government officials that same summer, alerting them that the Cree had also threatened to turn back telegraph workers who were trying to construct a line from Winnipeg to Edmonton. 6 Recognition Day in 2013. He was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. During one hunt Sweetgrass's horse was unable to remain calm, which was affecting the hunting of buffalo. Modify the existing Articles of Confederation, the only guarantee was that the Treaties would impose values... Culture, even writing a Cree Camp left to hold the band,. Is set by GDPR cookie Consent plugin food from reserves will be used by the.! Russia to executive to a window 1993, the Confederacy of treaty Six Cree Nation Vernon! Would have to learn to farm to feed themselves Treaties would impose European values on the Blackfoot may been. 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