hangfire enqueued jobs not processing

The Hangfire Server uses multiple threads to perform background jobs. Do peer-reviewers ignore details in complicated mathematical computations and theorems? By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. There might be some web requests which take lots of time for execution like generating a report on successful insertion or sending email/SMS as acknowledgment for the transaction completion. These servers are responsible for processing jobs. Same error, using Hangfire version 1.7.11 on Linux, .NET Core 2.2.403. Jobs got enqueued but never picked up to be processed. Please use the STDump utility to obtain stack traces of your threads, when everything is blocked, and post them here. ***> wrote: I'm having this issue, some jobs are not processing and have days in the queue, and these jobs last at least 15 seconds to complete. Another Hangfire component, called Hangfire Server, checks the persistent storage for enqueued background jobs and performs them in a reliable way. Hangfire.Dashboard.Management 1.7.5 SF story, telepathic boy hunted as vampire (pre-1980). Unit Testing using XUnit, Hangfire in ASP.NET Core Easy way to Schedule Background Jobs. I am running Hangfire 1.7.19 and have my SqlServerStorageOptions set up as described here. We used to be on Windows App Service and no issues. Although the default installation uses SQL Server and polling technique to fetch jobs, you can leverage MSMQ or Redis extensions to reduce the processing latency to minimum. After running the application navigate to URL /Email this should call SendEmail to get action method in EmailController and the below screen should be displayed. @NeenuSunil Can you point me the documentation which says there is a bug with hangfire if prefix names include hypen. rights reserved Add interface Services/IEmailService.cs that has function SendEmail which will be implemented in dummy service DummyEmailService to write to console that email has been sent. I don't know why. Hangfire.BackgroundJob.ContinueJobWith is used to create the continuation background task. rather than trying to divine the physical file path to your templates directory from within the method you passed it into the method as an argument. What if we continue on a job that already executed? This is where background jobs come into the picture its like running the remaining of the activities in the background like on a different thread so that the main thread has been released for a user to perform other activities. What does "you better" mean in this context of conversation? This article covers detail about how to integrate Hangfire in ASP.NET Core applications which is an easy way to schedule background jobs in .NET Core and .NET based applications. These can be every minute, daily or weekly jobs that get executed as per defined frequency. Next select ASP.NET Core Web Application from the displayed project types template list and click on the Next button as shown in the screenshot below, 4. While Hangfire comes with a lot of great features , Posted: (5 days ago) @odinserj safe yourself some time reading all this :). turnitoff_onagain February 22, 2022, 3:27pm #3 I am showing 294 enqueued, and 40 processing. Currently using SQL Server on Windows Server 2019. When I was running the app with IIS Express, the queued jobs successfully get processed after queued. Implement Hangfire in ASP.NET Core i.e. ASP.NET Core 5 I am running Hangfire 1.7.19 and have my SqlServerStorageOptions set up as described here. These are mainly used to release the main thread so that the user experience is more responsive. How to get List of all Hangfire Jobs using JobStorage in C#? For ASP.NET Core, define the queues array with services.AddHangfireServer in Startup.cs: Please use Hangfire Forum for long questions or questions with source code. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and To place a job into a different queue, use the QueueAttribute class on your method: For example, the EnqueuedState handler adds jobs to their corresponding queue in storage. We have not restarted the api server at all and when viewing the hangfire dashboard a heart beat is shown as expected. Are you redis Or sql?? Here are for example two enqueued jobs in the dashboard: and I can see them in the Redis storage with the proper *queue key: and here is an example, that the jobs get processed as soon as I click on the Requeue button (at this point both pending jobs were processed, although I clicked Requeue on just one of the pending one): Will send you next, during the day, the configuration code related to Hangfire. What do I miss to send the email? .NET Core It's still happening for us, with Hangfire version 1.7.25 using redis storage with Hangfire Pro 2.8.10. They form two groups, depending on their acquire and release behavior. Batch is a group of background jobs that is created atomically and considered as a single entity. EXECUTE on sp_getapplock and sp_releaseapplock in the master database. These jobs are created with a delay and are executed when the configured delay time has been elapsed. Dashboard (on separate web app) says the Hangfire server is live and connected and good heartbeat, etc. How would I go about explaining the science of a world where everything is made of fabrics and craft supplies? If you dont want to process background jobs in a specific application instance, just dont create an instance of the BackgroundJobServer class. Enqueued jobs are handled by a dedicated pool of worker threads. I have a job that I scheduled to run yesterday and when I check the queue today I see that it is enqueued but not processing. Everything works perfectly all other times. I had copied the method from their web site: I transformed the method as you said, but nothing changed and nothing raises an exception.. see the update 2, http://docs.hangfire.io/en/latest/configuration/using-sql-server.html, https://discuss.hangfire.io/t/jobs-in-enqueue-state-most-never-run/2367/4, Microsoft Azure joins Collectives on Stack Overflow. Hangfire is showing 0 jobs in the queue right now since git sync isnt running. I think it's worth a shot. EmailController into which we will inject IEmailService to call method SendEmail from service in controller action method SendEmail. I am using Postal, so EmailService is not my implementation. Without seeing your Hangfire configuration Do you have app.UseHangfireServer(); anywhere? Call out LIE here and present the BLOODY TIRE IRON. But when I switch to Local IIS the queued jobs never get processed (executed) and stay stuck in the queue. Adding this solved the problem. - Hangfire Discussion Enqueued jobs won't start processing bug? Compare that to the ScheduledState handler, which sets a timestamp on a custom scheduled metadata key in storage that indicates when the job should be enqueued. How do I submit an offer to buy an expired domain? We also saw that there is even a paid version of Hangfire i.e. - CareHealthJobs. You can safely restart your application and use Hangfire with ASP.NET without worrying about application pool recycles. Hangfire.Dashboard.Authorization 2.0.0 Already on GitHub? ***> wrote: Actually, i use Memory Storage and I guess it is not related to storage but to something introduced with the latest versions. Open and free for commercial use. MariaDB. Well well, so the army taught him how to kill with a rope. If you are using redis, is it cluster mode enabled?? I don't see any worker threads, and without the logs it's hard to say what happened. Microservices Architecture File Upload Job storage is the central piece in Hangfire, and bugs in it will cause bugs everywhere in Hangfire. Oh, Hangfire.Redis.StackExchange and Hangfire.Pro.Redis use totally different protocols, store things differently and aren't compatible with each other. An easy way to perform background processing in .NET and .NET Core applications. There are a lot of reasons for this to happen, including different deadlocks in background job methods themselves. In order for Hangfire dashboard to display the job being enqueued the enqueue call needs to be _hangfireServer.Enqueue<ISomeWorkerInterface> (x => x.Process (someIdentifier)); as opposed to _hangfireServer.Enqueue ( () => _someWorkerInterface.Process (someIdentifier)); These are scheduled jobs normally executed multiple times on every defined interval. Ask him about the tire iron next. Retries Jobs list which have been retried due to some failure during previous execution. Here's the output of running stdump on the server process: EIDT: it's strange, if I click on the requeue button, the job will be processed, but all future enqueue jobs are pending again in this state. Why or When to Schedule background jobs in .NET Core? ASP.NET Core Unit Testing Azure Storage Hangfire can handle even unexpected process terminations, and will retry interrupted jobs automatically. .NET Core 6 C# If not, then something strange happens with event publication. The dashboard even allows you to manually run the jobs visible in the dashboard. Hi we are experiencing an odd issue with the running of jobs. Ill open an issue to investigate this. I identified an issue that would cause the hangfire jobs to hang like this if one of the git syncs hangs. Hangfire can process multiple queues. How to use Hangfire We are going to host hangfire in an ASP.NET Core app and use SQLite for storage. Instantly get notified about my new articles in your mailbox by subscribing via email. making the function static, does the job for me. Can I change which outlet on a circuit has the GFCI reset switch? After stopping the server and then starting up again newly queued jobs process fine. Dashboard supports modifications too. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Scheduled jobs enqueued but not processing. Did Richard Feynman say that anyone who claims to understand quantum physics is lying or crazy? Now that all the required NuGet packages for Hangfire has been installed we will not configure Hangfire in Startup.cs file. ASP.NET Core 2.2 Why does Hangfire wait for 15s every few seconds when polling sql server for jobs? We resolved the problem by Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Can I change which outlet on a circuit has the GFCI reset switch? Your answer only prevents a job to be executed in a machine other than the one where it has been queued, but it doesn't prevent reentrancy. It is licensed under LGPLv3 license. Even though the Dashboard feature is great, I also needed to integrate de connector with Azure App Insights, which was the main telemetry system of my customer. ], "@l": "Error", "@x": "MySqlConnector.MySqlException (0x80004005): The Command Timeout expired before the operation completed. Now lets add the middleware for Hangfire to the ASP.NET Core Middleware Pipeline that will be required to add the Hangfire dashboard UI. It might have some more details on why the queue is running. Would setting up some monitoring that polls the website sort this? To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Since one Hangfire Server instance can not process job from different queues, you should deploy multiple instances of Hangfire Server, one listens only MSMQ queues, another - only SQL Server queues. Python Data Types You are free to throw unhandled exceptions or terminate your application background jobs will be re-tried automatically. To place a job into a different queue, use the QueueAttribute class on your method: Using PostgreSQL, but before Memory and both have the same issues, I wouldn't say its DB related. I was using 2005. Scheduled jobs enqueued but not processing question queues aFamilyOfTrees March 8, 2021, 5:14pm #1 I have a job that I scheduled to run yesterday and when I check the queue today I see that it is enqueued but not processing. Job filters allow you to add custom features to the background processing in a way similar to ASP.NET MVC action filters. UPDATE They simply sit in the queued jobs tab. Hangfire.SqlServer 1.7.7, The problem is only when I deploy it on azure app service linux, not on my local machine. @meriturva what package for memory storage you are using? Changing the connector to this one https://github.com/MiloszKrajewski/Hangfire.Storage.MySql seems to have fixed my issue. From dashboard UI you will be able to see scheduled jobs & monitor the status of jobs. The following process is invoked by each worker: Fetch next job and hide it from other workers. Cloud Storage Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Restarting does not work, we must do a stop then start. Christian Science Monitor: a socially acceptable source among conservative Christians? How does the number of copies affect the diamond distance? It's almost impossible to find out what's happened without additional information, please see the following link and describe everything, including "ProTips" section. Would you like me try and collect any additional logs by some means? rev2023.1.18.43176. <. When a background job is ready to be enqueued, it is simply moved from ScheduledState to the EnqueuedState by using IBackgroundJobStateChanger. No log error at all! Learn Python Would you please let me know what am I missing. How many grandchildren does Joe Biden have? Should I re-enable the git sync before getting a memory dump? To begin processing multiple queues, you need to update your BackgroundJobServer configuration. Your email address will not be published. How Intuit improves security, latency, and development velocity with a Site Maintenance - Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 - 05:00 UTC (Thursday, Jan Were bringing advertisements for technology courses to Stack Overflow, Queuing BankgroundJob with Hangfire within an async action in ASP.NET MVC freeze the application, Roles Create New DataBase When I Add a user to a role in MVC 5. I have a simple MVC5 application + Hangfire 1.2.0. I am thinking, over the weekend traffic almost comes to a stand still and perhaps pool recycles and hangfire cant recover? Most of them seem to be git sync. Each filter can operate on and change the job's behavior at that point in the pipeline. That is what tells Hangfire that it needs to do the executing - otherwise you're simply queuing as it expects something else to do the execution. He'll get a bit shifty after this question, so call it into DOUBT. Have attached screen shots of server and jobs. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Execution will be retried (attempt #23) in 00:05:00 seconds." This is possible as job information is stored on a database that can be shared between different servers/applications. "SourceContext": "Hangfire.Server.Worker" It is worth noting the server we stop/start after 10 days is not the server that actually calls BackgroundProcess.Enqueue, please see details below along with a simple diagram of what is going on. Now register this service in the application dependency injection container so that it can be injected into the controller. Can you take a look in the hangfire dashboard to see if there is anything useful? Object Oriented Concepts The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Also having the same issue. We got the same problem using Hangfire 1.7.11 and Hangfire Pro 2.2.2 on Ubuntu 1804 with .NET Core 3.1.301. No Windows Service, no Windows Scheduler, no separate applications required. There's only one line that's odd there, about the "DelayedJobScheduler recovered from the Faulted state". @kunaldhande we are having the same issues. If it returns an empty list then it's either key name is misspelled or background job identifier is not in the queue. Hangfire.AspNetCore 1.7.7 I see you are using MySql as a job storage which is a community-based extension. And sorry for the confusion. i.e. So, we can talk about graceful shutdown only after waiting for all the components. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Same here after update to hangfire version 1.7.17. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Stop Hangfire job from enqueuing if already enqueued, windows services using HangFire for sending email daily, Running a background task for sending emails when a user posts to a discussion board in ASP.NET CORE, Hangfire - Prevent multiples of the same job being enqueued, cannot convert from threading task to system action, Hangfire job enqueued using interface ignores specified job filters on class/method level, First story where the hero/MC trains a defenseless village against raiders. Out of the box support for popular logging frameworks allows you to catch errors early with zero configuration. queue, and these jobs last at least 15 seconds to complete. ASP.NET Core Identity you can configure multiple (parent-continuation job) background jobs that can be linked together based on completion of a parent job. It happens randomly. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Hangfire is a simple to use an open-source library that makes the implementation of background job easy in .NET Core & .NET Applications. It seems like it is fetching the job and enqueuing the job but Why then the job is moved to Failed queue if processing of job is failed. If you are using redis, is it cluster mode enabled?? Fire-and-forget jobs are executed only once and almost immediately after creation. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Any support would be highly appreciated @odinserj. Encapsulation All I will be using Visual Studio 2019 community edition along with .NET Core 5 to create a new Web API project, 3. The only security provided by Hangfire in ASP.NET Core by default is that it allows only local requests for Dashboard UI, We did configure SQL Server database for Hangfire in ASP.NET Core as part of the Hangfire configuration in the startup (AddHangfire). 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