if (useTopTimes === true) { Being so intrinsically tied to Tyria, the death of an Elder Dragon has major consequences to the natural order of the world. segments: { return v ? Claim victory in the Battle of Dragonfall. /* User preferences section */ Wars sequences: { // And hide chosen element whilst still on this page. Commonly used methods are listed below. } }); This page was last edited on 27 October 2022, at 22:53. name: "New Kaineng City", link: "World boss", } } Glide over to the cliff, North of the clawed wing (very close to #10). $('.event-limit-text.prev').css('display', 'none'); 3: { name: "Octovine", link: "Battle in Tarir", chatlink: "[&BAIIAAA=]", bg: [190,215, 66] }, var abbrIndex = currentPref.indexOf(eventAbbr); opacity: 0.2; 1: { name: "Rounds 1 to 3", link: "Casino Blitz", chatlink: "[&BLsKAAA=]", bg: [234,175, 98] }, // INITIALISATION var partialDuration = 0; $.map(partial, function(v){ partialDuration += v.d; }); Dhuum is the former God of Death who was usurped and imprisoned by Grenth with the help of the Seven Reapers. pattern: [{r:1,d:120}] The Guild Invasions tab shows the Conquest Points your guild needs to earn accumulated from all characters personal conquests for the week. var eventBars = $('.event-bar-container'); Gold farming }); 3: { name: "Automated Tournament: Melandru's Matchup", link: "Automated Tournaments#Daily_tournaments", bg: [234, 98,121] }, Defeat the shadow behemoth is a level 15 event that takes place in Godslost Swamp in Queensdale. var isSubtoken = !match[1]; 1: { name: "Serpents' Ire", chatlink: "[&BHQKAAA=]", bg: [234,175, 98] }, Usage: a.unique() timeRaw = pad(date.getHours()) + ':' + pad(date.getMinutes()); 'PM' : 'AM')); } 2: { name: "Dredgehaunt Cliffs", link: "Dragon Bash Hologram Stampede! sequences: { If you miss the rock, the sand portal at the base if the cliff below will take you back to where you can try the glide again. text = text || pageName.replace(/_/g, " "); // Move the pointer } else { // Add CSS sheet to gray out appropriate elements, or bits // Update stored values }, return var zones = []; #event-wrapper.toptimes .event-bar-container.t .event-time { display: inherit; } // highlight-yellow event and state active 1: { name: "Saidra's Haven", link: "White Mantle Control: Saidra's Haven", chatlink: "[&BK0JAAA=]", bg: [159,217,147] }, e: e, var zoneParameter = 'wb,er'; x = ['.event-bar-segment.' box.attr('checked', getEventTimerPreferences(keyname, defaultvalue) ); name: "Jahai Bluffs", localStorage.removeItem('event-timer-'+keyname); U.S. appeals court says CFPB funding is unconstitutional - Protocol } 0: { name: "", bg: [251,132,152] }, }); // Utility function #2 and #3: HTML5 localStorage operator functions used to request existing preferences, and store user preferences for later visits var hideHeadings = getEventTimerPreferences('hideheadings', uitext.checkboxes.hideheadings.defaultvalue); link: "Automated Tournaments", function getCookie(k) { They may be purchased off the trading post or crafted at the Mystic Forge with the following recipe. font-weight: bold; } He ruled from his tower in the Underworld. var unix = Number(x.attributes['data-time-unix'].value); } $.each(roughSchedule, function(i, v) { partial: [{r:3,d:35},{r:4,d:5}], ", chatlink: "[&BBwHAAA=]", bg: [ 66,200,215] }, // Allow reordering of elements }, box-sizing: border-box; Walkthrough []. 1: { name: "Wayfarer Foothills", link: "Dragon Bash Hologram Stampede! Dragonfall Insight: Grenth's Teeth Coastline, Dragonfall Insight: Scorched Cliffs Treetop, Dragonfall Insight: Above the Umbral Battlegrounds, Help Logan and Rytlock establish a camp to the southeast, Assist the Mist Wardens in disrupting local Brandstorms, Collect Melandru's Tears throughout Melandru's Lost Domain, Defend the Pact as they escort the DERV to the Mist Wardens, Escort Melandru's Tears to the Olmakhan camp, Help Rox and Boticca establish a camp to the southwest, Assist the Olmakhan in disrupting local Brandstorms, Collect Soul Binders throughout the Underworld, Use Soul Binders to catch and kill fast-moving Branded enemies, Mount up to test Soul Binders on floating Branded debris, Defend the Olmakhan as they escort the effigy, Escort Soul Binders to the Crystal Bloom camp, Help Zaeim and Caithe establish a camp to the northwest, Assist the Crystal Bloom in disrupting local Brandstorms, Use Eternal Embers to destroy the Crystal Assemblers, Use Eternal Embers to destroy Branded turrets, Defend the Crystal Bloom as they escort the abomination to their camp, Escort Eternal Embers to the Olmakhan camp, Stop the Branded Mender from collecting magic for Kralkatorrik, Defeat the Branded storm elemental and cull the Branded from the area, Defend allies as they construct a Brandstorm disruptor, Protect the engineers while they install ley reflectors in Melandru's Lost Domain, Protect the engineers while they install ley reflectors in the Underworld, Protect the engineers while they install ley reflectors in the Burning Forest, Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion (Branded Hydra), Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion (Nature Elemental), Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion (Branded Devourer), Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion (Branded Forgotten Priest), Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion (Ghost Flayer), Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion (Branded Air Elemental), Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion (Branded Ogre), Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion (Hydra), Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion (Shadow Elemental), https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Dragonfall&oldid=2594978. sequences: { Under the leadership of renegade Jedi Master Count Dooku, thousands of systems threaten to secede South of the Vista near, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Skyscale_Scales&oldid=2544534. }); // Calculate the hours and minutes 4: { name: "Dawn", link: "Day and night", bg: [[122,134,171], [255,255,255]] } .event-bar-segment { 1: { name: "Mad King Says", link: "Your Mad King says", chatlink: "[&BBAEAAA=]", bg: [232,163,31] } .event-time { /* Caveats if hidden headings for compact */ Reward: Mist Shard Leggings Box: Completed 1 Event in the Underworld 1: Completed 5 Events in the Underworld 1: Completed 10 Events in the Underworld 1: Melandru's Lost Domain Slayer 20 return fullMetas; case 'object': hideheadings: { }; return $.map(val.bits, function(bit){ $('.event-bar-exit').click(function() { } 0: { name: "", bg: [187,119,207] }, console.error("Account/achievements API getJSON failed, status: " + textStatus + ", error: "+error); After completing Living World Season 4 episode 6 - War Eternal you will receive a mail from Gorrik telling you to meet him at Skyscale Eyrie. function fullPatternGenerator(partial, pattern){ } name: "Use 12-hour times. }, display: block; var widgetControls = widgetName + '-controls'; r = 2; // Special case: Dragon's Stand $(x).removeClass('hide'); Next time it won't load that element until you press reset. Mists-Charged Treasure: Accessory: Ascended: 80 150 + 4,000 Requires the achievement Life in the Underworld. Travel to Domain of Kourna. case 'string': // transparent or other alternative text pattern: [{r:1,d:70},{r:2,d:5},{r:3,d:40},{r:4,d:5}] db: { #event-wrapper.zone .event-bar-exit { display: none; } 1: { name: "Timberline Falls", link: "Defeat the Ley-Line Anomaly to disperse its destructive energy before it overloads", chatlink: "[&BEwCAAA=]", bg: [234, 98,121] }, if (otherHourOffset == 0) { } The scale is on a ledge just below your level on the cliff face. return padLeft(hours) + ':' + padLeft(minutes) + ':' + padLeft(seconds); He serves as the final boss of the Hall of Chains raid. position: absolute; displaySettingsLegend.append($('')); Events part of Break the Crystal Dragon meta event do not count towards the achievements. border: 1px solid black; clearTimeout(resizeTimer); s: s, // Start minutes, e.g. localStorage.setItem(isSubtoken ? } // Check if event has expired, if so update the next event UNIX date $(input).blur(function () { }, Do these in order for the best results. this.style.display = null; category: "Path of Fire", $('.apikey', widgetRef).val(token); } else { right: 0; var match = elements[i].dataset.id; twelveHourTimes = false; document.cookie = name +'=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT; Secure; SameSite=Strict'; timeString = $(document.createElement("span")).attr("title", uitext.timezonehover + " (UTC" + (timezoneOffset < 0 ? 50 if (useEvenHourStart === true) { name: "Domain of Vabbi", ", partial: [{r:2,d:10},{r:3,d:20}], var relevantIds = []; name: "Elon Riverlands", }); }, In order to hatch the eggs you will need to travel to various locations to collect certain types of magic located there. .append(link == "" ? // If any elements have expired, the flag will be set, and the table should be sorted. 2: { name: "Doppelganger", link: "The Path to Ascension", chatlink: "[&BFMKAAA=]", bg: [215,150, 66] } })(); Additional notes on this achievement available below. if ( showAllRows == false ) { case 2: // linear-gradients } defaultvalue: false } The following meta events need to be completed: /* Widget:Event timer - Stylesheet 1 */ name: "Desert Highlands", } background: #AAA; if (cookie) { var bar = $(document.createElement("div")).attr("class", "event-bar"); timeshiftresume: "Live update paused - click here to resume", Drive back Underworld creatures by destroying portals in the swamp, The Flameseeker Prophecies III: The Chosen, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Defeat_the_shadow_behemoth&oldid=2602553. '0' : '') + num; }, return ['[data-id="achievement' + val.id + '"]', '[data-id*="achievement' + val.id + '-bit"]'].join(','); height: 101%; diff = diff + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); pattern: [{r:1,d:20},{r:0,d:100}] This makes the use of ranged weapons preferable as melee weapons can't reach it when it's standing up. } $.ajaxSetup({ cache: true }); if (twelveHourTimes == false) { margin-top: -2px; $('.event-pointer-time').text(uitext.timeshiftresume); /* Guild Wars 2 Wiki: Account achievements */ return { } Channel this gift to get the egg to safety. pattern: [{r:1,d:20},{r:0,d:10},{r:2,d:20},{r:0,d:40},{r:2,d:20},{r:0,d:10}] In 1330 AE, Dhuum's skeletal minions appeared in Tyria and slaughtered any of Grenth's necromancer followers who had heard Desmina's call for aid and had been investigating Godslost Swamp and Reaper's Gate; the two locations being known places of power closely tied to the Underworld. } else { } } Guild Wars var fillDuration = 60*25 + 15; method(); } return ['[data-id="achievement' + val.id + '"]']; subtokenCookieName : apiKeyCookieName, cookie); $('.forget-button').click(function() { // ** Special Events ** x = ''; otherHourOffset = otherHourOffset - 24; timezonehover: "This is your timezone", Usage: a.unique() function deleteCookie(name) { displaySettingsLegend.append($('')); segments: { #event-wrapper.hidecategories h3 { display: none; } subtokenCookieName : apiKeyCookieName, token); Kralkatorrik. }, } 1: { name: "Maws of Torment", chatlink: "[&BKMKAAA=]", bg: [215,150, 66] }, // Add CSS sheet to gray out appropriate elements, or bits partial: [{r:2,d:30}], var span = document.createElement('span'); // Check if a relevant token exists, if so add it to the user interface // DEFER LOADING SCRIPT UNTIL JQUERY IS READY. }, } de: { This collection requires a minimum of 3 days to complete and up to a maximum of 12 days as it requires 12 Charged Quartz Crystal. $('.apikey', widgetRef).removeClass('tokenerror').removeClass('tokenvalid'); } if (paused) { document.createTextNode(name) : wikiLink(link, name))); background-color: #EEE; ]{1}[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{43})$/; segments: { var seconds = Math.floor((diffMilliSeconds / 1000)) % 60; // Utility function #6: Zero pad numbers into strings of character length two. } ]{1}[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{43})$/; console.log('Rearranged sequence to: ' + JSON.stringify(eventAbbrs)); }); This page was last edited on 22 August 2022, at 01:59. e = we; barcontainer.append($(document.createElement("h4")) barcontainer.append($(document.createElement("h4")) // Restart live updating after clicking on the red marker if (relevantIds.indexOf(val.id) != -1) { } else { }); // Distance in percent of the 135 minute window (2 hour + 15 mins) ", chatlink: "[&BL4AAAA=]", bg: [ 66,200,215] } } } A chance at the following unique drops (more than one can drop at a time): Dhuum has a 400 range diameter hitbox, which is slightly smaller than the medium training golem. $('.event-limit-text.prev').prop('title', uitext.timeshiftprevhover); Aurene hatched in the Inner Chamber of Tarir in 1329 AE, a few months after absorbing some of the magic from the surge caused by the Elder Dragon Mordremoth's death.The hatching of Glint's second scion attracted the Elder Dragon Primordus's destroyers which assaulted her sanctum to get to her. No effect if headings are hidden. sequences: { if (token) { 1: { name: "Automated Tournament: Balthazar's Brawl", link: "Automated Tournaments#Daily_tournaments", bg: [234, 98,121] }, var isSubtoken = !match[1]; } Near the Pact, protected by three pairs of fangs. (function() { refinedSchedule.push({ var minute = now.getUTCMinutes(); Help your skyscale get accustomed to flying with you, and help. $.each(uitext.checkboxes, function(k, v) { }; return $(document.createElement("a")).attr("class", "mw-selflink selflink").text(text); // Event names, schedules, colours You will then be asked to obtain food and treats to feed the skyscale and toys for the skyscale to play with. sequences: { function setEventTimerPreferences(keyname, value, defaultvalue) { }, // Store API key for later } function deleteCookie(name) { if (reloaded || paused) { var useEvenHourStart = getEventTimerPreferences('even', uitext.checkboxes.even.defaultvalue); } ds: { if (percentOfTwoHours > 78) { ) } else { Defeat creatures around the world to find treats, and feed them to your skyscale. display: inline-block; They can be obtained from gathering specific nodes, opening chests, and completing meta events in their respective maps. category: "Heart of Thorns", 3: { name: "Noran's Homestead", link: "White Mantle Control: Noran's Homestead", chatlink: "[&BK8JAAA=]", bg: [121,181,108] } ", return ['[data-id="achievement' + val.id + '"]']; This guide is intended to help new level 80 characters gear up for high-end PvE content such as fractals, strikes, and raids, or who simply want to make the most of their character in terms of PvE effectiveness.Similar strategies apply to gearing for WvW but the suggestions here are focused on PvE stats so check what stats you're looking for first. // INITIALISATION } var refinedSchedule = []; sequences: { // Store API key for later '); // Load the event timer after loading the jquery ui module return response; $('.fullutc', $(x) ).text( ts.toDateString() + ' ' + ts.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB') ); SWTOR Galactic Seasons Guide and Rewards Season 3, 2022. }, var timezoneOffsetString = ''; defaultvalue: true left: 88.88%; Kralkatorrik is the Elder Dragon of Crystal and Fury, and is often referred to as the Crystal Dragon. .append(wikiLink(uitext.widgetlink, uitext.widgetlinktext)) pattern: [{r:1,d:15},{r:0,d:13},{r:2,d:22},{r:0,d:5},{r:3,d:20},{r:0,d:15},{r:4,d:15},{r:0,d:15}] if ( e > we ) { ", }, The date at which the gods arrived in the world of Tyria is somewhat contentious, although it is known that they arrived sometime after the writing of the Tome of the Rubicon. function deleteCookie(name) { 1: { name: "Day", link: "Day and night", bg: [255,255,255] }, } else if (showAllRows == true) { $('.apikey', widgetRef).addClass('tokenvalid'); }); This page was last edited on 3 October 2022, at 19:43. This page was last edited on 9 June 2022, at 14:29. Their ability to The Lost Shores can be considered a prelude to the season, introducing many of the characters $('.event-limit-text').css('cursor', 'pointer'); resizeTimer = setTimeout(fitTimerToWindowWidth, 250); mainEventTimer(true); See the above article for directions to specific scales. } }, } sequences: { height: 3em; 1: { name: "Palawadan", link: "Palawadan, Jewel of Istan (meta event)", chatlink: "[&BAkLAAA=]", bg: [157,65,185] }, } color: white; $('.apikey', widgetRef).removeClass('tokenerror').removeClass('tokenvalid'); applysettings: "Apply settings", $('head').append('