Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), /* ----------------------------------------- */ Since March 2019, DOD leadership has recognized the evolving challenges the department faces in fielding weapon systems that meet warfighter needs and has consistently taken steps to address them. Enterprise Risk Management Frameworks Our mission is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security. Summary of supplemental files: Control Catalog Spreadsheet (NEW) The entire security and privacy control catalog in spreadsheet format. padding-left: 1rem; 4 (Updated 1/07/22) Describes the changes to each control and control WebNorth Korea has a military nuclear weapons program and, as of early 2020, is estimated to have an arsenal of approximately 30 to 40 nuclear weapons and sufficient production of fissile material for six to seven nuclear weapons per year. Information about how aspects of the enterprise are connected (e.g., how business or operational activities are supported by a system, or how program management brings together the different aspects of network enabled capability). text-decoration: none; With its streamlined requirements, CMMC 2.0: The information on this website reflects the Departments strategic intent with respect to the CMMC program. This pathway is designed for software-intensive systems. CMMC is a more recent cybersecurity risk framework developed by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, the DoD, and other stakeholders to measure the cybersecurity maturity of government agencies and industry organizations doing business with the federal government. margin-right: -50%; Copyright 2022 Adaptive Acquisition Framework - Defense Acquisition University, Section 835 of the FY21 National Defense Authorization Act, Operationalizing the SWP Video - May 2021, National Security Commission on AI Report, DAU Lets Talk Agile: Take 2 with Sean Brady SWP Policy Changes, Software Pathway briefed at DevSecOps Days DC 2020, DAU Lets Talk Agile: AAF Pathway with Sean Brady, Adaptive Acquisition Framework and Software Pathway, Defense Innovation Board (DIB) Software Acquisition Practices (SWAP) Study, Defense Science Board (DSB) Design and Acquisition of Software for Defense Systems, Army Pursues Shared Software Among Uncrewed Vehicles, How the Pentagon transformed its approach to information-age warfare, 2020 in review: Pentagon leads federal DevSecOps efforts, Faster is possible: DoD Publishes New Software Acquisition Policy, Pentagon to Streamline Software Development, Pentagon software acquisition enters new era with updated purchasing policy, Pentagon signs out new software acquisition policy, Ellen Lord, USD(A&S) Press Briefing on Software Acquisition, New Color of Money for DoD Software Gaining Traction, Lord Says, WSA 001 DEVSECOPS for the DoD: Fundamentals, WSA 002 DEVSECOPS for the DoD: Security Focus, WSA 005 Lean-Agile Transformation Workshop, ACQ 1700 Agile for DoD Acquisition Team Members, CLL 027 Introduction to DoD Software Life Cycle Management, CLE 033 Introduction to the Risk Management Framework, CLE 074 Cybersecurity Throughout DoD Acquisition, CLE 075 Introduction to DoD Cloud Computing, CLE 076 Introduction to Agile Software Acquisition, Contact the Software Acquisition Pathway Team, Request a Software Acquisition Pathway Roadshow, Software Pathway Community of Interest (DoD CAC Required), Adaptive Acquisition Framework - Defense Acquisition University. These may be procured from the DoD, the DoD components, other government agencies, or commercial providers, and leverage category management solutions and enterprise software agreements. However, our June 2020 assessment of DODs weapon systems still shows DODs inconsistent implementation of knowledge-based acquisition practices, even among its newer programs. border: none; WebCybersecurity Framework Profile for Liquefied Natural Gas. The following DoDAF Viewpoints and DoDAF-described Models are discussed below with some details, such as model uses and model descriptions: For the DoDAF-described Model descriptions, a major source of material was adapted from MODAF. Download: NISTIR 8406 (Draft) (DOI); Local Download; Project homepage. font-size: 1.0rem; Implement guidance for software development that provides specific, required direction on when and how often to involve users early in the development process and to continue involving users through development of related program components. This direction was driven by the recognition that commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products for DBS solutions are often software intensive and benefit from iteratively delivering capability using Agile and DevSecOps methods. WebThe DoD reduces risk and maximizes benefits by using commercial-off-the-shelf software that has been successfully demonstrated in the commercial marketplace. Summary of supplemental files: Control Catalog Spreadsheet (NEW) The entire security and privacy control catalog in spreadsheet format. DoDAF does not prescribe any particular Views, but instead concentrates on data as the necessary ingredient for architecture development. As of December 2020, 114 recommendations remain open, 56 of which we made since the last High-Risk Report in March 2019. These issues pose oversight challenges for Office of the Secretary of Defense and military department leaders trying to assess performance of these programs. Program strategy documents are approved and current. Home - NSTXL CCC | Copyright licensing, content & software solutions Programs using the software acquisition pathway will demonstrate the viability and effectiveness of capabilities for operational use not later than 1 year after the date on which funds are first obligated to develop the new software capability. DOD has taken initial steps to implement a statutory requirement to establish software development and acquisition training and management programs, but, according to a review by the Defense Innovation Board in March 2020, implementation is still in a formative stage. /* ----------------------------------------- */, National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C), Public Key Infrastructure/Enabling (PKI/PKE). Contracting Cone WebFor orders exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold, a statute expressly authorizes or requires that the purchase be made from a specified source. padding-top: 20px; Improve DODs ability to manage its portfolio by (1) requiring annual enterprise-level portfolio reviews that incorporate requirements, acquisition, and budget processes; (2) directing appropriate department staff to collaborate on their data needs; and (3) incorporating lessons learned from military service portfolio reviews and portfolio management activities, such as using multiple risk and funding scenarios to assess needs and reevaluate priorities. However, considerable work remains, and until it is completed, DODs ability to quickly deliver capabilities to the warfighter is hindered. IP considerations will be integrated with, and support, all other program strategies to ensure return on government investment and enhance competitive options for development, integration, test, deployment, modernization, modular open systems approaches, and product support of software-intensive systems. float: left; Capture customer, team satisfaction ratings with vendors for future contracting purposes. Except where specifically noted, the guidance in this issuance applies to both paths equally. Determine (1) the metrics needed to assess middle-tier acquisition and acquisition programs other than major defense acquisition programs cost and schedule performance; and (2) how reliable data will be collected and shared between the services and the department to facilitate oversight. } Program doing waterfall and (while not ideal) not ready to switch to Agile. div.dcwf-menu nav { .btn-blue { Capacity: partially met. /* ----------------------------------------- */ However, to sustain the met rating for this criterion, DOD will need to ensure it follows through to complete the implementation of new initiatives. Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Contractors are not flexible to meet the needs of Agile, DevSecOps practices. On the SWP, defense business systems can adopt and tailor critical Business Capability Acquisition Cycle (BCAC) processes while also providing flexibility for continuous delivery of capability. WebThe Department of Defense is America's largest government agency. Eliminate BCAC decision points for Full Deployment and Capability Support that may be unattainable or unrealistic given that software is never done for DBS programs. WebThe Department of Defense is America's largest government agency. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. There is not a set of separate System Engineering viewpoint or DoDAF-described Models as the system engineer and system engineering decision-makers can use the existing DoDAF-described Models and their own defined Fit-for-Purpose Views. 2042 0 obj <> endobj In accordance with section 1331 of Public Law 111-240 (15 U.S.C. font-weight: 500; See Overview & Benefits, FAQs, and MTA Tips for unique considerations for the MTA pathway. Subsequently, the Deputy Secretary of Defense issued a memorandum in December 2019 to define roles for acquisition oversight. WebThe Contracting Cone outlines the full spectrum of available FAR and Non-FAR contract strategies. In June 2019 we reiterated the importance of recommendations we originally made in 2015 to clarify and strengthen roles and responsibilities at the enterprise level for making portfolio management decisions. Cancelling/revisiting contracts drive huge costs and/or risks. It defines a way of representing an enterprise architecture that enables stakeholders to focus on specific areas of interests in the enterprise, while retaining sight of the big picture. Implement several recommendations to individual programs related to knowledge-based acquisition practices including (1) fully maturing critical technologies prior to starting development; (2) ensuring program cost estimates are fully compliant with best practices including cost risk assessments; and (3) employing reliability and sustainment planning early in a programs development to ensure realistic reliability requirements and that sustainment cost targets are met. /* This effort could help to address disagreements that we reported on in June 2019 between the Office of the Secretary of Defense and military departments about the amount of program information that military departments should be required to provide to the Office of the Secretary of Defense for certain programs. WebThe Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) is part of the Department of Defence and exists to meet the Australian Defence Force's military equipment and supply requirements as identified by Defence and approved by Government. These analyses provide evidence that DOD can reduce its cost and schedule growth by consistently implementing knowledge-based acquisition practices. New GAO report analyzes DoDs cyber incident management capabilities and provides recommendations on addressing identified weaknesses. /* Content Template: template-for-dcwf-pages - end */ Scope smaller MVP, MVCR, releases. Leadership commitment: met. .entry-content-wrapper, .entry-content { Process to update or staff new req doc is long, unknown, or painful. Develop portfolio or Service contracts for SW dev services. WebThe official website of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment OUSD(A&S) Home; About A&S A&S will lead the Department in adopting a systems- and portfolio-based framework that aligns strategic decision-making for capabilities to the mission areas required for integrated deterrence. The MTA pathway may be used to accelerate capability maturation before transitioning to another acquisition pathway or may be used to minimally develop a capability before rapidly fielding. CMMC Delegate decisions, maximize tailoring and streamlining. However, DOD has yet to determine how it will monitor most of the reforms we reviewed. /* ----------------------------------------- */ Note: For a spreadsheet of control baselines, see the SP 800-53B details. This site aggregates official DoD policies, guides, references, and more. */ A rapid, iterative approach to software development reduces costs, technological obsolescence, and acquisition risk. } A number of other issues could also affect DODs ability to keep pace with evolving threats, such as the ability to develop innovative technologies and the capabilities of the defense industrial base. border-bottom: 1px solid #999; /* ----------------------------------------- */ Purpose: Under the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense by Section 113 of Title 10, United 0 We need professionals who know how to acquire software and understand the basic underpinnings of AI.. While the middle two columns discuss the typical thought patterns on switching, the right most column outlines measures to reduce switching costs and make it more attractive to transition to the pathway specifically tailored for software. margin: 0; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); WebReissues and Cancels: DoD Directive 5000.01, The Defense Acquisition System, May 12, 2003 . Monitoring: partially met. OV-1: High Level Operational Concept Graphic - U.S. Department The rapid prototyping path provides for the use of innovative technologies to rapidly develop fieldable prototypes to demonstrate new capabilities and meet emerging military needs. WebAt Skillsoft, our mission is to help U.S. Federal Government agencies create a future-fit workforce skilled in competencies ranging from compliance to cloud migration, data strategy, leadership development, and DEI.As your strategic needs evolve, we commit to providing the content and support that will keep your workforce skilled and ready for the roles of Collective licensing pioneer CCC helps you integrate, access, and share information through licensing, content, software and professional services. Existing acquisition programs may elect to update their acquisition strategy to transition to the software acquisition pathway or use it in addition to their current acquisition pathway. Requirements and needs of customers change frequently. In June 2020, the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment announced plans to adopt a data and analytics strategy to facilitate data-driven oversight, which the Under Secretarys office and the military departments are developing together. Some key strategic direction include: Deliver performance at the speed of relevance. 4 (Updated 1/07/22) Describes the changes to each control and control One of the principal objectives is to present this information in a way that is understandable to the many stakeholder communities involved in developing, delivering, and sustaining capabilities in support of the stakeholder's mission. } DOD emphasized the importance of resolving these disagreements in a November 2020 report to Congress in which it noted that ensuring data transparency across the DOD components was a challenge to improving acquisition data. The DoD Cyber Workforce Framework establishes the DoDs authoritative lexicon based on the work an individual is performing, not their position titles, occupational series, or designator.The DCWF describes the work performed by the full spectrum of the cyber workforce as defined in DoD Directive (DoDD) 8140.01. The Department of Defenses 82 largest complex programs cost an estimated $1.69 trillion. Implement numerous recommendations to individual military departments and DOD components related to improving acquisition cost, schedule, and performance. .item-area-body p { Stay informed as we add new reports & testimonies. ; Analysis of updates between 800-53 Rev. .page-title-bar { Personnel who plan, support, and execute cyberspace capabilities where the primary purpose is to externally defend or conduct force projection in or through cyberspace. Service HQs have not tailored or streamlined processes for SW and still view SW via waterfall/HW lens. Webcasts. Program just got through a major Milestone decision, documents were approved, and contract awarded. Dec. 8, 2022. Programs executing the software acquisition pathway are not subject to the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS), and will be handled as specifically provided for by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in consultation with Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)) and each service acquisition executive. Business Capability Acquisition Cycle U.S. Department of Defense In 2019, we identified a cost avoidance totaling $136 billion in procurement funding DOD realized from 2013 to 2018 after reforming business case and cost estimate practices. Program able to do Agile within current constraints. These two new offices responsible for acquisition oversight were created in response to congressional direction. Flag-officer board for IT Box approvals isnt timely/effective. Additionally, older version Architectural Description products were hard-coded in regard to content and how they were visualized. Train workforce on effective Agile contracting. Directly quoted material is preceeded with a link to the Reference Source. However, since our last High-Risk Report in 2019, we and others reported on capacity challenges related to weapon system acquisition specifically. In 2019 and 2020, we reported a statistical correlation of lower cost and schedule growth for major defense acquisition programs that consistently implemented specific knowledge-based acquisition practices, such as maturing critical technologies and conducting preliminary design reviews prior to starting development. font-size: 1.2rem; endstream endobj startxref Approved by: David L. Norquist, Deputy Secretary of Defense . The software acquisition pathway has two phases: planning and execution. Rate vendors and compile research of effective SW development vendors. left: 50%; These areas include (1) ensuring that program cost estimates better conform to leading practices, (2) improving reliability and sustainment planning early in the acquisition process, (3) strengthening coordination and processes for portfolio management, and (4) improving the science and technology management framework to apply leading practices and encourage innovation. WebOver 12,000 Cyber Incidents at DoD Since 2015, But Incident Management Still Lacking. DOD has made sufficient progress in addressing overall acquisition workforce shortfalls such that we have removed that issue from our Contract Management high-risk area this year. WebThe purpose of DoDAF is to define concepts and models usable in DoDs six core processes: Capabilities Integration and Development (JCIDS) Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Acquisition System (DAS) Systems Engineering (SE) Operations Planning ; Capabilities Portfolio Management (CPM) Skillsoft Until DOD determines its action plan and ensures the availability and quality of data needed for monitoring, DOD and Congress cannot be sure whether the new reforms and policies are leading to the intended results. Software is driving an exponential increase in system performance and mission impact while decreasing costs and operational timelines. There is an urgency to modernize DoD capabilities and software is at the heart of most emerging technologies that will shape the future of warfare. div.dcwf-menu a, div.dcwf-menu a:hover, div.dcwf-menu a.selected, div.dcwf-menu { HW and SW are able to be de-coupled and the interfaces between the pathway can be managed effectively. However, DOD is still analyzing how it will address a Defense Science Board recommendation related to machine learning in defense systems, which the board identified as a complicating factor for software acquisitions. Cybersecurity and program protection will be addressed from program inception throughout the programs lifecycle in accordance with applicable cybersecurity policies and issuances. background-color: #299ad7; Get familiar with the key elements of SWP, Agile, and DevSecOps; embrace culture. DoD Cyber Workforce Framework Webb. } Sponsors and users are not satisfied with results. Concerned about time and energy to restaff docs for approval and add unique SWP docs. %PDF-1.6 % These Views are supported by DoDAF 2.0, and should be consulted for specific view requirements. padding: 10px 0; Software development will be done in active collaboration with end users, representing key user groups, to ensure software deliveries address their priority needs, maximize mission impact, and undergo regular assessment of software performance and risk. Reference Source: DoDI 5000.80, Paragraph 1.2.b. Intellectual property (IP) will be addressed from program inception throughout the programs lifecycle in accordance with DoDI 5010.44 and other applicable DoDIs. /* display: flex; The DCWF leverages the original National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (NCWF) and the DoD Joint Cyberspace Training and Certification Standards (JCT&CS). The PM and applicable stakeholders will identify, and the DA will approve, a transition approach to tailor processes, reviews, and documentation to effectively deliver software capabilities. .%-Hbb`Cy3e)=SH3Q>@ However, other regulations and instructions from both DoD and CJCS may have particular presentation view requirements. The Views described in DoDAF, including those that are legacy Views from previous versions of the Framework, are provided as pre-defined examples that can be used when developing presentations of architectural data. But its Executive Candidate Assessment and Development Program. and weapons of mass destruction DoDI 5000.75 establishes policies and provides procedures for the DBS Acquisition pathway. WebOnly RFID Journal provides you with the latest insights into whats happening with the technology and standards and inside the operations of leading early adopters across all industries and around the world. Success no longer goes to the country that develops a new technology first, but rather to the one that better integrates it and adapts its way of fighting. padding-top: 10px; Programs also show extensive cost and schedule growth from their initial cost and schedule baselines, much of which is unrelated to the increase in quantities purchased. The PM and applicable stakeholders will identify, and the DA will approve, a transition approach to tailor processes, reviews, and documentation to effectively deliver software capabilities. An example is the JCIDS process architecture requirements inside the JCIDS documentation (ICD, CDD, CPD, etc.). DoDAF organizes the DoDAF-described Models into the following viewpoints: A presentation of these viewpoints is portrayed in graphic format below: DoDAF V2.0 is a more focused approach to supporting decision-makers than prior versions. Educate, train, and incentivize functional leaders to shift to customer-centric processes that drive value, lean, and continuously improve processes. MTA PathwayOverview & BenefitsStatutes & PolicyResponsibilitiesResourcesFAQs & DefinitionsMTA TipsEnter Program Data-----------------------------Rapid Prototyping PathRapid Fielding Path. Congress and DOD have long sought to improve how DOD acquires these systems, yet many programs continue to fall short of cost, schedule, and performance goals. Narrowly focused information for a specialist purpose (e.g., system interface definitions). hb```%B eaX+I|OqG8Yf+HZcc"^qZ@KCUtJ!EL,dpk2-f0k`~fU* Zj"&Mvw&?v&t/B[i|weso UfCe3.? border-bottom: 1px solid #999; In June 2020, we reported that DOD expects to invest about $1.8 trillion to acquire 106 new weapon systems. position: absolute; Draft 10/17/2022 NISTIR: 8408: Understanding Stablecoin Technology and Related Security Considerations. .item-area-content { In our June 2020 assessment of DODs weapon system programs, we observed inconsistent cost reporting and wide variation in schedule metrics across these programs. The software acquisition pathway is for the timely acquisition of custom software capabilities developed for the DoD. Implement leading practices for managing science and technology programs. DoD shall streamline software requirements, budget, and acquisition processes. For example, we reported in June 2020 that some weapon system programs did not submit required reports on software development efforts needed to prepare acquisition and life-cycle cost estimates. 800-53 Middle Tier of Acquisition D INSTRUCTION 5000 - Software programs that meet the definition of a covered Defense Business System (DBS) should use the DBS pathway in accordance with DoDI 5000.75 but may elect to incorporate this pathway for custom developed software. We also reported on continued challenges with data reliability for one of DODs new acquisition pathwaysmiddle-tier acquisitionthat is intended to deliver capabilities to the warfighter within 2 to 5 years. Dec. 6, 2022. The pathway objective is to facilitate rapid and iterative delivery of software capability to the user. .item-area-title { margin: 0 5px; Specific DoDAF-described Models for a particular purpose are prescribed by process-owners. 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