Dow and da Costa Werlang (1992) demonstrate that under pessimism (ambiguity aversion) uncertainty about fundamentals leads to zero trading in financial markets, yet this does not seem to apply to cryptocurrencies. Some of these guides will be unique to the cryptocurrency market, but some will have been abstracted from more traditional investment markets. Essay on Cryptocurrency | Ivory Research Thats both good news andbad, Cryptocurrencies are great for gambling but lousy at liberating our money from big centralbanks, Crypto crash: market volatility is testing investor will but. Earlier RBI warned the Indians from using crypto-currency that to be associated with money laundering and terrorist financing. Relatedly, Adhami and Guegan (2020) find that similarly to cryptocurrencies, cryptotokens are also a useful diversification device though not a hedge. This special issue of the Journal of Industrial and Business Economics aims at contributing to fill this gap. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation. Above, we highlighted that cryptoexchanges provide extensive cryptocurrency pricing and trading information in the public domain. Cryptocurrency Articles - Management Study Guide Milne (2015) provides a history of the information systems used in securities markets. Bitcoin is considered the cryptocurrency flagship the coin that launched thousands of coins. The cryptocurrency field is rapidly evolving. Cryptocurrency is here to stay. To better understand the academic basis, current developments and future research avenues of the discourse, 9672 cited references of 467 blockchain and cryptocurrency articles from the fields of business and . Journal of Economics & Business,100, 6475. Digital money can take the form of card or mobile phone payments, central bank digital currencies and virtual currencies such as Zuck Bucks. The macroeconomic parameters of virtual currencies are designed to make the bitcoin mining process really difficult, thus driving their value up constantly. KEYWORDS:Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Digital currency Narrow down on keyword Bitcoin(7) Credit(1) The advent of the blockchain technology allowed entrepreneurial teams to raise capital in cryptocurrencies and fiat money (which has to be exchanged into a cryptocurrency) through the issuance of digital tokens (Initial Coin Offerings, ICOs) and the development of smart contracts (Giudici and Adhami 2019). In the case of cryptocurrency, a computer algorithm performs both tasks. Already, cryptocurrency is quite challenging to understand for every normal human being, so it is understandable that bringing out a sense of creativity and writing down cryptocurrency research topics is a challenging task to do. Gox in 2014 and $50 million in Ether during the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) attack in 2016 were stolen. w24877). Liu, Y., & Tsyvinski, A. Cryptocurrency Articles. Latest Crypto News. Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance. How Sam Bankman-Fried's Crypto Empire Collapsed This study aims to discuss whether bitcoin should be regulated and how it will affect the currency. (2018) demonstrate the effects of asymmetric information on tokens trading: their liquidity and trading volume are positively associated with the information inflow. An outline of, This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic, in light of. Analyst forecasts and herding behavior. An operational definition. A further distinguishing feature of crypto securities and crypto utility assets is that they are issued through a public sale (in so called initial coin offerings or ICOs). Need a free interesting and manageable dissertation topic in your area of study? Cryptocurrency Market Outlook - 2030. Narayanan, A., Bonneau, B., Felten, E., Miller, A., & Goldfeder, S. (2016). The trend is towards a regulation of cryptocurrencies, and more generally of all crypto-assets, and to their increased trading on organized and regulated exchanges. Users have increased sharply in Africa after the COVID-19 outbreak. A pattern that has received a lot of attention in the finance literature is the co-movement of the trading volume and returns/volatility of financial assets (a by far non-exhaustive list of examples would include Admati and Pfleiderer (1988), Foster and Viswanathan (1993), and Andersen (1996)for equity markets; Bessembinder and Seguin (1993)for futures; notably, no clear evidence of such a relationship exists for currencies, i.e. Cryptocurrencies, and related areas of interest, have wide-ranging business, economic, environmental, legal, political, and regulatory implications. Caballero, R. J., & Krishnamurthy, A. Market Wrap What happened today in crypto markets - and why. ECIS. Dwyer, G. P. (2015). As we highlighted above, even if it is strictly positive, it is likely to derive from intangible factors and as such is rather uncertain. Much recent public discussions of cryptocurrencies have been triggered by the substantial changes in their prices, claims that the market for cryptocurrencies is a bubble without any fundamental value, and also concerns about evasion of regulatory and legal oversight. 1 While Bitcoin attracted a growing following in subsequent years, it. Risks and returns of cryptocurrency (No. (2018)analyze, in the time and frequency domains, the relationship between the return of three different cryptocurrencies and a variety of other financial assets, showing lack of relationship between crypto- and other assets. As a consequence, a cryptocoin may become illiquid and its value may substantially decline. On the one hand, the freedom to trade internationally could increase the foreign trade through the use of alternative payment instruments capable of reducing transaction costs (like cryptocurrencies), on the other, low capital controls could encourage the use of cryptocurrencies for illegal conduct, such as money laundering. cryptocurrency research paper.docx - 1 Rise of Cryptocurrency in the The OECD (2019) lays out basic principles and typical steps of an ICO. but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Such reactions have been attributed to limited investor attention, overconfidence, mimicry and noise trading, explanations of many of which find roots in Kahneman and Tverskys (1979) prospect theory, which postulates that decision makers evaluate outcomes from the perspective of their current endowment (and are predominantly loss-averse) and revise probabilities of outcomes when making decisions (predominantly overweighting probabilities of bad outcomes and underweighting those of good ones). Within the overall category of cryptoassets, we can follow the distinctions drawn in recent regulatory reports, distinguishing two further sub-categories of cryptoassets, on top of cryptocurrencies:Footnote 8. They have been working for us for a long time. Bitcoin, the first and most popular cryptocurrency, is paving the. Currently, the process is the same, and the protocols that surround bitcoin are robust. Research Aim: This study aims at identifying the execution of various cryptocurrency projects to connect healthcare providers and global suppliers of medical equipment. Journal of Financial Stability,17, 8191. This research will investigate the similarities and differences between these two currencies and will also talk about how these two work differently. Ethereum is a cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology. Accessed 14 Sept 2019. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Econ. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies: A comprehensive introduction. Crypto-securities regulation: ICOs, token sales and cryptocurrencies under EU financial law. Pieters, G. (2020). Publications listed on the Scopus database containing Cryptocurrency/ies and Bitcoin in the title or abstract or keywords. Cryptocurrency Research Articles - Trading Heroes It is crucial to properly research a cryptocurrency before investing to get to know it better. FTX Blow-up Is Worse Than Anyone Thought. Here Are the Craziest Details Review of Financial Studies,32(5), 17981853. Research Aim: There has been a massive uproar regarding the authentication, authorization, and accounting of blockchain technology. What is Cryptocurrency & How Does it Work? - Nasdaq Foley et al. The study will basically cover the evolution of history and the journey of bitcoin. Are we witnessing the beginning of the end for crypto or is this just another crash in a volatile market? 47, 118 (2020). Princeton: Princeton University Press. (2015) note that computational efforts of miners are costly, mainly because the proof-of-work calculations are power-intensive, consuming more than 173 megawatts of electricity continuously. This research will compare the old and new models, understand the details, and conclude which one is more viable. Hacker, P., & Thomale, S. (2017). At Web3 Research Institute, we know that staying up-to-date on the latest cryptocurrency developments can be difficult. What Is Cryptocurrency? - Forbes Advisor Cryptocurrency prices may drop dramatically because of a revealed scam or suspected hack, or other hidden problems. Moreover, the study will conclude whether Ripple Token XRP is overvalued or not. Weve got some great content coming your way, and we dont want you to miss it. Global cryptocurrency benchmarking study. In this paper, we present a dynamic network analysis of three representative blockchain-based cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Namecoin. In the case of cryptocurrencies, it is the supporting software that both verifies ownership and executes transfers. Table1 summarises the market share of leading cryptocurrencies at the time of writing. What is an asset price bubble? Get in-depth research articles on cryptocurrencies. They are experts in their respective fields. Are Blockchain and Cryptocurrency M&As Harder to Close? Thus, they are well aware of the issues as well as the trends of the subject they specialise. This article provides a basic introduction to the concept of cryptocurrencies. However, it has a different purpose designed primarily to mediate conversions from currency to currency, or from any asset A to asset B. The Journal of Finance,51(1), 169204. w24774). These topics have been developed by PhD qualifiedwriters of our team, so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation. Download PDF View Record in Scopus Google Scholar. Because cryptocurrency exchange platforms act more like banks, they should be subject to increased oversight to protect clients assets. Here are some exciting ripple XRP dissertation topics. PDF Cryptocurrency: an Overview on Its Impact on Indian Economy - Ijcrt its safety, vulnerability, and how it impacts the investors. Once you pay with cryptocurrency, you can usually only get your money back if the person you paid sends it back. 10 Steps On How To Properly Research A Cryptocurrency (What To Know) to achieve a high overall academic grade. Significant losses have caused a crypto market exodus, but for how long? Moreover, cryptocurrency payments, being largely unregulated, do not restrict any purchases, including those illegal. Narayanan et al. Most of the cryptocurrency thesis topics have a vast research scope so you must state in the introduction which aspect of the topic you are going to address. If you are looking for the latest cryptocurrency articles, then you have come to the right place! To FinTech and Beyond. the cryptocurrency has raised the eyebrows within the banking sector, government, stakeholders and individual investors. Many organizations have done researches and come up with innovative ideas. Collective risk management in a flight to quality episode. (2019). However, in reality, there are quite a few differences between these two cryptocurrencies. Crypto-asset markets Potential channels for future financial stability implications (p. 10). Further debates concern inter alia: the classification of cryptocurrencies as commodities, money or something else; the potential development of cryptocurrency derivatives and of credit contracts in cryptocurrency; the use of initial coin offerings (ICO) employing cryptocurrency technology to finance start-up initiatives; and the issue of digital currencies by central banks employing cryptocurrency technologies. As a student of cryptocurrency bitcoin, ethereum, and ripple looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment on existing cryptocurrency bitcoin, ethereum, and ripple theories i.e., to add value and interest in the topic of your research. Thus this aspect must be focused on. This research will discuss all these details and explain how the two are related and how they correlate. Above we have provided a simplified argument explaining that cryptocurrencies may have a value by offering features, such as anonymity of transactions, not covered by traditional currencies. Pew Research Center data from 2021 found that Asian, Black and Hispanic people "are more likely than White adults to say they have ever invested in, traded or used a cryptocurrency." [0] Pew . Cryptocurrency has a substantial carbon footprint. (2018) investigate price manipulations at the Mt. Research Aim:Ripple is another cryptocurrency that is widely traded on cryptocurrency trading platforms. Research Aim: Just like any other currency, cryptocurrency can also be traded on various trading platforms. Central securities depositories and securities clearing and settlement: Business practice and public policy concern. Understanding Cryptocurrencies* | Journal of Financial Econometrics Fig-Talamanca (2020) focus on a rather general definition of the demand for information, as manifested in the google search index. Interview: Fallen crypto CEO Sam Bankman-Fried opens up about FTX The remainder of this editorial proceeds as follows. The platforms currency is called Ether. It is never easy to select an efficacious topic at once. Some of the of 19,000 private cryptos in use by end of June 2022. We hope this special issue contributes to our understanding of cryptocurrencies and surrounding issues. (2014) provide evidence that, at least for the Bitcoin, the main reason to purchase a cryptocurrency is speculative investment. To construct a cryptocurrency network, we first apply a mutual information method to the daily log return values of 102 digital currencies from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2020, and also apply a correlation coefficient method for comparison. International Review of Financial Analysis,62, 182199. Each ripple user must have a minimum reserve equaling 20 XRP to minimise the potential of hacking attacks and attempts. Hayes (2017) advocates the cost of production view on cryptocurrency pricing; yet, as we discussed earlier, from a market equilibrium perspective, being sunk cost (as in Dwyer 2015), it does not matter for the pricing of existing coins.Footnote 14 A concurrent work by Bolt and Van Oordt (2019) outlines three key elements of the cryptocurrency value: convertibility into fiat money or ability to buy goods and services, investors expectations, and factors that determine acceptance of the cryptocurrency in the future, by both vendors and buyers. Cryptocurrency Jobs turns 5 + a new partnership! Rational herding in financial economics. From beginner guides to in-depth policy analysis, we have got everything you need. Summarize the whole research in the dissertation abstract. The currency is just one aspect/component of Ethereum yet can be mined by individuals more easily than Bitcoin. We are happy to chat with you about all things cryptocurrency. Research interests - AI and the law; Social relationships of trust; Sustainable futures, Australian National University, Deputy Head of the Centre for Digital Finance, Associate Professor in Finance, University of Southampton. 1): the Scopus database lists 127 publications containing the word Bitcoin in the title or abstract or keywords and 24 containing cryptocurrency or cryptocurrencies in 2014. Corbet, S., Lucey, B., Urquhart, A., & Yarovaya, L. (2019). Overview. Blockchain transactions are carried in blocks. This consensus then supports a fully decentralized secure verification of ownership and exchange (Pilkington 2016; Goldstein et al. Financial Conduct Authority July 2019. This paper seeks to provide a concise yet comprehensive analysis of the cryptocurrency industry with particular analysis of Bitcoin, the first decentralized cryptocurrency. This historical record is based on a blockchain, a linking of records (blocks) to each other in such a way that each new block contains information about the previous blocks in the growing list (chain) of digital records. You may also want to start your dissertation by requestinga brief research proposalfrom our writers on any of these topics, which includes anintroductionto the problem,research questions, aim and objectives,literature reviewalong with the proposedmethodologyof research to be conducted. Oct. 3, 2022. The Journal of Finance,48(1), 187211. Craig Barritt/Getty Images for CARE For Special Children, The founder of the now-defunct exchange for trading cryptocurrencies believed in earning to give.. Revealing Users Hidden Intentions (April 15, 2014). (2018). Article Technical overview Cryptocurrency is the name given to a system that uses cryptography to allow the secure transfer and exchange of digital tokens in a distributed and decentralised. Ripple is no different. for exchange rates, see, e.g. Market Wrap What happened today in crypto markets - and why. The search for this balance and the concrete design of regulation concepts in respect of the fundamental rights is a highly relevant topic for future research. Some cryptocurrencies function on strategies like multiple signatures so that a single rogue individual cannot irreversibly transfer money. They posit that there are significant sustainability issues in the cryptocurrency development exceeding potential benefits, that are captured typically by a few people. Weve got some great content coming your way, and conclude which one is more viable > What is &! Sharply cryptocurrency research articles Africa after the COVID-19 outbreak corbet, S. ( 2016.! Years, it they have been working for us for a long time the,! ( 2018 ) investigate price manipulations at the Mt & amp ; how Does work. 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