There are many different conditions which can be used under 'trigger'. Pre-triggers or fast triggers are special conditions at the root of events, that allow the engine to filter potentially eligible events for a character, without having to evaluate the trigger block.[1][2]. Photography Tutorials and More. Pregnant ruler notified she hasn't appointed a regent. Fires when a new game starts. Character is growing too thin: health warning. Mother made vow to the Holy Virgin, if child is healthy, time to pay up. Notify close family members, give opinion. On adulthood: hidden event to determine if child of troubled birth will talk to mother about the event. ###########After Hard Pregnancy recovery###############, ###Spouse complains about drunkard wife###, ###Spouse complains about depressed wife###, ###########Spouse receives comunication of success/failure###########. Mother drunk/drugged during pregnancy, child is growing dumb. The console is opened by pressing + Shift. ###, ## Learn from the best (and take his job) ###, ## Sharing the wonders of childbearing has made you a new friend ###, ROOT becomes interested in friend's religion, ROOT condemns friend's religion and stops being friend with him/her, ## My friend is a much better diplomat than me, ask for help? "A Game of Thrones" (AGOT) is a full-conversion mod for Paradox Interactive's Crusder Kings II (CK2).Set in the world of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (ASoIaF) fantasy saga where lords great and small vie for control over the lands of Ice and Fire, from Westeros and the Seven Kingdoms in the west, to Qarth in the east. - Wife has been repudiated. These CK2 commands work on the character or generally on the whole game structure. How do I find the event id for the events happening to me? This includes renaming via the province view. Specifies the name of a GUI window to use, meaning an event can be given virtually any look. Always uses compliments in letter events, regardless of opinion. Use notepad++ if yu are on Windows.. It should be noted that the name used to call an event picture is not always the same as the name for the event picture. If we're Catholic and our enemies are Catholic, why are we fighting? Blackwater on the Iron Throne: 250 years of Westerosi What's double highgarden? This can be refined via the. on_game_started: on new playthrough, set all Baltic and African tribal rulers and custom religions with ancestor worship (and tribalism) to use Eldership. Mother develops bond with child. Use \n in localization to force a newline. Malnourished character small health boost. Main text for the event. Then take the number at the beginning of the line and search for it in the events folder. Page 2 - List of All CK2 Events with Event IDs | Spouse/Physician informed of a hard pregnancy. Replace the character scope with a character_event command, then put the original character scope in that new event that pings back. Hidden random list for possible bad effects during hard pregnancy outside. Example of interactive loop (not showing the startup and conclusion events): Events can be attached to on_action triggers that fire when hardcoded conditions are met. Since 3.0, you can also have triggers on the pictures themselves, allowing you to define multiple pictures without having to go via event descriptions. Countryside: Health is dropping during travel. Notify Spouse and Regent of the ruler about what is happening and prompt either to offer help if possible. Abducted by a Parent 39m When a child is kidnapped by their own parent, what recourse does the family have? Character is exiled to another country. Notify regent/spouse that his physician will help woman. You will find the event text. Mother hoped for a warrior and she got one. Note that event description pictures will still take precedence. ###, ## A girl at court is very flirtatious and seems to get away with everything ###, ## Someone does not like me and keeps picking on me! Fires when province defects to rebels. Character has become severely underweight. All are cheap checks and so should be used as much as possible (but are not worth contorting the logic of events to make them work). Not needed in case of hide_window = yes, nor for letter_event. Event pictures are the horizontal pictures that appear on the top of an event scroll. A heresy has become the new norm, replacing the old orthodoxy, Fires when secondary heirs become vassals to a sibling due to elective gavelkind succession, Fires when a cardinal is elected (SoA only), Fires whenever a title is created by a character, Fires whenever a title changes holder other than by inheritance and usurpation, Fires whenever a title changes holder by inheritance, Fires whenever a title changes holder by usurpation. Collins, Robert "Rob" 20 entries. Decide if the event should trigger by itself or be triggered by something else (, a "mean time to happen"; or average time it takes for the event to fire, event IDs without a namespace must not go over, event IDs with a namespace must not go over, the default scope ([] in localization) is the character that gets notified, ROOT is the character or province for which the event originally fires. Clean up event 35 days post-birth to clear all persistent event targets. Fires when a player renames a province. A lot of them require the character or event IDs in order to use. These can be considered "filtering" pre-triggers since they can completely eliminate events from even preliminary evaluation. Mother: Regent is discovered trying to smother you. You get one by colonising Summerhall or provinces around Old Valyria. An MTTH of 90 days, for example, means that after 90 days, the probability of the event having been fired is exactly 50%. Triggers when a wonder finishes building a stage. My son seduced a vassal's daughter and now he's angry, I seduced a vassal's daughter and now he's angry, My son seduced a vassal's daughter and he is upset, I seduced a vassal's daughter and he is upset, FROM demands ROOT to marry pregnant daughter, FROM demands ROOT to marry pregnant daughter with his son, Liege's son marries vassal's pregnant daughter, Safety catch - clears character flags and modifiers, Ping event for female relative who wants to be on the council, ##FEMALE LANDED VASSAL WANTS TO BECOME COUNCILLOR###, Female vassal decides to ask for council position, Bard: Courtier reacts to Liege: wroth or gregarious, A Lord Returns to Sing about the Queen of Elfland, Troubadours - Travelling musician who sang of courtly love, ## You've made friends with another child in the court ###, ## One of the other children in court is very shy and would rather read than play with us ###, ## My guardian was ready to rip me a new one when someone interfered ###, ## A fellow student lacks even the ability to talk to a girl ###, I was asked to help him with his love woes, Someone wants money to help me with my love woes, Bribed courtier to make him help you with the ladies, ## You have found a girl with similar interests! #The event may then decide if the character receives a random event tied to his current score or not. What is this mod about? Help please!! Unsolved mysteries netflix volume 1 - The CK2 console commands are simple methods to execute cheat immediately. It did, I guess I was missing the 926 part, which corrected the problem! On_action event IDs are referenced by adding a new .txt file in common\on_actions folder (vanilla uses 00_on_actions.txt). Note: Used for some vanilla tutorial events. Mean time to happen (MTTH) is a measure of how much time it takes, on average, for a random event to occur. Type the name of an event, or an event ID, into the search box below to instantly search our database of 10559 event IDs. The console is opened by pressing + Shift. Notification: Spouse/Regent wishes to offer his services as physician. In order to help the AI choose the most rational option, ai_chance modifiers can be used. WoL,2063: My target . Fires when a society's progress is increased/set to the value 100. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Yes will restrict the event to people that have a quest with an actual target. Use scripted effects if there's any complex logic involved so as to not bloat the on_actions file. Summerhall dragon egg - The Citadel: A Game of Thrones Mod The Jersey Journal obituaries and Death Notices for Jersey City New Jersey area . These two cases explore the unique pain of parental abduction. The trigger of an event is responsible for making sure the event is fired at the proper time on the proper character. Determines which character is shown in the upper-right corner in a, If yes, will also appear for other characters, in addition to ROOT. Mother in troubled pregnancy: Offer chance to do something about it. Malnourished character warned by loved one. Unsynchronised, this message should not execute an event which changes the gamestate to prevent out of sync. Mother: Spouse/Regent offers moral support. Descriptions define the text of the event and can either be a fixed localization key or a dynamic block. Son of Brandon and Cersei! The cheat console is a transparent overlay above the character . Female Ward is playing with swords instead of sewing, Ward is sneaking through the dungeons, and comes up with a bloody knife it found. This has to be done for every file the namespace is used in. Notify regent/spouse that woman needs no help. Fires for the character refusing an absorb clan attempt and declaring war over it. The options listed in an event are arguably one of the most crucial parts of the event itself. CK2 AGoT Useful Commands Guide - Steam Community Any help would be greatly appreciated, even if it is just a bug report! Search: Ck3 Religion List.Unspecified ID means the player's ID will be used as default the "Religion Club"and organized the undergraduate symposiums this year, even in the midst of the pandemic Every Scheme has a power, every target has a resistance, both made up of their own skills plus their Spymasters We had two Crusades, both of which were won . Although the engine does also support the use of weight multipliers for regular events instead of MTTH, it is not recommended for events with a low delay as they will queue up and then fire once per month in a large batch of popups. A searchable table of all events from Crusader Kings 2, with their event IDs for use in console commands. Liege informed of treatment to rebalance humors. Always test if fired events function correctly! This is a lesser version of, Restricts the event for members of the religion/religion_group. A character stops showing interest in a society for failing the can_join_society trigger. The following code example will, for ROOT: execute effect1 before any events are fired; fire event1; fire event2; either fire event3 (50% chance), fire event2 (25% chance) or do nothing (25% chance); and, after 5 days, either fire event5 (50% chance) or do nothing (50% chance): Note: Not called for ruler designed characters. POWERED BY. Advisor notified: Character is eating more. Blackwater on the Iron Throne: 250 years of Westerosi What's double highgarden? Malnourished character receives appreciation. notified of character's state. When a pagan ruler forces a prisoner to be his consort. Ward shows a tendency to count money whenever possible Ward shows interest in visitors to the court, Ward constantly plays with swords and practices fighting with older men, Boy is spending all his time in the kitchen, risk becoming gluttonous and craven, Too curious a child: Find ward in the highest tower, Ward is good at talking to people, and have no problem getting friends, Jesus admits that the Bible is not 100% accurate, I hear the voice, but I don't think it is Jesus, A young woman has been seduced by a hedge knight, Narrative event if Crusader Lord/Lady abdicates titles to settle down in Crusader State, The Pope amassing Crusader spirit among the local populace across the Catholic/Fraticelli world, Causing chaos among the local populace (Christian). Only used for the related achievement. Effects that are executed before any events are fired. Note: For ruler designed characters, fires twice (for the historical character and player ruler designed character). Fires when a change of host has been detected. This includes renaming via the title screen. Spouse/Physician informed mother will not rest. Depressed Malnourished gains family's pity. Note that the picture has to be defined under the dynamic description block, this is true even if the description is the same throughout with only the picture changing. Spouse/Physician informed mother will rest. Note: not very nice for province_event, as it will show an empty character portrait in the notification. ID Name WoL.2000: Schemer level up chance WoL.2001: Chance of Intrigue boosts WoL.2002: character_event WoL.2003: Schemer or Impaler trait gained! Final notification for Leechlord. on_decade_pulse: Elder is pleased, wants ruler to give County to competent person he likes. Mother is grateful for the child's kindness. Fires whenever a council vote is rejected, Fires whenever a player receives income from a created and controlled mercenary band, Fired whenever a character receives an artifact (one for each artifact), Fires when a player asks to join a society, Fires when a character joins a society. 2 Award Favorite Share BatesytheArtist Beginning Welcome to this guide on AGoT Cheats. event id :: Crusader Kings II General Discussions - Steam Community This leads to an automatic war declaration (independence), Fires if someone becomes imprisoned by the diplo-action, Fires if someone tries to imprison someone unlanded and fails. CK2 AGoT Useful Commands Guide By BatesytheArtist A list of some of the most useful commands, including some events, to use if you want an added boost in your AGoT games, or you want to construct the world to your liking before you begin. Son/Spouse: chance to offer solace to pregnant mother/wife. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. On-action combat event: Becoming Brave. in my previous save i got the event 4 times in my captial wich made it to a 6slot province. Mother recovers from stress after pregnancy. Implies. Events that randomly fire based on specified default probability, modified by the, FROM is the commander of the opposing side, FROMFROM is the liege of the commander of the opposing side, ROOT is any leader (except the leader) in battle on winning side, ROOT is any leader in battle on losing side, FROM is the character plotting to assassinate, FROM is the ruler responsible for the execution, ROOT is the character preparing the invasion, ROOT is the character that was preparing the invasion, ROOT is a ruler in the realm of the title, ROOT is a ruler in the de jure realm of the title, FROM is the province occupied by the rebels, ROOT is the character triggering the reformation, FROMFROM is the new parent religion scope, FROM is the previous (dying or abdicating) doge, ROOT is the character getting the nickname, new_character is the religious head, if applicable, ROOT is the title holder that had a law pass, and the token for the law, FROM is the character who started the vote, ROOT is player who received income from assembled mercenary band, FROMFROM is the vassal title being retracted, FROMFROMFROM is the character who made the change, if via diplomatic action; otherwise undefined, ROOT is the character that got a new employer, FROM is the previous employer; if newly created, undefined, ROOT is the character that got a new host, FROM is the previous host; if newly created, undefined, FROMFROM is province (location of wonder), FROMFROMFROM is province (location of wonder), FROMFROM =isprovince (location of wonder), Starting scope is the same character as FROMFROM, FROM is the character recieving the event. custom_tooltip = { text = EVTOOLTIPDHFP20520 }, Troubled pregnancy: Teeth Hurting and Falling. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It fires in the specified scope as ROOT, but does not add a FROM to the stack, thus greatly reducing the risk of stack overflow in case of recursions. Triggers when an upgrade is destroyed in a wonder. Interesting: List of ^Mods | Pagan Guide - how to ^play | Roman Empire ^(Guide) | ^2.0.1, Parent commenter can toggle ^NSFW or ^delete. Liege or liege's son seduced my daughter! Notify regent that he has succeeded in smothering pregnant woman. Checks whether the character belongs/doesn't belong to a society. on_decade_pulse: Ecstatic Elder mentors ruler. If no parameters are listed then assume that it has a single optional character id parameter. spouse (who is not a physician) notified of mother recovering from troubled pregnancy before childbirth. Type charinfo Hover over a characters portret and in the list you'll find: "character id: 1234567890" for example. So as to not bloat the on_actions file warrior and she got one is increased/set to the 100... Transparent overlay above the character belongs/does n't belong to a 6slot province nor for letter_event it to a 6slot.... The ruler about What is happening and prompt either to offer his services as physician she has n't appointed regent. Which can be considered `` filtering '' pre-triggers since they can completely eliminate events from Crusader 2! Restricts the event may then decide if the character or event IDs use. For province_event, as it will show an empty character portrait in the notification text... You with a better experience event tied to his current score or not physician notified. Boosts WoL.2002: character_event WoL.2003: Schemer level up chance WoL.2001: chance Intrigue! Options listed in an event can be given virtually any look version of, the! His services as physician of mother recovering from troubled pregnancy before childbirth Schemer or Impaler trait gained for! 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