who is supporting tigray rebels

[132] Ethiopian offensives in the north were accompanied with airstrikes and several towns and cities were retaken. Researchers suggested that reducing access to information could help to create contexts where misinformation can thrive because it reduces the ability to verify information. eventually led an alliance of militia organizations, the Ethiopian People'sRevolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), that overthrew the Soviet Union-backed regime in 1991. [268] By 29 December, federal police were reported to have returned to Tigray,[269] while flights and internet access had also been restored. [188][189] Following the TDF's counter-attack on two districts of his region, the Amhara regional President, Agegnehu Teshager, called for the total mobilisation of all people of all ages who are armed in the region to fight against the Tigrayans. [180] On 30 June 2021, the TDF had entered the town of Shire, some 140 kilometres (87mi) northwest of Mekelle, after it had been abandoned by Eritrean troops. But activists are spreading the news", "From Basma to Ethiopia How C2FC is Using Lethal Journalism to Conduct Information Warfare and Lawfare against Ethiopia", "Ethiopia: Diaspora Community to Debunk Fake News Using Mainstream Media", "Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: Fact-checking misleading images", "These old images do not show recent protests in Ethiopia's Tigray region", "Facebook 'lets vigilantes in Ethiopia incite ethnic killing', "Facebook is under new scrutiny for it's [sic] role in Ethiopia's conflict", "Facebook knew it was being used to incite violence in Ethiopia. The groupeventually led an alliance of militia organizations, the Ethiopian People'sRevolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), that overthrew the Soviet Union-backed regime in 1991. 41 other refugees interviewed have also described attacks, looting, and threats by Amhara forces. "[124], Just before midnight on 3 November 2020, Tigray Special Forces and allied local militia attacked the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) Northern Command headquarters in Mekelle, the Fifth Battalion barracks in Dansha, and other Northern Command bases. [349][238] On 25 August (one day after the war resumed), the WFP accused the TPLF of stealing 570,000 liters of fuel meant to transport humanitarian aid. DW explains who they are and why they're fighting. It did little to stop the spread, documents show", "Facebook accused by survivors of letting activists incite ethnic massacres with hate and misinformation in Ethiopia", "Oversight Board raises alarm over Facebook's role in Ethiopian conflict", "Eighteen journalists arrested in Ethiopia, two facing possible death sentence", "Ethiopian media regulator threatens to expel BBC, Reuters, CNN and AP for 'assisting' TPLF agenda", "Ethiopia launches crackdown on journalists and activists", "Journalists Struggle Through Information Blackout in Ethiopia", "In Ethiopia, mass detention signals shrinking press freedom", "Ethiopia: The daunting task of reporting the Tigray conflict", "Number of journalists behind bars reaches global high", "Communiqu of the 38th extraordinary assembly of IGAD heads of state and government Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti 20th December 2020", "Ethiopia's regional Tigray forces name conditions for peace with government", "UN Calls on Tigray Forces to Endorse Cease-fire", "Ethiopia: Government, Tigrayan forces agree to end two-year war", "Ethiopia civil war: Tigray truce a triumph for PM Abiy Ahmed", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tigray_War&oldid=1134199508, Second agreement for implementing the peace deal signed by both parties (12 November 2022), This page was last edited on 17 January 2023, at 13:37. [289][287], All sides in the conflict have been accused of violating international human rights law, with evidence of unlawful killings, torture and sexual violence being committed. to solve its own power problems and also those of its neigbours. At the end of the day, Ethiopia is avoiding becoming a client State of any nation and is maintaining its strategic autonomy. WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom supporting Tigray rebels, accuses Ethiopian Army General Ethiopia is at 'war' with Tigray region, says deputy Army chief, Berhanu Jula Ethiopia's PM launches military attack on Tigray's government as regional crisis worsens Ethiopia slams Trump's Dam remark, says 'will not tolerate aggression'; summons envoy One Amhara law enforcement official described this as a way to maintain "law and order" and "get rid of outside enemies. . TheEPRDF selectedAbiy Ahmed, of the Oromo ethnic group, as hissuccessor and he was soon elected prime minister. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that there had been acts of ethnic cleansing in Tigray. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. [209], Wartime rape and sexual violence was also widespread, being perpetrated by virtually all sides. My personal account", "Ethiopie: 'A Aksoum, j'ai aid transporter plus de 300 morts', "Situation Report EEPA HORN No. [82][83] A major humanitarian crisis has developed as a result of the war,[41] with famine becoming widespread. The Tigray . [262][263][264] Witnesses from a number of towns told the Associated Press that Eritrean forces were regularly killing civilians between 23 and 29 October. [84][43] It also inflicted immense economic damage on the region, with the cost of rebuilding alone estimated to be roughly $20 billion. [252], On 10 October, the TPLF claimed that Eritrea was escalating its offensive, sending more forces towards Rama, Tserona, and Zalambessa in the far north, with one aid worker saying it is the heaviest fighting since hostilities resumed. Strong winds and rains are currently causing uncomfortable weather on the popular vacation island. [379] In November 2021 (during the 20212022 state of emergency), the Ethiopian Media Authority (EMA) threatened to cancel the media licences of BBC News, Reuters, CNN and Associated Press, accusing the news organisations of having "consistently disseminated news that sowed seeds of animosity among people and compromised the sovereignty of the country." However, if and when it is built, the megadam will help Ethiopia in generating enough hydroelectricity to solve its own power problems and also those of its neigbours. Other soldiers claimed that the attackers were Amhara Region militias. [200] On 11 October, Ethiopian-allied forces launched coordinated ground attacks "on all fronts" against the TDF with combined arms including tanks, helicopters, heavy artillery, warplanes, and drones according to the Tigrayan government. [192][193] On 9 August, UNICEF executive director Henrietta Fore expressed concern about reports that over 200 people, including 100 children, had been killed in attacks on displaced families sheltering at a health facility and a school in the Afar Region. [368] The Ethiopian government cited disinformation and hate speech to justify communications blackouts. By supporting the war on Tigray, it might be hoping to get the support of Abiy and Isaias for its internal centralization project. But government officials have not acknowledged a fresh offensive, which Tigray forces say began last week. French and German foreign ministers in Ethiopia to support peace. Since November 2020, a complex and tragic civil war has raged in the Tigray region of Ethiopia pitting Tigrayans, led by Ethiopia's former ruling elite, against Ethiopia's federal government and. [322][323] Such sexual violence is often accompanied with other forms of physical and mental abuse, including burning their victims with hot iron or cigarettes, forcing metal rods or nails into their victim's genitals,[323][315] raping their victim in front of their family members, forcing their victims to rape their family members, calling their victims by derogatory words and ethnic slurs, etc. [71][157][158][159] The Eritrean government stated that it was angered by Amnesty International's report on the massacre, calling it "transparently unprofessional" and "politically motivated" and accusing Amnesty of fabricating evidence. [111] The terms of federal and regional lawmakers, as well as the executive branch, were then extended by federal parliament beyond the October 2020 constitutional mandates. [181], On 6 July 2021, the Tigrayan government mobilised to retake western Tigray from Amhara forces. Ethiopia's military accused World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Thursday of supporting and trying to procure arms and diplomatic backing for Tigray state's dominant . [11][279][280][281][282] As early as December 2020, there were unconfirmed rumors that Emirati drones were being stationed in the Eritrean port city of Assab. To this day it is the only region in Ethiopia where no credible opposition discourse is tolerated. [249] On September 27, an airstrike allegedly carried out by Eritrea struck the northern town of Adi Dairo while it was celebrating Meskel, killing at least six civilians and injured 19 more. ", "Is Ethiopia Flying Iranian-Made Armed Drones? A number of reports have been made alleging that China, Iran, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates were all providing military support for the Ethiopian government via the sale of weaponized drones. The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has denied accusations made by Ethiopia's army chief that he . The African Union-brokered agreement includes the withdrawal of foreign forces from Tigray, the restoration of basic services and humanitarian aid, and the disarming of Tigray rebels. Tedros of trying to procure arms for the Tigray state's dominant political party in addition to . Ethiopia's military accused the World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Thursday of supporting and trying to procure arms and diplomatic backing for Tigray state's . [363], Since then, the area has been under the de facto control of Amhara regional authorities. Tigray, Ethiopia's northernmost region, is home to most of the country's estimated 7 million ethnic Tigrayans, Since early November 2020, the Ethiopian government and Tigray fighters have been exchanging fire in a conflictthat, The conflict has escalated rapidly since June, when fighters began to retake most of, Throughout the 1980s the TPLFemerged as a formidable challenger to Ethiopia's then Marxist military dictatorship. [207] On the same day, the Amhara regional government declared a state of emergency, which included a region-wide curfew. [91] On 15 February 2018, Hailemariam announced his resignation as both prime minister and chairman of the EPRDF, owing to a growing discontent within the public, fueled by a reaction to 27 years of repression. [368][369] In late July 2021, a report emerged that there was coordination in social media messaging and media reportage of the conflict in Ethiopia, to an extent it mirrored an earlier Syrian hybrid information campaign designated as Project Basma. [305], On 4 June 2021, the non-profit Genocide Watch classified the events in Tigray as step 9 of genocide (eradication), as well as step 10 (denial). News/Politics 2023-01-12T08:05:09.775Z. By continuing to use this website you are giving consent to cookies being used. The government fears the Ethiopian crisis will affect stability in the region and neighboring countries. Refusing to join the group, the TPLF moved back to its stronghold. Tigray rebels start handing over heavy weapons. [88] The founding and most influential member was the TPLF and the chairman was Meles Zenawi, who was the prime minister of Ethiopia until his death in 2012. 51 10 January 2021", "Refugees flee Ethiopia's brutal war with tales of atrocities on both sides", "Ethiopia: video of Tigray massacre lifts lid on 'war without photos', "Rape is being used as weapon of war in Ethiopia, say witnesses", "Ethiopia: Tigray on brink of humanitarian disaster, UN says", "Ethiopia: Status of western Tigray to be settled 'by law', "News: Despite data limitation from Tigray, Ministry estimates $1.4 b needed to restore war damaged health facilities across Ethiopia", "Ethiopia's peace may depend on post-conflict plans for Tigray soldiers", "Rise and fall of Ethiopia's TPLF from rebels to rulers and back", "Ethiopia's Hailemariam Desalegn sworn in as prime minister", "Analysis | Why is Ethiopia in upheaval? [306] They issued another emergency alert on 20 November 2021, stating that "both sides are committing genocide," referring to detentions of thousands of people based on Oromo or Tigrayan ethnic identity, and arguing that "Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's hate speech and calls for war" together with attacks by the ENDF and TPLF put Ethiopia into stages 4 (dehumanization), 6 (polarization), 8 (persecution), and 9 (extermination) of the ten stages of genocide. [315] There were "deeply distressing reports of sexual and gender-based violence, extrajudicial killings, [and the] widespread destruction and looting of public and private property by all parties" according to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. [371] Pro-government groups used tactics similar to those of pro-Tigray groups to push their narrative of the conflict, though as of 5 February, pro-government campaigns had produced fewer Tweets overall. v. t. e. This Timeline of the Tigray War (July 2021 to present) is part of a chronology of the military engagements of the Tigray War, a civil war that began in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia in early November 2020. Their control has been marked by reports of ethnically motivated violence and forced displacement. View our. But the state-appointed Ethiopian Human Rights Commission has documented extrajudicial killings by government troops. Rebels in Tigray said the government in Addis Ababa has launched a "large-scale offensive." . [362] One refugee interviewed by Reuters said that if they didn't leave when they did, they would have been killed by Amhara forces. [175] On 28 June 2021, the Tigray Defense Forces retook the city of Mekelle. Oromo-Amharic parentage won favour with the two majority communities and came to power in 2018. The Oromia, Sidama, and SNNPR regions answered the call and mobilised. [383][384] By December 2021, the Committee to Protect Journalists described both Ethiopia and Eritrea as the worst "jailers of journalists" in sub-Saharan Africa. In the same announcement, the Ethiopian government stated that all Eritrean forces had withdrawn from the region, though this was not confirmed by the Eritrean government. [citation needed] In Debretsion Gebremichaels order to withdraw all his forces from Tigray borders in December 2021, he mentioned "the drones provided by foreign powers" as a major factor that prompted his decision. [101], On 1 December 2019, Abiy merged the ethnic and region-based parties of the EPRDF (which had governed Ethiopia for 28 years) and several opposition parties into his new Prosperity Party. Click here to subscribe to our free newsletter, Copyright: 1978 - 2020 H H Saudi Research and Marketing LTD, All Rights Reserved And subject to Terms of Use Agreement, https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/3171886/ethiopia-accuses-sudan-supporting-tigray-rebels, Ethiopia Accuses Sudan of Supporting Tigray Rebels, Ethiopians who fled the fighting in Tigray cross the Tekeze River into neighboring Sudan (Reuters), Trump to Make First 2024 Campaign Appearance in South Carolina, Egyptian-Jordanian-Palestinian Summit Rejects Israeli Unilateralism, Saved from Death at Sea, Syrian Refugees Face Deportation, Jordan: Army Foils Drug Smuggling Attempt from Syria, Syria Witnesses Dangerous Rise in Cholera Deaths, Warnings of Catastrophe in North, Sudani, McGurk Discuss Bolstering Iraqi-American Cooperation, UAE Looking Forward to Effective Partnership on Climate Issues at COP28, Saudi Crown Prince Launches Investment Fund on Culture, Tourism, Entertainment, Sports, Iraq Says Ties with Arab World Have Entered New Phase, A seagull is seen during a rain delay during the 2023 Australian Open tennis tournament at Melbourne Park in Melbourne, Tuesday, January 17, 2023. Photo: Clara Margais/dpa, 17 January 2023, United Kingdom, Wolverhampton: Liverpool's Mohamed Salah warms up during the English FA Cup third round replay soccer match between Wolverhampton Wanderers and Liverpool at Molineux Stadium. Fighting broke out in Ethiopia's northern Tigray region in November 2020 after the central government accused Tigrayan fighters of attacking a federal army base and sending forces to the region . [41][361], In November 2020, the Amhara Region Special Force[362] and Amhara militias loyal to the Amhara regional government[53] took control of the western zone of Tigray in order to settle a decades-old land dispute. Privacy Policy Agreement * I agree to the Terms of use and Privacy Policy. In early 2018, after severalyears of frequent anti-government protests from different ethnic groups had seriously damaged the legitimacy of the EPRDF government, Hailemariam stepped down. [234][235], In late August 2022, after months of ceasefire, fighting resumed. ", "Ethiopia is fighting 'difficult and tiresome' guerrilla war in Tigray, says PM", "Ethiopia Launches New Offensive on Tigray Rebels as Famine Looms", "What happened in Aksum? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. A number of outstanding issues in particular, the presence of pro-government troops in Tigray's Western Zone and restoring access to basic public service to Tigray were topics of discussion throughout. Abiy, a non-Tigrayan politician with little ties to the TPLF, enjoyed widespread popularity. WHO boss Dr Tedros denies supporting Tigray leaders. [284], A small group of parents also protested in Mogadishu about what they said was the government's mismanagement of the issue. [164] According to the Europe External Programme with Africa (EEPA), in Wukro over 200 people were killed and the town was left deserted. He called Tedros a 'criminal' and called for him to be removed. The TPLF effectively ruled Ethiopia for decades as the most powerful part of the coalition, until Prime Minister Ahmed Abiy took office in 2018. [389][390] The agreement was made effective the next day on 3 November, marking the two-year anniversary of the war.[50]. A similar call was made in Afar. [227][228], On 7 January the same day as the Dedebit airstrike Ethiopia released a number of opposition leaders from prison, including some from the TPLF, and said they desired to have a dialogue with the Tigrayan leadership. [62] The TDF claimed they also linked up with the OLA. [30] After a number of peace and mediation proposals in the intervening years, Ethiopia and the Tigrayan rebel forces agreed to a cessation of hostilities on 2 November, which went into effect the day after;[50] Eritrea was not a party to the agreement, however, and their status has remained unclear. This essentially relates to the geostrategic advantage that Ethiopia enjoys. [60] In early November 2021, the TDF, together with the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), took control of several towns on the highway south from Tigray Region towards Addis Ababa, and the TPLF stated that it considered "marching on [the capital]. 482 (EXT.OS/XXXII) 2021", "Probe in Ethiopia's Tigray did not reach site of Axum attack: UN", "Millions of children in Tigray remain out of reach, despite access agreement UNICEF", "UN 'frustration' at lack of access to Tigray", "Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: About 2.3 million children cut off from aid, UN says", "More than two million children in Ethiopia's Tigray region cut off from humanitarian aid, UN says", "Ethiopia: EU suspends budget support over Tigray conflict", "OCHA: ETHIOPIA TIGRAY REGION HUMANITARIAN UPDATE", United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, "U.S. agency says Tigrayan forces looted aid warehouses in Ethiopia's Amhara region", "Tigray rebels loot humanitarian warehouses", "Tigray: almost one in three children under five malnourished, UN says", "Ethiopia: Half of Tigray in 'severe' food shortage", "WFP Chief Alleges TPLF Stole Fuel Designated for Humanitarian Use", "Statement by Executive Director of WFP on seizure of humanitarian fuel supplies in Tigray", "Ethiopia's Tigray runs out of medical supplies as malaria spreads", "Analysis: Tigray's largest hospital "doomed to collapse soon" due to lack of medical supplies, doctors warn as hospital death rate surpass ten percent", "Ethiopia's Tigray running out of medical supplies, WHO warns", "In Pictures: World Refugee Day: No Safe Haven in Tigray", "More than a million displaced in Tigray as Ethiopian PM warns of 'final' offensive against region", "Tigray refugees in cramped Sudanese camps fear coronavirus outbreak", "Ethiopia: Northern Ethiopia Access Snapshot (September 2021)", "News: Over half a million people newly displaced in Tigray, Afar and Amhara since militarized conflict resumed in August: UN", "Ethiopia Tigray Region Humanitarian Update Situation Report, 13 March 2021 Ethiopia", "Ethiopia's Amhara seize disputed territory amid Tigray conflict", "Eritrean Refugees Caught in Crossfire of Ethiopia's Tigray War", "Ethiopian government begins offensive in Tigray capital city of Mekelle", "Ethiopia: UN says 20,000 refugees missing in Tigray which are believed to have been detained by Eritrean forces and forcibly sent back for punishment by the Government", "Ethiopia's cracking down in Tigray. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's national security adviser said the government had "accepted this invitation" while the leader of rebel-held . Between 13-15 September, Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) fighters shot dead unarmed civilians they suspected of supporting federal forces and local militias, survivors have told the. There were accusations by US officials that armed forces were specifically singling out humanitarian workers for an attack. for investment needs. [140], Offensives of joint ENDF-Amhara Region-Eritrean forces into Tigray were facilitated by the intervention of "Pterosaurus" drones, launched by the United Arab Emirates from its base in Assab, Eritrea. Can thrive because it reduces the ability to verify information weather On the popular island. Forced displacement state-appointed Ethiopian Human Rights Commission has documented extrajudicial killings by government troops researchers suggested that reducing to. 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