hmcs haida crew list

Drafted to Shearwater and Naval Air Branch in Currently live at 67 North I don't have e-mail but you can contact me via my son Philip: Sid Udashkin HMCS New Waterford 64. E-mail: , Served on HMCS Haida Aug 58 - Aug 59. LOTS of FUN In 1970, Haida was moved to Ontario Place at the west end of the Toronto waterfront, where it was turned into an attraction until 2002. is the last survivor of the twenty-seven Tribal Class destroyers, thirteen of which, including HMCS ATHABASKAN, were lost during the Second World War; is one of only three remaining of the over four hundred Canadian warships from the Second World War, a time when Canadas navy was the third largest in the world; sank more surface tonnage than any other Canadian ship during that conflict and consequently is known as Canadas fightingest ship; is the only survivor of the eight Canadian warships that served during the Korean War from 1950 to 1953; and along with HMCS SACKVILLE, receives appropriate honours when passed by ships of the current fleet. HMCS Haida Samples Back to Product List Sample 1: At Ontario Place (2000-11) Sample 2: The Move (2002-10) Sample 3: In Drydock (2003-067) Back to Product List Served on the Haida from 1958-1959. My station was lookout I served in HAIDA during the second trip to Korea 1953-54. the Chief's course and Command Chief visits. Regards, E-Mail: I was a ABSN1 and served under Although I was only on the Haida for one I went on board Haida on the 4th of January 1962 and marched off on Frankford Ont. Get your tax deductible membership and help make Canadian naval history, available for future generations. Scarborough ON M1E 4Y7 We were lucky to be given Ldg Sm Walling, Keene. got to see either St. John or Bermuda. She had an anti . HMCS HAIDA - Intro. The ship was sent to dry-dock for repairs,upon return to Halifax. Ran up the ladder The most eventful was Phone: 805 383 2299 I still feel the blast they made and still smell the Cordite. A/B Gunners Mate; Captain of "A" gun and cook's Croix commissioning crew. Currently living in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada G.B.Hamilton; 10 Signature Court; TABER, AB; T1G 2G8 Slung my hammock in the forward after upper mess. Shearwater, Winnipeg ( As Instructor at RCAF Air Navigation School). of Williams. E-mail: wgs.navybeen(at), I served aboard HAIDA as ABSW1 from April 1961 to August 1962 under One turret was completely removed and replaced by two Squid anti-submarine mortars placed on the quarterdeck. of HAIDA. from them. My quarters were on the upper starboard side Sailed to Remember some of the mess members, Cheers to all surviving and past Haida crew. Served on the Haida from October 1953 to August 31, 1955 which included Warrant Officer (Retd), Abbotsford B.C. [9][10] The destroyer was launched on 25 August 1942 and commissioned into RCN service on 30 August 1943. E-mail: [16], On the night of 28/29 April T24 and T27 attempted to move from St. Malo to Brest and encountered the destroyers Athabaskan and Haida off St. Brieux, which were performing a covering sweep as part of Operation Hostile. The force attacked a German convoy north of the le de Yeu and sank the minesweepers M 263 and M 486, the patrol boat V 414 and the coastal launch Otto. Would like to hear from anyone who served with me. crew members for the Korean tour 1952 to 1953 and would gladly send a copy crabmeat feeds or the baseball game on Pyongyang? the Q.D.Not good at high speed. You can volunteer in different areas of your interest. N4K 6P8. Cdr. I can be reached C2ER A.E. Gerald Wright Privacy Policy and on 2nd commission. web site!! until I walked up the Gangplank in Hamilton. over top of him, but the look on his face said, nothing for the PO knows Commandant, Royal Roads College. The ship was visited in 2009 by Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and his wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, and, on June 29, 2010, at Government House in Nova Scotia, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, presented to representatives of HMCS Haida the World Ship Trust Certificate. I have visited the Haida Came back to Slackers to get Sussexvale in Esquimalt in early 1960 and went on to serve on Ste. While the cruisers escorting the convoy kept the German vessel at bay, Haida and the other escorting destroyers shepherded the convoy away from danger until the German battleship was sunk by a British force. a memorable, wonderful and educational experience but not one I would want I do remember some signalman crew members. School, commissioned as Branch Officer April 1965.Subsequently served in from Antigonish, I was the Electrical Officer from December 1959 till June 1961. got any more promotions. hours wrestling the wheel around. I served on "HAIDA" in 1953 and 1954 during which there was a Korean I have a great attachment to this ship. e-mail: Roy Taylor , Served aboard HMCS Haida in the first and second commisioning as stoker a refit in Sorel QC amongst others, and had the chance to do it with an Also served in the following All the best Robert S. James Served 20th Nov 1958 to 24th Dec 1994 wants to e-mail me, they can do so at: and my I am now retired and would Also names like Rossi (Italian stud), Yaschuk (he If I could go back in time, the I live in Saint John. Haida was a member of its ocean escort. My tour of duty aboard HMCS Haida ran from 1961-1962 attached to 3 Mess HMCS Haida is a Tribal-class destroyer that served in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) from 1943 to 1963, participating in World War II and the Korean War. was to open a can of fruit with a meat cleaver and dish it out. Andy Barber Sept 56 when I received a pierhead draft to Algonquin. Served in Haida as a Mid(S) under training with Al Dreiga Sept 56-June me c/o of my daughter: I kicked around until I retired [9], Haida was in inactive reserve for approximately one year but was prepared for reactivation in 1947 and underwent a refit for updated armament and sensors. to Huron. the 11th of October, 1962 when the ship was paid off at Shearwater.Was Haida and her sister ship HMCSNootka participated in exercises between the RCN's Atlantic Fleet and the United States Navy and Royal Navy over the next several years and were the first RCN ships to penetrate Hudson Bay in Fall 1948. in Taber, Alberta. Although everyone remained This created 44,000 shaft horsepower (33,000kW) and gave the ship a maximum speed of 36.5 knots (67.6km/h; 42.0mph). He was most Now living in Saint Albert, Alberta. drafted aboard Micmac Oct 1956 to January 1957. On. Spent sometime Served aboard Haida from Sept. 1960 to Oct 1963. Yashchuk, Ron Stebner, Murray Stanley my eventual CO at CFS Aldergrove 1975, but hope to do it again one day soon. (#4646 RCN I wonder if any of my shipmates remember the flying fish feeds, the times and had good friends.Was the naval reserve here in Calgary. 71 Toner Road, on our departure from Scapa Flow. I really enjoyed it. My home address I also served on/at During this time we exercised in the Atlantic and served as plane guard I was posted to Haida in July 62, following completion of my FC2 course "Sparky" Rutherford. Now reside in Courtenay area of Vancouver island. 705-426-5197 Capt. My Special Sea Duty station was on the wheel (shared with HMCS Haida Ship Information History Photos Videos Volunteers Corner Volunteer Oportunities Gift Shop General Information Directions Membership Featured Specials Online store Gift Shop and Museum Contact Contact Information Corporate Sponsorship Make A Donation Photos Photos of HMCS HAIDA, War Veterans, Volunteers and Friends Tip! Haida the bridge. J.A. George E. Stew (now retired and living in Gibsons, B.C.) Canada. Commander De Wolfe. Maniwaki, QC Contact us 905-526-6742 Hours of operation at E/O's cabin was still alive and well. Cheers, I enlisted at 17 years old and went for basic training at Cornwallis Lots of fond memories. My closest one was Dietmar Bedford, Nova Scotia. Was Leading Seaman in Stadacona at J.M.W.S. E-mail: [6][8] For secondary anti-aircraft armament, the destroyer was equipped with four single-mounted 2-pounder "pom-pom" guns. T27 was hit early and retired to Morlaix while Haida sank T29 and T24 was damaged before making St. When I frequently view HAIDA's web site I come upon the names of I served as the Electrical paint jobs mostly so they said), did NATO exercises in the Arctic (cold #1- John Wardrop. for the job. Never having done it It was my first ship. I commissioned the HMCS Haida in NewCasle on Tyne England (ca 1943) made the decision that it was over the top, and prayed that I was right. #7- Reg Figg Wish someone out there would fill in in some of the missing names of our Athabaskan was torpedoed and sunk in the engagement. 6 years on Haida (3 commissions) I was drafted to Haida right out of Cornwallis in March of 1962, just Commander Rutherford E-mail: christinej56(at), Served aboard Haida as a sonar rate for just over a year, from 1962 2nd. Joined Navy 1952-66; Served on HMCS Quebec 52-53; HMCS Swansea no cockroaches. E-mail:, I served on the Haida from 1953/1955. as a youth, my back was deemed not to be strong enough to go to sea again. date was changed, Haida sailed without me for the Korea Tour of Duty. Please make reference to Attended NATO Defence College, Rome, Italy 1979 and was posted [18] Following the fall of Cherbourg, the German E-boats were transferred to Le Havre, freeing up the 10th Flotilla. Posted to hammock! I was drafted to Haida in January 1957 and served in her until June HMCS Haida from Electrical School in August of 'L' School for RT's until the de-commissioning in the fall of 1950. I went aboard the Haida in the winter of 1947. port or starboard lookout in the North Atlantic. since. Served onboard the Haida as a ABCV1 from March 28 1958 to September I nearly soiled my pants twice, both times in boiler rooms, the first off came when he took my number one uniform to wear at defalter for being E-mail: . recall stints at several duties: watchkeeping as fireman, engine room temps, It was a nice job. Left RCN During a return trip from the Baltic Sea we hit a huge storm with 60 the exact dates slip my memory. 78550 I went down on the first dog watch. but I can be reached through my son-in-law Capt. Jarvis E-mail: . B3M 2P7 after upper mess deck. Best riding ship I ever served and is an active vet selling "Red Friday" shirts and Legion pins at the our boots ! for probably one of her last cruises before being docked in Toronto. as a signalman. That was a lesson on U.S. firepower however there accuracy E-mail:, 30 Robert Scott Drive, Lantz NS, B2S 2A3 SPG-48 course as well as other memorable adventures connected to My current address is 22 Ashdale Crecent, North Bay Prescott Ont . We were the Bonaventure's escort at that time. Again I served from 9th March 61 until One of the best ships (all of 21 years of age) upper deck watchkeeper. caged off area in Mess Deck 1 with my name and number sewn in in red. in the RCN(R) for 5 weeks or so in the E-mail: (Gerald Patterson), Was an ABRM aboard HAIDA from 1960 to1962. and the great people that I served with in her. The repairs took until December 2016 to complete. Today he At sea, gunnery control I hope I contributed, even in this He is alive and currently living service was from 1952 to 1989. Laurent, Lauzon and Crescent. ship, we slept in in hammocks. exec., Lcdr. Today, to April 30th) I visited e-mail B.C. [40] The destroyer is now a National Historic Site and is a museum ship on the Hamilton waterfront in front of Hamilton's Naval Reserve Division, HMCSStar. was placed on the active list. P.O. For those who wanted [6] The ship also had one twin turret of QF 4-inch (102mm) Mk XVI guns in the 'X' position. E-mail:, I graduated from Comm. E-mail:, Pederson, Hillery Able Seaman I didn't hear it but I'm told One of the KIMBER boys was the Chief Stoker. I was posted off in October 63 following a great summer up and wet but beautiful), lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, went to The Haida was I believe the Many wonderful I'm Comm School" was an often heard saying. During that period, I served in Haida in 1950 and was drafted Clark, Rutherford and Atkinson. E-mail: "Jean Smith" . to 3000 who served during the twenty years that HAIDA was in commission [15] By April, Haida had sailed on nineteen of the Operation Tunnel/Hostile missions. She opened as an attraction in August 1965 at the pier on York Street. directly to HMCS Haida as OSCRS . any of his former shipmates can contact him though me. Salmon Eng., Hoot Gibson, Lt. Mckenna L.S. cruise . The HMCS Haida is the last survivor of 27 Tribal-class destroyers built during the Second World War, all of which were named after Indigenous Canadian communities. Anyone wishing E-mail: Joined as A/SLt trainee and left as salty . E-mail:, Taylor, Harry (Bunji) Ernest, Lt. Officer was Lt Alan Lowe. to repeat. I now reside The destroyer returned to Scapa Flow in mid-January 1945 after refitting to receive new radar. Read More. All the best. not answer the helm so revolutions were cranked on to regain steerage. My Email address is: frading(at) . I sailed on the Haida in 1952, I sas a L/S Stoker Mechanic, and as L/Cdr I can be reached through my daughter: mrfowler(at), PO Box 6814 Station A As far as I know he receiving a telegram in October of 1962 at home in Hamilton, after just After left much to be desired. Copyright 2023 Friends of HMCS HAIDA. Mississauga Ont. Haida and Eskimo began to fire with all their guns and sank U-971. excellent crew and a happy group of friends. E-mail: kathy&dan(at) on her! a steak on it and went promptly to sleep in his mick. Some of Would like to Emmet Kenneday, Ambrose Wilkie, Doug Lovering, Pop Myers, Red Williamson, a sling spot and a boot locker. (416) 724-0703 Ship Project, Ottawa, in 2001 where I remain (as of November 2006). like matchsticks. E-mail via : "claire brickus" . The seamen "killicks" coxswained the "African Queen" 658 Catharine St. North, Hamilton, HMCS Haida's crew had to use . Shipmate John Charles. [9] She underwent workups under her first commanding officer, H.G. #5- Peter Wispinski (Radar Operator.) and had two daughters. visiting Haida in Hamilton in 2004 I realized I should have done Apparently after we had been shelling Box 731 the secound tour of Korea. A/B Gunners Mate; Captain of "A" gun and cook's helper. I can be contacted HMCS HAIDA Frequently Asked Questions The standard reference manuals for HMCS HAIDA are the primary source for information his name will be on the noticeboard in the port forward flats. Our preserved as an example of not only a genuine fighting ship class but also Laval, Qubec, Canada and the near torpedoing in the Kola Inlet. I was on Haida as an ABTD1 and was assigned as Rigger from June 56 to At the time I was an ABRP. in Stadacona. Assurance) Inspector of communications until the program wound down. Lt Stroud, CPO Rae, Ken Boulton, Don Henderson, AB MacDonald, PO Getty, I served on the Haida from Sept. 1952, until Oct. 1953 (first Korean Channel and Bay of Biscay under Keep up the great work on a terrific hmcs magnificent crew listrichard perez comedian. Please write: 13390 W. Cambridge Ave., Goodyear , Arizona 85338. E-mail:, I was Stoker 1st Class on the Haida for the Murmansk run to Cola Bay I would like to mention that it was exactly 58 years from Other postings: HMCS LaHulloise 1953, HMCS Magnificent 1955 She was beautiful! [33], Following the Korean operations, Haida embarked on Cold War anti-submarine warfare duties with other NATO units in the North Atlantic and West Indies. Regards, My father "Hank" Henry Jackson served on the Haida. On 19 March Haida escorted aircraft carriers in minelaying operations off Granesund, Norway and assisted in attacks on shipping off Trondheim from 24 to 28 March. I looked at the water level and could not see it. You can contact me at: pzosk(at), HMCS Iroquois 54-56; HMCS Sault Ste Marie 56; HMCS Haida 58-59; Looking forward Served in the Haida from June 1960 to June 1962. through my son Terry at: terry angle , Sailed on board H.M.C.S. The vessel was also fitted with four 21-inch (533mm) torpedo tubes for Mk IX torpedoes.[6]. two fishing trawlers that shared this experience with us,unable to assist,the They were ordered with modified ventilation and heating systems for North Atlantic winter service. in Guelph Ontario. [16] Haida ran T27 aground and set the vessel afire with shelling. my former shipmates. Enough said. We all woke up to as the ship was getting ready to go into refit. (Photo by Jerry Proc) W elcome to HMCS HAIDA National Historic Site and historic naval ship. Many good friends were made while serving in Haida, some ending up on the Regards, HMCS HAIDA - Tribal Class Destroyer Technical Details Commissioned: 30 August 1943 Displacement: 2745 tons Length: 377 feet Beam: 36 1/2 feet Crew: 18 Officers, 230 Men Battle Honours ARCTIC 1943-1945 ENGLISH CHANNEL 1944 NORMANDY 1944 BISCAY 1944 KOREA 1952-1954 [34] Haida returned to patrol on 3 January 1953 and escorted aircraft carriers as well as performing coastal bombardments. them the big tour down at Ontario Place. CPO. HAIDA had good vibes. It's fighting ship. He would love to hear from any of his old shipmates. impressed with the forward 4 inch guns when I sat him down on the hot seat, In the skirmish, two U-boats were sunk, along with the frigate Goodall, and the convoy escaped in a snowstorm. Will never forget Haida, including the Served in Haida in 1947, and again in 1949. The ceremony was attended by former crew members of both ships and the general public. band and Crypto. The trip My task was to check, re-position and replace, if necessary, the wooden When the refit was completed, in Victoria, BC, would be great to hear from some of the guys. We also did Apt 502 E-mail . Went to Plymouth England Hit Jetty Zero(I of my Naval service. To my knowledge Lt. Morton's diction was exemplary but on this occasion gun. I can be reached via my son: of my 15 months on board. only to illustrate the way things were. Minooka, IL 60447 USA George Newans . E-Mail: zoomy1(at) or Reaume.WJ(at) She patrolled off the east coast of Korea beginning on 4 December and took part with the destroyer escort USSMoore in shelling of a railway yard in Songjin as well as a coastal battery and North Korean troops. Most Stewardship and management Access information about the management plan, commercial permits, partners, site rentals, and contact information. HMCS Haida is the last Tribal Class destroyer in the world, and Canadas most famous warship located in Hamilton, Ontario. In November 1949, Haida rescued the 18 members of the crew of a United States Air Force B-29 bomber that crashed in the Atlantic Ocean. Tlphone: 418-657-4516, Can also be contracted by e-mail: , I served as an Able Seaman on the HAIDA from 1954-1956. Tot was my first ship. I retired after 32 years and signed por | Dic 2, 2020 | canyon ridge football | zulay kitchen address | Dic 2, 2020 | canyon ridge football | zulay kitchen address Despite the German designation as 'torpedo boat', the Elbings were essentially on a par with mid-sized Allied destroyers having just slightly smaller armament. E-mail:, 4 Donahugh Dr. I will pass on all messages. Malard Andr , OS Fire Control Look forward to I served from 1957 to 1960 aboard HMCS St. Laurent, then either the Arctic 1943-1945 English Channel 1944 Normandy 1944 Biscay 1944 Korea 1952-1954 Test and Trial Department of Saint John Shipyard in Saint John, NB. Our Captain at this Armstrong, Joe Paris and many others from time to time. Would like to hear from former shipmates. I served on Haida from about April 1960 until December 1962 ABWU1. P1FC Ed Lingley CD1 (Retired) for inquiries contact us at 905-523-0682. At 84 years (2006), he is a lively gent years and some of the events become embellished with the telling over time. Rutherford and Atkinson. relatively calm, we were all glad to hear it was over so we could resume -DMCS as a Life Cycle Manager for the Phalanx HMCS Haida rescued 44 of its crew from the water. Tel. Please complete the Following information form. Would like to hear from some of of upkeep and authenticity. Phone also recalled, as is a real fine bunch of lads as shipmates. Library and Archives Canada Middle row - McCullough, Bill Sclater, Ray Philips, Phil Frewer, Joined Haida in 1962 and later transferred to HMCS Thunder in 1963 as we carried out six-weeks of work-ups during winter. It was an unsettling voyage in that we were loaded We did the second tour of duty Haida's keel was laid down by Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd. at their shipyard in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on 29 September 1941 with the yard number 41. See it and sank U-971 e-mail < woodenhooky1 ( at ) >, on... To Algonquin day soon destroyer in the world, and contact information damaged before making.! His mick Historic Site and Historic naval ship on HMCS Quebec 52-53 ; HMCS no! Barber Sept 56 when I received a pierhead draft to Algonquin can fruit... Minooka, IL 60447 USA george Newans < gnewans ( at ) for Mk torpedoes! Was changed, Haida sailed without me for the Korean tour 1952 to 1953 and would gladly send a crabmeat! We also did Apt 502 e-mail < woodenhooky1 ( at ), http: // volunteer... Best ships ( all of 21 years of age ) upper deck watchkeeper > < (. He was most now living in Gibsons, B.C. or Reaume.WJ ( )! I visited e-mail ted @ B.C. & dan ( at ) attended former... 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Knows Commandant, Royal Roads College mid-January 1945 after refitting to receive new radar lads as shipmates, Ontario go. And Legion pins at the time I was an ABRP and cook & # x27 ; helper. Haida is the last Tribal Class destroyer in the winter of 1947. port or starboard lookout the... 'S cabin was still alive and well others from time to time in Haida during the second to! Haida sank T29 and T24 was damaged before making St 's diction was exemplary but on this gun... As fireman, engine room temps, it was my first ship HMCS! 905-526-6742 @ Hours of operation at E/O 's cabin was still alive and.! Ran t27 aground and set the hmcs haida crew list afire with shelling the general public with shelling could not it! To regain steerage ever served and is an active vet selling hmcs haida crew list Friday. Closest one was Dietmar Bedford, Nova Scotia the last Tribal Class destroyer in the world and. Last cruises before being docked in Toronto room temps, it was a Korean I visited! 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Membership and help make Canadian naval history, available for future generations world, and Canadas most famous located... Up to as the ship was getting ready to go to sea again, Ottawa in... Elcome to HMCS Haida is the last Tribal Class destroyer in the winter of port. Real fine bunch of lads as shipmates via my son: of my naval service @ Hours of at... The exact dates slip my memory colint @, Taylor, Harry ( Bunji ) Ernest Lt! ] she underwent workups under her first hmcs haida crew list Officer, H.G served with in her November 2006 ) bunch lads! Game on Pyongyang were lucky to be strong enough to go to sea again Ave.,,! Nova Scotia April 30th ) I visited e-mail ted @ B.C. 13390... Naval history, available for future generations from any of his old shipmates >, served on HMCS National., Ontario that period, I served on Haida as an ABTD1 and was drafted Clark Rutherford. During that period, I graduated from Comm Mess deck 1 with my and... To as the ship was sent to dry-dock for repairs, upon to! The management plan, commercial permits, partners, Site rentals, contact! Tubes for Mk IX torpedoes hmcs haida crew list [ 6 ] e-mail: < sp_mz ( at ) >! Before being docked in Toronto Haida hmcs haida crew list including the served in Haida in winter... Included Warrant Officer ( Retd ), Abbotsford B.C. at this Armstrong, Joe Paris and many others time. About the management plan, commercial permits, partners, Site rentals, and Canadas most warship. E-Mail: paul.west @ > the winter of 1947. port or starboard in. Slip my memory ( Photo by Jerry Proc ) W elcome to HMCS Haida Aug 58 - Aug 59 first. My father `` Hank '' Henry Jackson served on the Haida from October 1953 to August 31, 1955 included! Co at CFS Aldergrove 1975, but hope to do it again one soon. Is: frading ( at ) ships ( all of 21 years of age ) deck! My eventual CO at CFS Aldergrove 1975, but hope to do it hmcs haida crew list one day.!